"Hey? Is it for me? I thought it was.

Tiantian was happy and a little disappointed. After all, she knitted it herself. She thought it was sent out, but it was sent back.

Looking at the girl with a complicated expression, Kimura Takuye stretched out his hand and put on the gloves he had just "changed" for the girl.

This glove still looks like the half-finger tactical gloves, but it is perfectly inlaid with various gems near the joints of the five fingers and fists.

The gems have also become smooth to fit the hands.

It looks like Iron Man's Infinity Glove.

It's just a little more low-key and not as gorgeous as the Infinity Glove.

But the appearance is also very beautiful.

After putting the gloves on the girl, Takuye ignored the former's red face.

Turning around to explain to everyone.

"Tiantian's chakra attributes are very weak, but her chakra strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

This is why she has such talent in space-time ninjutsu.

If the chakra is not strong enough, it is impossible to pry open the door to space-time ninjutsu.

And the most important point is that Tiantian has all five elements!

She even has Yin-Yang escape chakra attributes, although they are very weak, so that the ninjutsu she performs is much weaker than others. "

Kimura Takuno said this and turned to look at Tiantian, who also lowered her head sadly.

It is difficult for anyone to accept such a fact that Tiantian is born with the potential of the seven escape techniques.

But they are all weak.

Suppose others use fire escape normally, the temperature of the flame is 1000℃, and when Tiantian uses it, the temperature is only 100℃.

She can also use fire escape, but she can't even light a fire in the wild, which is really uncomfortable.

Not only that, if Xiao Li has no chakra attributes at all, it is impossible for him to learn ninjutsu with attributes.

Then Tiantian, who has all attributes, can learn all these attribute ninjutsu, but it is extremely difficult and the power is very poor!

Learning is the same as not learning, it is a waste of time.

This is also the reason why Tiantian almost never used escape techniques in the original work.

As for the question of Tiantian's full attributes, Kimura Takuno had some guesses when he was watching anime in his previous life.

Tiantian picked up the Six Paths Sage's treasure fan during the Fourth Ninja World War.

The Six Paths Treasure Fan can release high-level ninjutsu attacks of five attributes. Tiantian once used this fan to destroy a heart of Angle with one blow.

The ability to use this fan proves that Tiantian's chakra quality is strong enough.

And there is another prerequisite for using this Six Paths Treasure Fan, that is, the chakra attributes need to be comprehensive.

Otherwise, it cannot be used.

In other words, the Six Paths Treasure Fan can improve the user's own chakra attributes.

No matter how weak your attributes are, as long as you have all five attributes, you can use the Six Paths Treasure Fan to use high-level attacks of five attributes, and even release attacks of five attributes at once.

But if your chakra is not strong enough, you will be drained to death by the Six Paths Fan!

So in order to enhance Tenten's chakra attributes, Kimura Takuno designed and made this pair of gloves.

This pair of gloves is a kind of ninja tool that can enhance chakra attributes.

In addition to the Six Paths Treasures with magical powers, there are various powerful props in the Naruto world.

There are only the Seven Ninja Swords of Kirigakure and the Kusanagi Sword that is suspected to be mass-produced by Orochimaru.

There are also Itachi's two artifacts.

The Flame Fan of the Uchiha ancestors.

Tsunade's necklace.

The Thunder God Sword of the Second Generation Hokage.

And the 27 Death Masks of the Uzumaki Clan.

In addition to these things, it seems that there are only some weapons made of chakra metal.

As a fantasy plane, the number of these extraordinary weapons is really too small, right?

The Xiuxian plane next door , it can be said that everyone has a magic weapon. Anyone who knows how to practice can make a few magic weapons, not to mention spiritual weapons and magic treasures.

It can only be said that the development of weapons in this world is too slow.

After several years, there are only some cannons, scientific ninja tools and other things that are not cool.

The only thing that is a bit promising, the Snow Country Chakra Armor, has not spread.

It may be related to the fact that ninjas rely on themselves to practice.

All the power in the body comes from hard practice. The only Sage Mode that pursues power from the outside can only be practiced by a few people.

There is no idea of ​​seeking the way from heaven and earth right away.

It is also difficult to achieve great development outside.

The strength of a ninja is basically determined by bloodline. If your bloodline is awesome, you are awesome. If your bloodline is not good, even if you work hard for a lifetime, it will only be a flash in the pan.

This is also related to the cultural thoughts of the country of Honko, which does not have the spirit of the Chinese kings, princes, generals, and ministers.

The whole story of Naruto tells a point of view, that is, fatalism.

Obviously, two passionate characters, Gai and Lee, were created, but in the end, the efforts of these two "ordinary people" were just used to pave the way for the awesomeness of the characters with awesome bloodlines.

And Neji, who was dominated by fatalism at the beginning, seemed to have broken his fate because of Naruto.

But in the end, he was still forced to die to fulfill Kishimoto's fatalistic view.

If not, Neji would not have to die at all. His death can be said to be worthless, except to prove Kishimoto's twisted fatalism.

Kimura turned his head and glanced at Neji. Neji's chakra attributes are fire, earth, and water, and he also has the disadvantage of weak attributes.

However, as a Hyuga genius, his weak attributes are only relative to ordinary people, which is actually the strength of a normal person.

The effect is not as good as the soft fist, and it is difficult to use with the Byakugan.

In fact, the most suitable attributes for Neji are thunder and wind attributes, but Neji has neither. If you practice them forcibly, they will be weak attributes, and generally speaking, they are completely unnecessary.

But if the attributes can be enhanced, then the Byakugan can also use Chidori, and the combination of lightning escape and Byakugan is also a way.

"Takuye, what is the use of this glove you made for Tenten?"

"Enhance the chakra attribute value, so that her originally weak ninjutsu becomes stronger. At the same time, I have engraved sealing techniques on these gems, which can be used to store different ninjutsu."

"So, Takuye, do you hope that I can release ninjutsu in the future?"

Tenten looked at Kimura Takuye in confusion, and raised his hands with special gloves, like a surrendering short-legged cat.

The latter waved his hand and shook his head.

"No, I hope that in the future, you will not use other ninjutsu except for the auxiliary ninjutsu with small consumption.

But you have to master the nature change of all attributes proficiently."

"Ah? Why? Nature change is difficult? If you want to master it all, how long will it take?"

Tiantian and others naturally already know the difference between nature change and form change.

The latter is the core key of Konoha style ninjutsu.

But the former is a skill that only elite ninjas can master!

Takuye actually let Tiantian master it all?

Too scary, right?

"Becoming stronger is a continuous thing. The road to becoming strong can be said to be endless. Even the legendary Six Paths Sage is not the strongest in the ninja world."

Kimura Takuye looked around at everyone present and expressed his understanding of becoming stronger.

Everyone was a little surprised by Kimura Takuye's words.

Even the legendary Six Paths Sage is not the strongest, is there a stronger existence?

And Takuye seems to want to surpass such an existence?

"My ninja way is to become the strongest that surpasses everything and to make all the impossible possible! If you want to keep up with me, then please work hard to become stronger too."

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