Everyone was shocked.

Only Kimura Takuno had expected this.

How could the family letter left by the Six Paths Sage to his son be so easily destroyed?

As for why Zetsu could modify it?

In fact, it is very simple. Zetsu cannot modify it.

Although Zetsu claims to be the son of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But in fact, it is just a negative energy monster produced when Kaguya was sealed by her two sons.

Just like the monster of Kurama Yakumo.

It’s just that Zetsu’s intelligence is higher and his strength is stronger.

So how could Zetsu modify the family letter left by Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who had already reached the top of the Six Paths Sage?

Zetsu just used his own energy to cover the original text, and then wrote the modified text on the covered energy.

As long as your energy level is not higher than Kaguya, you can’t see through this stone tablet even if you have the Rinnegan.

Even if the Rinnegan is invincible, you can see it.

But after Madara opened the Rinnegan, he had already left Konoha and never came back to see the stone tablet again.

Who has nothing to do and comes back to see this every day?

"You're fine with this kind of attack?"

Sasuke was shocked by his brother's attack just now, and was even more shocked by the family stele, which was not damaged at all after such an attack!

"Takuye, who can change this kind of stele?"

"I can!"

Faced with Sasuke's question, Takuye stepped forward a few steps to the stele and raised his hand to wipe it.

The palm released soul energy, and all the contents on the stele were cleared.

Sasuke was shocked to see this.

"No more! Takuye, you wiped our family stele flat!"

"Don't worry."

Takuye raised his hand and wiped it again.

A simple drawing appeared.

It was a place that looked like a classroom.

A black-haired boy leaned his elbows on the desk, with a smug look on his face.

That was nothing.

But on the desk, there was actually a pineapple-headed boy squatting on the desk, looking at the black-haired boy.

Sasuke came forward and felt that the pineapple-headed boy looked a little familiar, and the black-haired boy looked even more familiar.

As a result, as soon as Sasuke approached,

But he found that the picture on the stone tablet actually moved!

A person in the front row of the desk suddenly stood up and bumped into the pineapple-headed boy, and then the pineapple-headed boy and the black-haired boy kissed each other tightly!

"What? What does this mean? Why does this black-haired boy look so much like me?"

"Wow, haha! Isn't this you, Sasuke? And that pineapple-headed boy, isn't that your friend Sasuke met at the entrance of the village? So you have this kind of experience?"

Kisame laughed repeatedly, holding his hands to his belly and bending over with laughter.

Itachi turned around gently, and then his shoulders shook continuously.

"No! We didn't do that! How could such a thing appear on the family stone tablet? Is it Takuya you who did it?"

Sasuke blushed with anger and angrily accused Takuya.

But Kimura Takuya looked solemn for the first time.

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense, how could it be possible? This is not what I did, how could I be so bored?

I just erased the tampered content just now, and wanted to further show the original appearance of the stone tablet. I didn't expect such a picture to appear.

Ah! I understand, this may be some kind of prophecy."


"It doesn't matter. What matters is that you already know about this matter, and you will not let it happen again, right? Let's continue to look at the stone tablet, it seems that new content has appeared."

"Yes! Absolutely not!"

No one noticed Sasuke's serious expression, and everyone was attracted by the new content on the stone tablet.

It was Kimura Takuno who removed the prank and absorbed all the energy left by Black Zetsu to cover the original text.

The original text revealed was the "family letter" written by the Six Paths Sage to his son's reincarnation.

The text on it is different from the modern one, but it is not difficult to recognize.

But the grammar is ancient and a bit difficult to understand.

"Indra, my son, the meaning of true power is not hatred. Although the power of hatred is long, it cannot last long. Although the power of love is strong, it cannot exist alone. Therefore, things cannot be polarized, and power cannot be polarized. Only the balance of yin and yang can produce each other..."

"What do you mean?"

"It probably means, 'Good son, don't go to extremes.'"

"I see. But Takuya, why did you emphasize it and say it to me?"

Faced with Sasuke's question, Takuya shook his head repeatedly and said to Sasuke and Itachi.

"No, no, I'm not just talking to you, I'm talking to you two brothers."

Itachi seemed to be thinking about something.

But Sasuke was at a loss.

At this time, Kimura Takuya found a soul fluctuation on Sasuke that did not belong to Sasuke.

Tsk, Indra?

It's hidden very deeply, I haven't found it before.

This dark chakra is really tempting!

Kimura Takuya's eyes were stern, and then softened.

Not yet. Although it is tempting, it is still a bit difficult to lure out the Six Paths Sage.

This chakra gives Kimura Takuya a feeling that, in addition to being tempting, it is also about the same strength as his own soul.

From this, it can be seen that the spirit of the Six Paths Sage is probably much stronger than Takuya is now.

If the Six Paths Sage's son is swallowed like this, I'm afraid this old man will be directly brought out.

This old man is very bad. He allows the souls of his two sons to reincarnate and fight each other in the ninja world.

The whole ninja world is in turmoil.

Countless people were affected, and finally it was Madara, Hashirama and Naruto's generation.

The matter was too big and he couldn't stop, so he came out to solve the problem.

Without the Six Paths Sage family, there wouldn't be so many things.

However, if there was no Kaguya Otsutsuki, there would be no birth of ninjutsu.

The Ninja World would not be called the Ninja World. It would only be an unknown world, used by the Otsutsuki clan as nutrients to cultivate the sacred tree, and eventually perished due to the exhaustion of natural energy, becoming a lifeless world.

Speaking of which.

Kimura Takuno witnessed the alliance between Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

The Uchiha clan naturally needs no introduction.

And the Hoshigaki clan of Kirigakure.

But it is very mysterious. Only Kisame appeared in Shippuden.

In Boruto, another Hoshigaki Shisumima appeared, who inherited Samehada.

Hoshigaki Shisumima looks and has abilities similar to Hoshigaki Kisame.

But the strength, tsk tsk.

Let's not talk about it.

But overall, Hoshigaki Shisumima is just not as good as the best, but better than the worst.

So overall, the Hoshigaki clan is similar to the Uzumaki clan, both of them have special physiques.

But they are not considered to be bloodline ninja clans, and the Hoshigaki clan does not have the same sealing technique as the Uzumaki clan.

So although they are both ninja clans with special physiques, they have not developed their own clan's abilities.

Unlike the Uzumaki clan, because of their high chakra stability, they have studied a lot of sealing techniques for this purpose.

Now, most of the sealing techniques of the five major countries come from the heritage of the country of whirlpools.

The Hoshigaki clan seems a bit inferior when compared.

"OK, your business is done. I still have some things to do, so I'll leave first."

Itachi has understood the original meaning of the family stele.

He knows that before, it was just someone who was malicious and induced the Uchiha clan to go to extremes of extreme killing.

In this case, there is no point for Kimura Takuya to stay here any longer.

He turned around and left, but came back halfway.

"Kisame, are you a human?"

"Huh? What do you mean by am I a human? Take that word 'ma' off! I'm telling you, don't think you can insult me ​​just because you're powerful!"

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