Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 65: The Eight Gates of Immortality, the Gate of Shock Opens and Shocks the World

A one-eyed masked man appeared out of thin air in the pit.

The masked man was naturally Uchiha Obito, but Takuno had not told Konoha about his information before.

So Jiraiya and others didn't know, they just thought he was the one behind everything.

"Masked man, are you the leader of Akatsuki?"

As soon as Obito showed up, he ignored Jiraiya and just glanced at everyone.

He stood beside Tendo Pain with flaws all over his body, wanting to take away Tendo Pain's body.

Because of the weirdness of Obito's just appearance, Jiraiya didn't attack rashly.

But this masked man was too arrogant. He bent down and picked up Tendo Pain's body as if he was defenseless.

Jiraiya couldn't stand it anymore. This flaw was too big, and this posture was too good!

"Senjutsu·Thousand Needles!"

Jiraiya's hair turned into countless thousands of needles and shot out!

Ding Ding Ding!

The hair needles containing the senjutsu chakra shot at the masked man like a rainstorm.

With the senjutsu chakra, the hair needles are more powerful than ordinary iron needles and there are many of them.

Countless hair needles pierced the masked man's body.

But the masked man didn't feel anything.

"What's going on?"

Seeing this, Jiraiya was shocked.

He immediately attacked with fire escape, but it couldn't hurt the masked man either.

At this time, everyone saw the masked man's only exposed eye.


And Itachi, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

"Be careful, his pupil technique is a space-time ninjutsu, and physical attacks are ineffective against him."

"Itachi, do you know who he is?"

Kakashi felt a little familiar, but couldn't say it, so he turned around and asked Itachi.

And Obito, who had been silent all the time, looked over here and said.

"I am Uchiha Madara,"

Obito hadn't finished speaking, and everyone hadn't had time to be surprised.

Kimura Takuya suddenly spoke up and asked Kakashi loudly.

"Senior Kakashi, you have been covering one eye. Are you injured? Let me treat you. It will be fine in a snap."

"Uh, no need. Compared to this, it seems that a formidable enemy has come now. Uchiha Madara, this is the former patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

If it is true, he is a figure of the same era as the first Hokage, who is called the God of Ninja!"

Kakashi showed a rare serious expression, raised his forehead protector, and revealed his Sharingan.

Attracting everyone's attention, Obito also looked over, and was about to speak, but was interrupted loudly by Kimura Takuya again.

"Ha! Sharingan too? But Senior Kakashi, why does yours look different from Senior Itachi's?

It seems to be rubbish, and who transplanted it for you? This person's medical ninjutsu is too rubbish, right? He can't even treat the scar on your eye socket? Can such a waste be a medical ninja?"

Two bursts of chakra burst out in an instant.

One was Kakashi, who wanted to teach this junior who originally felt good a lesson, but just had this idea.

But he was shocked by the chakra burst of the masked man opposite him, which was faster than his.

Why is the chakra so familiar, who is it?

When Kakashi was puzzled, Obito rushed over here instantly.


Kimura Takuya was secretly happy in his heart. With this wave of hatred, Obito should not run away easily.

Kimura closed his eyes and opened them again.

The whole person's momentum changed drastically, but he turned on the sage mode again!

"Eight Gates of Immortal, Open the Gate of Shock!"

In an instant, Kimura Takuya opened seven gates in a row, and the majestic green chakra gushed out crazily, rushing straight into the sky!

A huge amount of chakra burst out, suddenly slapping the air around Kimura Takuya.

It actually slapped Kakashi next to him away!

What? Takuya actually opened seven gates directly? How is it possible! It has only been a few days since he opened six gates?

It has only been one night!

Might Guy was shocked by Kimura Takuya's rapid improvement, and even more shocked by Kimura Takuya's momentum in opening seven gates!

This is the seventh gate?

Why do I feel that yours is better than my eight gates?

Everyone was shocked!

But there was only one person in the field whose eyes did not change.

That was Obito who rushed over at a very fast speed!

It happened in a split second.

All these descriptions happened in just a moment!

Everyone didn't even have time to speak.

The masked man arrived in front of Kimura Takuno, and Kimura Takuno seemed to be prepared.

This Sage Mode Eight Gates Ninja Array was opened for the masked man!

Kimura Takuno dodged and retreated quickly before punching out.

"Sage Shock Gate·Daylight Fist!"

A beam of light that seemed to be able to penetrate the void suddenly appeared in front of Obito, covering him completely.

The shock wave generated by the air was not displaced and spread, because the air in this beam of light was instantly penetrated and squeezed to a point!

Just like an ordinary stone hitting glass, the glass will explode into slag, but a bullet with great power and speed shooting glass will only leave a bullet hole!

The speed of this punch was too fast and the power was too strong, and it actually achieved the effect of a bullet penetrating glass.

In front of everyone, a hollow and transparent "fist" was forcibly punched out!

"Impossible! Is this the Evening Elephant?"

Might Guy stared at the "Boxing Dao" in the air with a terrified look. This move only existed in his imagination.

He had never told anyone about it, let alone performed it himself, but he had imagined this move countless times!

It was only because this move was a move he could only perform in his mind.

In order to really perform it, he had to completely open the Eight Gates of Dunjia to the last gate - the Death Gate!

In other words, he would definitely die after opening it!

This was a move he could perform at the cost of his life!


This is not the Evening Elephant!

This is a stronger blow than the Evening Elephant!

Kai saw that Kimura Takuya's "Boxing Dao" was still in the air until now, and it did not cause even the slightest impact on anyone around him!

He could not help but be shocked.

What a condensed punch this was?

The power of this punch was simply condensed to the extreme, without leaking out at all!

Such a terrifying physical attack!

I'm afraid there has never been one in this world, right?

Might Guy's muscles trembled all over his body!

This was the blow he dreamed of!

However, looking at the field again, the masked man was completely unharmed! !

Sure enough, physical attacks could not hurt him at all, even the strongest physical attack that had never been seen in the world?

Might Guy looked at the masked man who seemed to be unaffected in the "boxing".

He was instantly filled with grief and anger. Could it be that the highest physical attack could not compare to Uchiha's pupil technique?

"Not a bad blow, it can actually affect the space slightly. Even my pupil technique was affected, so I had to slow down. Boy, you are proud enough!"

Obito finally walked out of the "boxing" and calmed down.

He praised Kimura Takuya calmly, as if it was a reward from a superior to a subordinate.

But the latter was disdainful and ignored the despicable villain who attacked and killed a pregnant woman in labor.

Kimura Takuya's aura rose again, and blood mist burst out all over his body!

He stepped out suddenly!

"Xian Jing Men·One step on the world!"


This step was like a bolt from the blue!

A black lightning appeared out of thin air!


It was not black lightning!

Obito's calm eyes finally showed panic!

Of all the people present, only he knew that the thing that looked like black lightning was not lightning at all!

It was a crack!

It was a crack in space!

This step actually shattered space!

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