Half a month later.

Inside the underground secret base found in the wild.

Kimura Takuno danced with excitement.

Although the equipment here looks old, it can be said that they are all the pinnacle of ninja technology.

He is more and more certain that this is Tobirama's secret laboratory.

Even after decades, the level of advancement of these equipment is still comparable to those sold on the market.

It's just that the exterior design looks old, but in fact it must have been the most advanced equipment in the past.

So it must be worth a lot of money. Apart from Orochimaru, it is Tobirama who can set up such a secret laboratory and easily abandon it.

And it's better to say that it's forgotten than abandoned.

Many things here are in use.

Including the energy equipment that uses geothermal energy, which has been in operation all the time.

It has not been turned off at all, so it can't be abandoned actively.

Instead, it seems to be waiting for the owner and can be used at any time.

The death of the second generation Hokage happened to be an emergency.

So this is the secret laboratory of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and Tobirama encountered an accident during the war when he was negotiating with Kumogakure, so this laboratory was left like this.

And judging from the traces of use, this laboratory should be Tobirama's personal laboratory, and there is no trace of use by another person.

Even if you don't look at the traces, just look at the experimental data here.

You can also know that Tobirama will never let another person know about this laboratory.

Even his elder brother, the first generation Hokage Hashirama, he would not let him know.

Because Hashirama would never tolerate Tobirama, so unscrupulously studying all the bloodline ninjas in the village.

If the research data here is exposed, it may cause Konoha to collapse directly from the inside.

As early as the Warring States period, Tobirama studied water escape to deal with Uchiha.

He specially studied the fire escape that Uchiha was good at, and even developed the Flying Thunder God to deal with the Sharingan.

After the establishment of Konoha, Tobirama also studied the ninjutsu or bloodline limit of all ninja clans.

It is these data that exist here.

Looking at these materials, Kimura Takuno couldn't help but call him a genius. Tobirama has prepared ways to crack almost all the secret techniques or bloodline abilities.

Not only Konoha, but also the ninjutsu of other ninja villages are included, but some have been completed and some are just guesses.

After all, Tobirama died young. If he had lived longer, his achievements would have far exceeded Hashirama.

But God is jealous of talents!

"Then let me help you fulfill your ultimate dream!"

There is no explanation of what Tobirama's ultimate dream is, but all the research here reveals his ambition everywhere.

According to Kimura Takuno's understanding, Tobirama's ambition is to flatten all ninja villages and realize the unity of the ninja world!

Kimura Takuno originally had some ideas, but what he thought was very simple.

He just wants to survive. No matter who comes, don't think of killing him.

No matter if your surname is Uchiha or Otsutsuki.

Don't mess with me, you will die if you come!

But he never had any big ideas, he only knew that it was just his original idea, and he had to become the strongest in the ninja world.

Now he felt that his original goal was almost achieved, but it might have been far away before.

But after receiving Tobirama's legacy, his path to becoming a strong man has taken a big step forward.

So he felt that he might be able to do something more.

While thinking, a voice came from his mind.

"Boss Takuno, where are you?"

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"Danzo urged me to assassinate Kurama Yakumo again."

"Then let the brothers prepare and start the root eradication plan. Anyway, all the trustworthy people have been transformed in the past few days, and the tongue curse has been removed. Everyone has mastered the beastman form, right?"

"Except for the two people who just received the transformation yesterday, the remaining 62 people including me have mastered it."

"Okay, let's promote the Root Ninja Training Base as the Blood Mist Village first, and emphasize the orphans whose parents sacrificed for the village and were arranged by the Root to assassinate each other. This is the first step, and wait for things to develop before taking the next step."


The mental communication in his mind ended, and he no longer thought about these things, and continued to work hard to digest the legacy left by Tobirama.

Because in his eyes, Danzo is already a dying person, the only difference is when he will die.

When Danzo ordered the assassination of Kurama Yakumo, Kimura Takuno had already sentenced him to death.

What's more, there is what he learned after removing the tongue curse of his brothers and sisters.

I originally planned to wait a little longer until my Sage Mode was initially developed successfully before I started.

But I didn't expect that Danzo was eager to die.

So I'll send him off first.

After the Root was abolished, Kimura Takuno will merge the Spark Society into Tsunade's newly established Anbu.

First support Tsunade to take the position firmly, and then take over when the time is right.

It's not that I want to be Hokage, at most I can be the village chief.

It's just that Kimura Takuno feels that his strength must have reached the top by then, and if he doesn't become Hokage, no one else will dare to become Hokage.


Within a few days.

Rumors spread in all the major taverns in Konoha Village.

Some people rumored that Konoha Hokage advisor Shimura Danzo arranged for the orphans of heroes to kill each other for fun.

Not only that, he also tricked the orphans into doing things that concealed Danzo's personal interests.

Among them, there was a pair of siblings whose parents were heroes who sacrificed for the village.

The siblings entered the Root at the same time, thinking that they were inheriting their parents' will to protect the village.

As a result, they were forced to do all kinds of dirty black jobs, which was fine, after all, how could there be light without darkness?

But until the younger sister was forced to use her body to spy on information.

She was obviously a powerful ninja, but she was sent to a foreign rich man to be humiliated and tortured. Not only could she not resist at all, but she had to greet him with a smile.

As the older brother, he had to guard the door for the beast outside to prevent anyone from disturbing the beast's interest.

Afterwards, the siblings obtained information and wanted to kill the foreign beast.

But Danzo said that the beast was still useful to Konoha, and asked the siblings not to touch him and to put Konoha first.

For Konoha, the siblings chose to endure.

At first, when people heard this rumor, they were all very surprised about the task of obtaining intelligence. There were professional ninjas in the village.

There was no need to sacrifice female ninjas like this.

People questioned the narrator, and then heard the second half of the story.

After the brother and sister swallowed their anger, they unexpectedly learned not long after that Danzo used the information he obtained to seize the property of the rich businessman.

Although the rich businessman was a beast, he had good business talent. Danzo did not kill him just to let him continue to make money for Danzo.

From the beginning, this matter had nothing to do with the village. The village did not gain any benefits, and only Danzo benefited.

Danzo used the benefits he gained to cultivate his roots in an attempt to compete with the Anbu of the Hokage.

So Konoha does have an interrogation team that can directly seize the information in the enemy's head, and there is no need for female ninjas to sacrifice like this.

However, the interrogation team that masters the interrogation ninjutsu is directly under the Hokage and is not dispatched by the Hokage's advisor.

And Shimura Danzo did this to achieve his own ulterior purpose, and he could not let the Hokage know about this at all.

This is why the female ninja was sacrificed to achieve his goal.

After hearing this, the people were in an uproar.

But the story is not over yet.

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