In the underground laboratory.

Kimura Takuno looked at Aqiu who walked in.

There was no emotion in her eyes, as if the person who had just exposed her own scars was not her.

"I don't feel well, my heart hurts."

"Hey, come here, let me help you take a look."

Aqiu nodded and walked to Kimura Takuno.

She saw some moisture in the latter's eyes, and her tone remained calm even though she was confused.

"Why are you sighing, and why are you crying? As you said, this is the sign of a weak person."

"Yes, this is the sign of a weak person. I think I am still too weak. I just wanted to be stronger. A stronger plan would make me more confident.

I thought Genbu would only arrange for bonded people to kill each other when they reach adulthood. I’ve seen the anime and it’s obviously something that only happens when adults!

This bullshit ninja world! "

The more Kimura Takuno talked, the more excited he became. He clenched his fists, and the chakra on his body was no longer hidden.

The momentum that burst out has already exceeded the shadow level.

"It's not your fault. As you said, it's never the fault of being weak. It's the strong ones who bully the weak who are wrong."

Aqiu put his hand on Kimura Takuno's head, just like the latter did before.

Kimura Takuno moved the opponent's hand away and curled his lips in embarrassment.

"Hey, you actually gave the words back to me."

"My heart doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

Ah Qiu smiled slightly, it didn't look like he was faking it.

Then he turned and left.

Kimura Takuno looked at Aqiu's thin back. He hadn't told Aqiu about the reincarnation of the dirty land yet.

It was not a perfect technique, and telling her now would only increase her troubles.

This isn't the best outcome either.

Kimura Takuno thinks there are better options.

Just not at this time.

A few days later.

The public sentiment in Konoha Village is raging.

There were many voices attacking Danzo.

Even the other two consultants were implicated.

Inside the Hokage's office.

The two advisors, the Third Hokage and Koharu Mitomen who had transferred to another dormitory, together with the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, discussed matters regarding Danzo.

As soon as the incident happened, Tsunade wanted to capture Danzo first and then investigate.

But he was stopped by Hiruzen Sarutobi. Hiruzen knew a little about the root, but he could only know roughly. After all, the telescope technique only looked at Danzo, and did not monitor all the members of the entire root.

This also gave Danzo room to operate.

If the incident is true, then the power hidden in the root is very likely to be able to fight against the ANBU.

If a rash attack arouses resistance, it will inevitably cause immeasurable losses to Konoha.

Now Danzo is only temporarily suspended from his duties.

But in the past few days, other incidents have been exposed.

"It seems that the evil incident at the root is far more than that. Sarutobi-sensei, even if you want to save Danzo, you can't save him now. You made the mistake of trusting him!"

Tsunade sat in the main seat. She had been wanting to do something these past few days, but she could only angrily accuse her teacher here.

Although the latter was sitting aside, it did not affect his momentum at all. I saw him take a drag on his pipe and make his final decision.

"I didn't expect that he would do so many evil things. Just do as you say, arrest Danzo and have a public trial."


The two advisors who had been silent until Sarutobi Hiruzen made his decision spoke up.

Seeing this, Tsunade gritted her teeth even more.

He was secretly angry.

The damn old men and old ladies are dragging me to be Hokage, but they still hold on to the power in their hands.

After being the Hokage for more than half a month, Tsunade's temper has been weakened a lot.

She took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Then let's arrest people first, Ziyue, Black Panther, please take people to arrest Danzo."

Ziyue and Black Panther are Uazuki Yugao and Oda Lang, and they have been incorporated into their ANBU by Tsunade.

After hearing the words, the two people immediately took the people and set off.

Is it just that Danzo will be captured so easily?

within the roots.

"Have you found out? Who did it?"

"Checked it out."

"who is it?"

"It's me!"


In an instant, Danzo and his personal guards were all subdued.

Others who wanted to protect Danzo were also suppressed instantly.

"How dare you betray me? Tongue curse seal!"

Danzo, who was subdued, immediately activated the Tongue Curse Seal indiscriminately.

But except for those who stood up to protect him, they fell on the spot in pain.

None of the other people who betrayed him were affected.

Danzo's eyes widened instantly.

Kimura Takuno wears a root mask, which is a bit uncomfortable. There are only two small holes for the eyes. How do they usually see people?

You can't even see it when someone attacks from the side, right?

It must be changed in the future.

He came to Danzo and only listened to the latter's calm questioning.

"Who the hell are you?"

Kimura Takuno was a little surprised. Why was this old boy so calm when things happened? Who gave him the courage?

After a second thought, I knew the answer.

Haha, it must be because of Shisui's eyes.

So the purpose of speaking is to determine who the leader is so that he can directly release other gods to the leader?



Kimura Takuno activated the sound-silencing teleportation technique, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Danzo, and took off his blindfolded eyes with one finger.

God has it!

Danzo was shocked that the opponent actually knew his trump card, so he must have come prepared.

He was anxious and must not let other gods fall into the hands of others.

He immediately made up his mind and wanted to use the Li Sixiang seal.

It's a pity, how could Kimura Takuno let him have this opportunity?

After Kimura Takuno put away Shisui's Sharingan, he immediately moved out with both hands.

Chakra absorption technique!

Danzo's chakra was drained in an instant.

The performance of any ninjutsu is inseparable from chakra. Without chakra, it depends on how he releases the sealing technique.

After absorbing the chakra, Kimura Takuno raised his hand and used another high-temperature chakra knife, and chopped off Danzo's right arm with one blow.


"Does it hurt? Don't worry. I got your blood and flesh cells half a month ago. Do you know what I did with them?"

Kimura Takuno said and took out a seal scroll, and saw the word Danzo written on it.

He cast a spell to release whatever was inside.

And after Danzo saw what was inside.

The expression of pain turned into fear!

"You guys, do you want to take my place?"

"Haha, you are overthinking, I spent more than half a month cultivating this body.

It's not meant to replace you.

It's meant to die in your place, and I will let you live.

Not happy? "

Kimura Takuno was wearing a mask so his expression was invisible, but his tone was cold. No one who heard this would think that they could really survive.

"Do you want to torture me? You won't succeed. As long as I recover a trace of chakra, I will commit suicide immediately!"

"Haha, death is not the end. I said I would let you live, but I didn't say you wouldn't die. Ah Qiu, go ahead and kill him for the first time."

Chou, who had been waiting for a long time, pulled out the knife that his brother had used to kill himself, and stabbed Danzo through the heart without hesitation.

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