Imperial capital, eat the conference room of the headquarters.

The huge conference room was full of people.

At the main seat of the conference table, an old man sat down.

The old man had white hair and was dressed in a Tang costume.

Don't look at the old man's age.

But his eyes were not cloudy at all.

Not only is it not cloudy, but it is even brighter than the eyes of the average young person.

The old man's name is: Han Tianqing, the founder and chairman of Huaxia Eat.

"What is the situation with Mount Tai?" Han Tianqing looked at the middle-aged man sitting beside him.

The middle-aged man's name is Chu Shan, and he is the head of the intelligence department who ate it.

Chu Shan opened the file folder placed in front of him and said very seriously: "Intelligence shows that Taishan has recently experienced two more slight shaking.

"The shaking of these two times was very slight. Even climbers and tourists at the top of the mountain are not aware of these two shaking. When

Han Tianqing heard this, his brows frowned slightly.

"Have we sent someone?" Han Tianqing looked at the other person.

This man's name is Bashui, and he is the head of the Eaten Operations Department.

Ba Shui nodded and said very seriously: "We have sent five squads. Each squad is led by a well-nourished Inhuman.

"What about the information that came back?" asked Han Tianqing again.

"No abnormalities were found. When he said this, Ba Shui's expression was a little unnatural.

"Didn't you find anything abnormal?" Han Tianqing looked at Bashui.

"Yes. Ba Shui nodded and said very seriously and seriously. "Not only did I not find any abnormalities, but there was not even any abnormality.

"Trouble!" After

listening to Bashan's report, Han Tianqing said to himself.

"It's not abnormal, isn't it good?" Chu Shan looked puzzled.

"You're a typical example of knowing what is true and not knowing why. Han Tianqing glanced at Chu Shan, his eyes full of helplessness.

Chu Shan was still puzzled.

"Tarzan's shaking, I suspect that some kind of alien beast was born, or evolved.

"But the people we sent didn't find anything unusual at all."


first case, which is a good situation, is that something is wrong with my feelings. This few shaking of Tarzan is just a coincidence.

"The second situation is a bad situation. That is this birth, or evolved alien beast, learned to hide and disguise. It hides or disguises itself very well.

"If that's the case, then we're in big trouble." "

The disguise or concealment of an alien beast is an incredible thing in itself.

At this time, someone will definitely say.

So many animals in the animal kingdom will also hide and camouflage, which is not a big deal at all.

Actually, this is not a concept.

Alien beasts feed on humans.

Mount Taishan is also a well-known tourist area in China.

The fact that this beast can hide and lie dormant on Mount Tarzan shows that it has greater ambitions.

What specific ambition, Han Tianqing does not know.

"Send twenty more squads. Han Tianqing ordered Bashui.


Ba Shui didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to nod.

"I hope I'm wrong.

Han Tianqing said to himself.

Su Mu's hometown Yuelu shopping mall, warehouse.

Zhao Feiran asked Su Mu with a respectful expression: "Mr. Su, do you think these are enough? At

this time, in front of Su Mu, there was a bunch of flying Maotai.

"Second uncle. Su Mu looked at Su Erqiang and asked with a smile. "How much are you going to want?"

He said enthusiastically, but after speaking, his face collapsed. "But my private money is only enough to buy two bottles

!" "Hahaha!" Seeing his second brother look like this, Su Sanqiang smiled. "Second brother, you are still so unproductive. "

How?" said Su Mu's mother, who had never spoken, at this time. I want to know, how many bottles do you have enough money to buy in your private house?"


It is said that his second brother has not appeared, but in fact, he has not appeared compared to his second brother.

At the discounted price, bring me thirty cases!"

As a junior, Su Mu decided not to be biased, and ten boxes per person.

"Big nephew, this is not okay. "Although Su Erqiang is good wine, he also has good face.

"I said second uncle, face is not worth much. And, this is my filial piety to you. The younger generation respects the elders, this is not how it should be!" Su Mu can also speak.

"Okay. Su Erqiang nodded and pretended to be embarrassed and said. "Since it was sent by my eldest nephew, then I am not respectful.

"Your typical thing is to get cheap and sell well." Su Mu's father complained about his second brother.

Su Erqiang didn't speak, just a strong smirk.

"You help me calculate how much is thirty boxes!" Su Mu looked at Zhao Feiran.

Zhao Feiran hurriedly waved his hand: "How can I ask for your money! Zhao

Feiran was not complimenting Su Mu, but telling the truth.

You know, Su Mu is their friend of President Lu.

None of the people who can become friends with President Lu are ordinary people.

So to kill Zhao Feiran, he did not dare to ask for money.

"When I say give you money, I'll give you money, don't talk nonsense. Su Mu frowned.

He has no habit of taking advantage.

"Okay. Zhao Feiran saw Su Mu's face showing displeasure, so he had to nod. "Then I will charge you the price of the event."


Su Mu nodded.

Thirty boxes of Feitian Maotai, Su Mu spent a total of more than 510,000.

"Big nephew, you are such a filial and good boy. Su Erqiang was really happy, he patted Su Mu's shoulder and said. "I ate open tonight, and I can't eat too much.

Su Mu smiled and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to eat with you for dinner today."

"What's wrong?" Su Mu's father looked at Su Mu and asked worriedly. "Did something happen?"

Su Mu nodded: "I'm going out." "

Go out. As soon as Su Mu said to go out, his mother's heart tugged. Facing

his mother's repeated questions, Su Mu smiled and replied, "Don't worry, this place I went to is very safe."

"My friend has something that I need to deal with." After the matter over there is done, I will go straight back to school. "

Hey. Hearing Su Mu say this, her mother didn't say anything more, but just sighed reluctantly.

"Pay attention to safety!"

Su Mu's father patted Su Mu's shoulder.

Su Mu nodded, and then stopped a taxi by the way.

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