Qilu Dadi, Tai'an Airport.

Su Mu, who had just walked out of the airport, saw the majestic Mount Tai.

Mount Tai is the place where the emperors of China sacrifice to the heavens.

In the history of China, Mount Tai also has a pivotal position.

Su Mu, who walked out of the airport, took a taxi and went to Mount Tai.

At the foot of Mount Tai, he was not in a hurry to climb the mountain.

Mount Tai covers a huge area.

He couldn't be sure where the big incident in Tarzan had happened.

So he decided to shop around first.

Taking advantage of the tourists' lack of attention, he went directly into the no-man's land of Mount Tai.

Tarzan's aura is not abundant.

However, it was enough to support Su Mu's unlimited opening of Tongyu.

In the state of Tongyu open.

Su Mu discovered that this most famous mountain in Chinese history was indeed extraordinary.

In a place in no man's land, he saw something that shouldn't have been here.

It was a stone brick.

The shape of the stone bricks is very simple, and it is very historical at a glance.

Su Mu picked up the stone brick and looked at it carefully.

"Stone bricks from the Ming Dynasty.

Su Mu saw that on one side of the stone brick, there were some tiny words.

The text shows that this stone brick was produced during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty.

"Why did bricks from the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty appear in this place?" throughout the history of the Ming Dynasty


No matter which emperor it was, he did not build a lot of construction near Mount Tai.

"Unless..." A

possibility flashed in Su Mu's mind.

But soon, this possibility was forgotten by him.

Continue in no man's land.

Su Mu actually saw some human skeletons.

The clothes of the bones have long since decayed, and the bones have become fragile.

It looks like it should not be the bones of modern people.

Keep going.

After walking for about five minutes, Su Mu stopped.

Not far in front of him, he saw another skeleton.

This skeleton was different from the skeleton that Su Mu had seen before.

Its appearance is very similar to that of humans.

But the difference is that the two ribs of this skeleton have a bone structure like wings.

"Angels, demons, or vampires?" Su

Mu, who had experienced the revival of his aura, was not surprised by the strange appearance of this skeleton.

After carefully observing, Su Mu continued to move forward.

This time, he did not see the body again.

As he continued to go deeper into the no-man's land, there were more and more trees around him.

With more trees, there are naturally more small animals.


Su Mu saw a big, fat rabbit.

The fat appearance of the rabbit made Su Mu's mouth water.

Just as he was about to catch the rabbit, a voice sounded not far away.

"Is the source of the third vibration really around here, why did we look around and find nothing?" Hearing

this voice, Su Mu quickly hid his figure.

As soon as his front foot was hidden, several people came over on his back foot.

"Have you eaten?" When

he saw the uniforms of these people, Su Mu's face showed a strange expression.

Before the reiki revival, everyone only thought that Yumo was a small takeaway company.

But after the revival of Reiki, people found that eating it was not as simple as it seemed.

"The official Inhuman Organization, why are they here, and what does the vibration in their mouths mean just now?" Su

Mu, who was a reborn, knew the true identity of what he had eaten.

This is a five-person squad.

The leader of the squad is a well-nourished alien.

The remaining four people are all in the innate ninefold realm.

The people of the squad quickly walked past Su Mu's side.

"Could it be that they sensed something?" Su

Mu's mind began to spin rapidly.

The calamity of Mount Tai back then, after eating, really arrived at Mount Tai for the first time.

At that time, they also sent a lot of elites.

However, the alien beast of Tarzan's calamity was too powerful, resulting in heavy deaths and injuries.

Su Mu later read the record of the calamity of Mount Tai.

Shown on the record.

Five years after the disaster of Tarzan, he gradually recovered his vitality after eating.

In other words, if there had not been the calamity of Mount Tai back then, the land of China would not have been destroyed.

"Maybe by following them, I can find the root cause of Tarzan's calamity."

Su Mu gathered his breath and flame, and quietly followed behind the squad.

"Why is it that every time this kind of drudgery comes from

us, I really want to eat snacks at home and brush a certain sound!" ", don't I want to? But there is no way! Since we join in the meal, we have to do errands!" "

Did you give us such a high salary, is it just to let us eat snacks at home and brush a certain sound?"

Don't you know what it means if a strange beast appears in the land of Qilu?"

They complain and complain, but they know their duties very well in their hearts.

Eat it, not only is it the official alien group of Huaxia, but also the first line of defense against alien beasts in Huaxia.

They looked serious, their hands on their weapons.

As long as there is danger, they can immediately draw their weapons to resist the danger.

Su Mu followed them silently.

After walking for about an hour, Su Mu's brows suddenly furrowed.

A dangerous aura suddenly appeared not far ahead.

Su Mu's realm is higher, so he senses the existence of danger.

But the others still moved forward seriously, not aware of the danger.

In the state of opening the seclusion, Gao Mu found that in a low grass not far from the team, a strange beast was leaning over, as if waiting for something.

The appearance of this strange beast is very similar to that of ordinary black panthers.

In terms of body size, it is also the same as that of ordinary black panthers.

But Su Mu knew that this was definitely not an ordinary black panther.

Because in the biological system near Mount Tai, there is no environment for black panthers to live in.

"This shouldn't be a cat!"

Su Mu stared at the strange beast with some doubt in his heart.

【Black Feather Hunting Cat】

Level: C (Juvenile)

Introduction: A black cat that evolved due to taking a different fruit. The hair on its body evolved into feathers. This makes it faster.


As Su Mu expected, this creature like a black panther was really a black cat.

The realm of the squad leader is to nourish the qi.

A C-grade juvenile beast is equivalent to raising qi one to three.

Judging from the comprehensive strength of the squad, they are not the opponents of this black feather hunting cat at all.

"A C-grade juvenile beast, if this squad collides, it will definitely die!" Just

as Su Mu was thinking, the black feather hunting cat that had been dormant suddenly launched.

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