The angry people continued to listen to the end of the story.

The brother and sister learned the truth and wanted to go to the Hokage to expose Danzo, but after the root ninja entered the root, Danzo carved a curse mark on their tongues.

The root ninjas who were engraved with the tongue curse were unable to say any "bad words" related to Danzo.

If you want to say something, you will be punished by the curse seal and become stiff, unable to move or even lose consciousness.

So the brother and sister could only think about it. In the end, they did not report Danzo because their bodies were stiff.

But what the brother and sister didn't expect was that Danzo would know immediately if they triggered the curse seal.

After Danzo learned that the brother and sister wanted to betray him, he immediately assigned the brother and sister a task. Both of them were tasked with assassination.

And in the same place, the assassination target can only be known after arriving at the place.

And it is explained that the penalty for not completing the task is death.

Now the brother and sister, who just wanted to survive, went to the mission location together.

After arriving at the location, the two siblings discovered that the person they wanted to kill was actually the other party.

The mission cannot be completed without killing the opponent, and the person who cannot complete the mission will die.

The two of them noticed that the people hiding around them were stronger than the brother and sister.

So the sister begged her brother to kill her.

She said that after that incident, she no longer wanted to live, and she only survived for her brother.

Now her brother can't live unless he completes his mission, and she won't be able to live alone without her brother!

But before she finished speaking, her brother decisively cut off her heart with a knife.

When he was dying, his brother said: "Sister, stay alive, you are more talented than me and have a better chance of revenge!"

The sister listened to her brother's words, cut off his head with her own hands, returned to the roots, completed the task and survived.

Looking at his sister who had lost everything, Danzo smiled happily. He said that people who have lost everything will have no emotions, and tools without emotions are truly good tools.

"Just like that, my brother died. My sister didn't cry at his grave. She just used the knife that her brother cut himself to carve the word "vengeance" on her face.

A little man wearing a veil and wrapped tightly all over.

After telling the story calmly, he walked away without even looking at the angry crowd.

He walked calmly and didn't seem to be emotionally affected by the story he told at all.

"It's so abominable. I want to beat up Danzo after hearing this! How could he do such a thing?"

"Bagaya! Just give him a beating and you're done? Danzo, this bastard, deserves to die!"

"How can it be repaired! Such a person can actually become the Hokage's advisor? He must be killed!"

"Well, who are you? Why do you know these things and know so many details? Isn't it true that you can't talk about Danzo-sama's affairs?"

"Yes, don't be deceived. How can this kind of thing be true? Lord Hokage and his advisors are spreading the will of fire to everyone all the time. How can it be possible to do such a thing?"

"Baga, it's indeed a bit suspicious. You're not lying, are you?"

The little man who had already reached the door stopped and turned his back to everyone. He slowly raised his hand and took off his veil.

"Baga, what about you? Don't even think about running away until you explain clearly!"

Someone who was impatient stepped forward and pulled the little man around.

The impetuous man who originally had an angry look on his face, but after seeing the little man's straight face, he stood blankly and spoke incoherently.

"Uh, you, you are. Are you her?"

Impatient retreated slumped, and everyone was able to see the little man's face clearly.

Everyone could see that this young face was supposed to be delicate.

But now, it is crisscrossed with scars.

The scars form one word - revenge.

"Nani. Why do you think this is fake? It's obviously something that happened. Why do you think it's fake?"

Aqiu looked at everyone with an expressionless face, his tone showed no doubts, and his emotions showed no fluctuations.

But she felt a little irritable in her heart. She remembered the emotion, but she had lost it.

She couldn't laugh, let alone cry, but now she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"Go find Takuno. I'm not feeling well. He is a doctor and can treat me."

Qiu thought in his heart, so he went to the secret base.

In the secret base.

Since I met the members of the Spark Club one by one here, I have proven my strength on the one hand, and on the other hand, all the members have been transplanted into the Ninja Tiger arms.

The third time is to lift everyone's tongue curse seal.

The method is very simple. Cut off the tongue with the seal, and then soak the tongue in a nutrient solution to keep it active. This way, the curse seal is still there and will not be touched by Danzo.

As for people whose tongues were cut off, Kimura Takuno could cure them with just one finger.

After lifting the tongue curse seal, Kimura Takuno truly understood the evil side of the ninja world.

I can’t help but sigh, the real crime is not just killing innocent people?

Things that violate the bottom line of human ethics are the evil that really hurts people's hearts and makes them sleepless and sleepless!

This is something that will not be released in any original work, but it is truly hidden in this world.

Can't see the light.

"Boss Tuoye, is this really okay? Let Qiu reveal his scars like this in front of everyone?"

"This is her own choice. She had no choice before, but now she chooses to act this way. And I also agree. Only by facing the fear in her heart can she awaken her emotions again."

"Boss Tuoye, is the technique you mentioned true?"

"Yes, it's true, but it's not perfect now. I will really perfect it. It will take a while, it won't be long. If you use it now, you won't get the ideal resurrection effect at all."

Kimura Takuno was busy observing the ninja cells and Yakumo's cells.

There are also recently acquired cells, Neji’s cells, Yuhi Hong’s cells, etc.

After intensive observation for a period of time, he concluded that there was almost no solution for the blood disease.

The ability to inherit blood boundaries comes from genes, and the disease also comes from genes.

If you want to cure the blood inheritance disease, you have to modify the gene, but after modifying the gene, you will cure the blood inheritance disease and "cure" the blood inheritance limit ability.

This is something that no blood successor ninja can accept.

No wonder Orochimaru, the great scientist in the ninja world, couldn't solve the blood disease.

It turned out that it wasn't that it couldn't be done, but that once it was done, it would become meaningless to him.

If you want to cure blood diseases, you must retain your abilities.

Kimura Takuno has no choice for the time being.

Even if you get Hashirama cells, this existence is like a panacea in countless Naruto fan works.

Kimura Takuno also has a pessimistic attitude towards it.

After all, even the first generation himself died in an unknown manner. Kimura Takuno speculated that Hashirama might also have died of blood disease.

The more powerful the ability, the more terrifying the price.

The powerful Wood Escape ability of the first generation most likely overdrawn his life force.

This is too similar to the pathology of most blood diseases.

The more you use your powerful abilities, the faster your body will decay.

However, the first-generation cells have not yet been obtained, and Kimura Takuno cannot draw a conclusion on this.

After killing Danzo, you can get the first-generation cells, soon.

"Takuno, I'm not feeling well, please help me treat it."

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