If he remembers correctly, there will be a big event in Tarzan in the near future.

This major event was the largest and most far-reaching event among the many major events before the revival of Reiki.

This major incident caused the land of Qilu to be scorched all over the place, and there were heavy casualties.

"My parents are in Qilu, so it seems that I am going to take a trip."

Su Mu thought.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, why don't you talk. Song Yu, who nodded on the phone, was still calling.

"Oooooh. Su Mu came back to his senses at this time and said to Song Yu on the other end of the phone. "Is this Yuelu mall in our hometown owned by your group?" Song

Yu didn't think about it, and replied directly: "As long as it is a shopping mall with the word Yuelu, it is all from our group."

"If your hometown's mall is also Yuelu Mall." Well, it's part of our group. "

Yuelu is not only a name, but also a symbol.

In the whole of Huaxia, no other individual or organization dared to use the word 'Yuelu'.

The reason for this is that Yuelu Group has the world's top legal department.

Once there was a company in Huaxia that did not believe in evil and fraudulently used the word Yuelu.

That company was in Huaxia at that time, and it was also very famous.

However, with the efforts of the legal department of Yuelu Group, this company has directly become a thing of the past.

"Moutai flying here is on sale. But your staff here says that only regular customers can buy it. Su Mu directly explained the reason.

Su Mu did this, which made people feel a little fussy.

But Su Mu himself didn't think so.

In Su Mu's opinion.

Looking for Song Yu directly, this can reduce a lot of trouble.

"I know, I'll have their manager go to you right away.

The two ended the call.

Zhao Feiran is the general manager of Yuelu Shopping Mall in Su Mu's hometown.

At only 30 years old, he can become the general manager here. In addition to having strength, it is also because he can be a person and has some relationships.

At this time, he was playing with his mobile phone in the office.

A general manager like him, except for some important decisions that need to be made on weekdays, does not need to be handled by him at all.

So when he is fine on weekdays, he likes to play with his mobile phone in the office.

While he was playing, a cell phone next to him rang.

The phone next to him is his work-only phone.

That mobile phone number, only people at the headquarters know.

However, when he saw the caller ID, he was obviously stunned.

Because the caller ID number is an unfamiliar number.

Even if it was an unfamiliar number, after the phone was connected, Zhao Feiran still asked very politely: "Who are you looking for?"

Song Yu's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Song Yu?" For

this name, Zhao Feiran was a little unfamiliar.

He quickly operated the computer in front of him with the mouse.

After some operation, Song Yu's photos and materials appeared in front of his eyes.

"Hello Mr. Song, you called me at this time, is there something wrong?" The

security department of the group is a very special existence in the Yuelu Group.

It is both within and outside the group's system.

Once one of Zhao Feiran's masters told him not to offend the people of the security department no matter what.

"If I'm not mistaken, Moutai Feitian's sales policy is anyone's purchase, right?" asked Zhao Feiran.

Although Zhao Feiran didn't know why Song Yu asked this, he still nodded and replied: "The group's Feitian Moutai policy is indeed that everyone can buy it.

"But why is it that our friend of President Lu is hindered from buying Feitian Maotai in your mall?" As

soon as these words came out, Zhao Feiran's whole person went crazy.

"You... You...... Are you saying that President Lu's friend, who wanted to buy Feitian Maotai from our place, was hindered?" Zhao

Feiran's body began to tremble unconsciously after asking this.

If what Song Yu said is true, I'm afraid something big will happen to him.

"That's right, his name is Su Mu, and he is now on the first floor of your mall. The staff at your mall told him that only regular customers could buy it.

After Song Yu said this, he hung up the phone directly.

Zhao Feiran was slightly stunned and quickly got up.

He rushed out of the office at a brisk pace, his fingers poking at the elevator button.

"Why is it so slow!" complained Zhao Feiran.

This was the first time he felt that the elevator was so slow.

When the elevator reached his floor, he rushed directly into the elevator, and then pressed the first floor button in the elevator.

The elevator went down rapidly, but Zhao Feiran still felt very slow, very slow.

On the first floor, the elevator doors open.

Zhao Feiran rushed out with one move.

At this time, he happened to see Su Mu's group walking towards the door of the mall.

For some reason, he just glanced at Su Mu and could conclude that he was President Lu's friend

, and if he had to ask him to say the reason, he would answer temperament.

He had met Lu Zhenghao.

He felt that Su Mu's temperament was very similar to Lu Zhenghao's temperament.

This kind of temperament is only available to masters and superiors.

"Hello, are you Mr. Su Mu?" Zhao Feiran blocked Su Mu's way.

Su Mu glanced at Zhao Feiran, frowned, and said very dissatisfied: "Who are you? We don't seem to know each other, right?"

Mr. Song told me that your purchase of Feitian Moutai here was hindered?"

Su Mu looked at the panting Zhao Feiran, and said a little unpleasantly: "I said that your shopping mall, the staff training is too inadequate." These

are my questions!" Zhao Feiran did not dare to refute, so he had to nod.

Our President Zhao is being reprimanded by a young man.

"Good fellow, he usually reprimands others, when is it the turn of others to reprimand him."

"Who is this young man, why is it so powerful, you look at Old Zhao, you don't dare to raise your head."

Otherwise, Old Zhao would not have just lowered his head and been disciplined. "


The surrounding mall employees were shocked to see Su Mu reprimanding Zhao Feiran.

As a brother of the mall.

Usually, everyone has only seen Zhao Feiran reprimand others, and when have they seen others reprimand Zhao Feiran.

Moreover, the one who reprimanded Zhao Feiran was still a young handsome man.

"My father and my second uncle are both good wine people..." Although

Su Mu's words were not finished, the meaning was already very obvious.

"I see. Zhao Feiran nodded and said to Su Mu very seriously. "I'll call someone to move all the Feitian Maotai in the warehouse and send it to your home." "

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