Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 64: Obito appears, and Kamui shows his power for the first time

On the other side of the civil war between master and apprentice, Jiraiya became increasingly angry.

Why is this enemy who looks like Yahiko getting stronger and stronger?

It seems that every time an enemy is eliminated on Konoha's side, the opponent will become stronger.

Now when Kakashi also eliminated Shura Dao.

This feeling is particularly obvious!

Now this guy who calls himself Heavenly Dao has become several times stronger than before!

Everyone saw Jiraiya being ejected dozens of meters away again.

"Jiraiya-sama, do you need help?"

"What a shame! Don't look down on me, I am the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain!"

Spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, Jiraiya took a few breaths and felt annoyed.

Before returning to the village yesterday, I spent too much energy in that custom shop, and I didn't sleep much last night.

I came here early this morning after another noisy flight.

I'm older.

We can no longer play the game of three people as a crowd.

Although Takuno has good medical skills, he doesn't seem to know how to treat kidney deficiency.

Bad review!

Tuoye didn't know that he had just received a bad review, but he was still watching the show happily.

"Jiraiya-sama, can you do it?"

"Nani? Can I do it? When I was roaming the custom street, you were still a tadpole with a long tail!"

"Then hurry up. I'm in a hurry to go back to eat. Otherwise, I won't be able to get a meal after dinner time."

Jiraiya was angry for a while, he was still fighting. Do you understand fighting?

Very serious!

He will die!

You're just picking your nose next to me, and you're still thinking about where to go to get food while you're doing it?

Jiraiya complained about Kimura Takuno in his heart, but he did not neglect his own battle.

Although he knew the opponent's information, he knew that there was a five-second interval between Tiandao's ninjutsu.

But the guy who calls himself Heavenly Way is getting stronger and stronger, not only the power of Ninjutsu, but also the power of Siamese Technique.

The black rod emerging from the opponent's body is very hard, and after touching it, it can interfere with chakra and make people unable to move.

If you are not careful, you will be injured if you are touched.

Long-range ninjutsu will be bounced away, and it is very dangerous up close.

If you want to solve it in one go, do you have to use continuous high-damage ninjutsu?

"Damn it, you still refuse to tell me where Nagato is?"

“Gods don’t have to explain themselves to mortals.”

"Your companions are all dead, don't you feel anything at all?"

"I said it was only temporary, and now I will show the true power of God."


Jiraiya finally decided to take action. From now on, he used blood to draw strange lines on his face.

And he clasped his palms together for a long time, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly he shouted loudly and slapped his hands on the ground!

"Psychic art!"

Two strange-looking old toads appeared.

It is the two immortals Fukasaku and Shima from Mt. Myoboku.

Kisame, who was paddling with Konan's clone, looked confused.

tnnd, is there no one here who knows how to form seals?

I can’t look at them anymore, they affect my Taoist mind!

The seals make me happy, and the ninjutsu used in the seals is stronger!

Chou Shen Mao Zi Hai You Chou Wu You Zi Yin Xu Yin Si Chou Wei Si Hai!

"Who will build the water escape dam!"

Kisame used a big water blast to flood the battlefield and successfully stole the scene, making him laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! Xiaonan, let me see how you can use your paper escape!"

"My mission today is to deal with you just in case. So for this paper clone, I use waterproof paper, haven't you noticed yet?"

"Huh? Damn it, no wonder I beat you for so long and you didn't even get wet by me!"

Bang bang bang!

Kisame just finished speaking.

Xiaonan was immediately slapped with the detonating talisman.

The brain of an honest man in the ninja world is buzzing!

Originally, Konan was just a paper clone, so Kisame shouldn't have to deal with him for so long, but then Konan used waterproof paper to target him.

Secondly, Konan knew him and his Samehada very well.

Third time, Xiaonan didn't confront him at all, she just held him back.

Therefore, Kisame was very frustrated from the beginning. He was constantly harassed by Paper Release. He fought but refused to fight with you. He couldn't run and outrun Paper Release, which could fly.

It's very uncomfortable.

Originally, I was thinking of using a big move to create an environment that was beneficial to myself and detrimental to the enemy.

With one ebb and flow, the battle can be ended quickly.

But unexpectedly, Konan didn't follow the routine and suddenly used a secret high-explosive talisman, giving Kisame a hard blow.

Fortunately, I have Samehada to cover me, otherwise I would have fallen into trouble this time. I, Kasaki Kisame, am also a Kirigakure S-class rebel ninja, and fallen into the hands of a paper clone. Do I still want to hang out in the future?

Kisame was angry and raised Samehada to do it again.

"Hey! That shark face over there, do you have any merit? It's just a clone. How can you spit out such a big mouthful of saliva? It's disgusting!"

I saw Shima Sennin standing on Jiraiya's left shoulder and yelling curses, and Fukasaku Sennin also standing on Jiraiya's right shoulder.

Apparently Jiraiya has turned on the sage mode!

"The boy is going to use oil, and the father is going to use wind!"

"Senpō Goemon!"

Two frogs and one person simultaneously use magic chakra to spray out three attribute attacks: fire, oil, and wind. At the same time, these three attacks begin to merge into one after being sprayed out.

A sea of ​​fire oil was instantly created!

This sea of ​​kerosene floats on the vast ocean of water escape created by Kisame.

Just like an offshore drilling platform leaking oil, kerosene burns on the sea, and thick smoke billows to cover the sky!

And the temperature of the kerosene smoke in the ninja world is also extremely high.

Konan's paper clone had no way to avoid it, and finally died in the sea of ​​fire.

And Jiraiya used this powerful attack, of course, not just to destroy a paper clone.

This attack has a very wide range, and it also covers Tendo Pain!

But Tendo Pain was in the thick smoke, muttering to himself.

"I can resist a bag of rice for several floors, and I can resist you with a bag of rice."

"I am so tired to resist a bag of rice, and I won't wash a bag of rice."

"Let's witness the power of God together!"

"Super Shinra Tensei!"

Boom! ! !

With Tendo Pain as the center of the circle, all the materials within a few kilometers were blown away in an instant!

There was only a huge deep pit left at the scene. This deep pit was not only huge, but also had a tight and smooth wall like a mirror.

The power of this blow actually pressed the soil and rocks of the pit wall into marble!

In the battlefield.

Tendo Pain stood in the void above the huge pit.

Looking around, there was no enemy!

"Is it solved?"

Tendo said to himself.

"Of course not! Fairy Technique: Super Large Rasengan!"

Jiraiya, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared, holding a ball with a diameter of two or three meters in his hand, and stabbed Tendo Pain.



Tendo Pain was smashed to the hard bottom of the huge pit. The bottom that was pressed into marble was cracked for hundreds of meters by this blow!

Tendo Pain, dead!

Others also appeared with a bang. It turned out to be an emergency. Kimura Takuye wrapped everyone in the body of the Slug Sage and used the reverse summoning technique together.

Jiraiya himself also knew how to do it. He rejected Takuno's reverse summoning technique in his heart net, and used the reverse summoning technique by himself.

That's why Jiraiya came back alone and took down Tendo Pain with one blow.

"I want to take a good look at who you are!"

Jiraiya stepped forward and wanted to check Tendo Pain's body.

Suddenly, a space wave appeared under his feet, and he dodged it quickly.

The ground where Jiraiya was standing just now disappeared out of thin air!

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