Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 46: Orochimaru and Scorpion's happy working life

Outside Konoha Village.

Orochimaru's secret base.

Since arriving here a day ago.

Orochimaru and his companions couldn't wait to start their research.

After preliminary research, they found that there was always a kind of energy where Danzo's head and the pig's body were connected.

Several people agreed that it was this energy that made the rejection reaction that should have existed not affect Danzo's health at all.

Orochimaru himself has also done a lot of limb transplant experiments.

Except for a few people with blood relations, the transplant was successful, and the others were not successful.

There was only one exception, that is, Hashirama cells. The arm cultivated with Hashirama cells was installed on Danzo by him personally.

Except Hashirama cells are compatible with all other receptors.

There are no other exceptions.

This made several people sigh again.

"Kimura Takuya is really a genius. If you don't figure out what this energy is, no one can do it except him."

If Kimura Takuya was here, he would probably modestly say that there is another Biruko.

After sighing, several people continued their research.

Little did they know that they were all working for Kimura Takuno for nothing.

And Kimura Takuno was about to mess with their mentality.

The entrance of Konoha Village.

Everyone arranged their family affairs and gathered together with all their luggage.

“Yoshi! Everyone is ready, let’s go!”

“Uh, Teacher Kai, where are we going? This mission has no direction at all?”

“Tiantian, this is not a problem at all. When you have no direction. You only have two choices, one is to retreat, and the other is to rush forward! Konoha’s ninjas will not retreat easily, so our direction is very clear, let’s rush forward!”

“It makes sense, I can’t refute it! But why do I suddenly feel a little passionate?”

Tiantian complained a little speechlessly, she raised her backpack in front of her and began to look for something, most of which were summoning scrolls in the backpack.

Since listening to Takuno’s words, Tiantian has developed Konoha-style ninjutsu that attaches chakra to long-range weapons.

But in the past half month, she has been studying summoning and sealing techniques.

Because she found that it was difficult to maintain chakra attached to melee weapons.

If you want to maintain chakra on long-range weapons after they are released, you must use chakra metal.

Chakra metal is extremely precious. Even the son of the Hokage can only take out a pair of fist blades.

With the financial resources of the Tenten family, of course they can prepare some for her, but it is a bit too much to think about throwing them around like ordinary long-range weapons.

At first, Tenten also thought about using the special wood used to make chakra test paper to make weapons.

After all, this special wood is cultivated with chakra from the very beginning of its growth, and after it grows up, it has chakra conductivity that is no less than chakra metal.

It can be made into chakra test paper that is very sensitive to chakra properties.

But after trying it out, it was found that this kind of wood does have good chakra conductivity, but after the wood is attached with chakra, it is still just wood.

Its power is not even as good as ordinary metal weapons.

The distressed Tenten found Kimura Takuya.

Kimura Takuya pointed a way for Tenten, and he said this to the distressed girl.

"Simply attaching chakra to wood does not increase the power much, but what if we add sealing techniques?"

"Ah! Detonating Talisman?"

The smart girl understood it immediately.

Detonating Talisman is also to seal the fire escape ninjutsu on the chakra paper, so that a piece of paper can play the effect of advanced fire escape?

Many senior ninjas who are proficient in fire escape and sealing techniques have orders for detonating talismans from her family.

Ordinary chakra paper does not have the sensitivity of chakra properties to chakra test paper.

It is just that it has a stronger tolerance to chakra, so it has become an excellent material for sealing scrolls and detonating talismans.

And the special wood that has not been processed is actually more stable than ordinary chakra paper.

Generally, semi-permanent seals will use special wood to directly engrave the sealing technique to obtain a better sealing effect.

If you want a better effect, you can only use chakra metal, but this is obviously too expensive.

So in the end, Tiantian still chose the long-range weapon made of special wood.

However, she would engrave all the sealing techniques, and then ask people to seal various advanced ninjutsu.

During the battle, she only needs to apply chakra form changes similar to the silencing technique on the ninja tools.

This will allow the ninja tools to attack the enemy quickly and silently, and can also control the explosion of the ninjutsu sealed on the ninja tools through chakra threads.

It can be said that Tiantian now has a combat power of no less than one card if she is well prepared!

Even more lethal!

Because her lethality depends on how many ninja tools she can bring.

After all, opening the seal on the ninja tools consumes little compared to throwing.

"Finally found it!"

Tiantian, who had been rummaging through her backpack for a long time, held what she found in her palm.

A delicate little box with something in it, clanging like some small stones.

There was also a pair of half-finger gloves, and she handed these two things to Kimura Takuya with both hands.

"Takuya, I found the gem you asked me to find, and also this glove woven with special wood fiber."

"Oh, have you found them all?"

Takuya Kimura was thinking about how to lead the team to Orochimaru's laboratory.

Seeing Tiantian handing over something, he came back to his senses and took the gloves and gems.

There was nothing special about the gloves. These were tactical gloves woven from special wood fibers.

Although a little expensive, they had excellent conductivity for chakra.

They could also prevent weapons from falling out of hands during close combat. There were also metal pieces inlaid on the back of the hand, which could provide good protection.

They were basically a must-have for elite ninjas.

They were the ones Kakashi often wore.

They were thin and breathable, and Kakashi said they were good.

"Ha! Tiantian, you actually secretly prepared a gift for Takuya. Why didn't Neji and I ever receive one? You like Takuya, right?"

"No, no! This is not a specially prepared gift. It was something Takuya asked me to find!"

Takuya Kimura looked at the gloves in his hand and felt that they were not the standard size sold in the store.

They were custom-made sizes, and they seemed to be the same size as his hands.

Well, this little girl seemed to have misunderstood. Could it be that she knitted them herself?

"You said you didn't prepare it specially, but I saw you knitting half of it in your backpack last time!"

"Kill you!"

Ten-Ten learned it instantly without any instruction, and used the famous move in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - naked choke!

Kimura Takuya shook his head and smiled, squatting on the ground to make a seal and use ninjutsu.

"Ninjutsu: Real Transformation Technique."


The gloves and gems on the ground were combined into one, and the shape of the gloves was changed to a slimmer female glove.

The Real Transformation Technique is not often used on objects, and Kimura Takuya made a rare seal again.

But everyone was shocked by his operation.

He actually used the transformation technique directly to truly change the shape of the gloves. Geniuses are indeed creatures that ordinary people can hardly understand!

Neji was almost scared and rolled his eyes, and began to doubt his life.

"Try it! Ten-Ten."

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