Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 73 Research on the bloodline of the Hoshigaki clan

"You misunderstood. I'm just curious. I wonder if you are interested in joining my lab."

"No! Labs don't sound like good places. You can't ask me to be a researcher. So you want to study me, no way!"

Kisame Hoshigaki refused sternly. His appearance was disliked by others since he was a child, so he was hated and excluded.

Bloodline was a childhood shadow for him.

Although he later let it go and used his strength to shut up all those who looked down on him.

Since then, he doesn't care much about others looking down on his appearance.

But he hasn't reached the point where he can let others study casually.

Takuya Kimura shook his head and turned away, just mumbling something strange like "It smells so good".


Half a month later.

The underground base of the Spark Society.

"It smells so good! I didn't expect that your cooking skills are so good, this hot pot is so delicious!"

Kisame Hoshigaki and Takuya Kimura, together with some researchers from the Spark Society, are having hot pot together.

Everyone laughed at Kisame's ignorant look.

Kisame didn't mind, he just lowered his head and ate a lot. By the time others reacted, he had finished all the meat.

Everyone could only eat vegetables in the hot pot, which made Kimura Takuya curse him.

"Hahaha! Who made me an experimental subject? If I don't eat enough, how can I have the energy to be studied?"

Kisame took out a toothpick to pick his teeth, walked to the side of the laboratory table and sat down, crossed his legs and lay on it.

The cold laboratory table made him lie down in a casual style.

Kisame recalled his experience in the past few days, from the initial resistance, to reluctantly following, to the current self-release, taking the laboratory as his home.

The reason.

Nothing else.

Takuya gave too much!

It's not how much money he gave.

But he gave him a house.

Although there are many empty houses in the Uchiha clan, it is the clan land of the Uchiha clan after all.

The Hoshigaki clan is allied with the Uchiha clan, not as a retainer of the Uchiha clan.

It is okay to live temporarily, but you still have to move out in the future.

It is better to find a house in advance.

Kimura Takuno received Danzo's inheritance and handed over part of it to Konoha by joining the members of the Spark Club of the Anbu.

Most of the rest was intercepted by the Spark Club and used as development funds.

There is no shortage of real estate.

In addition, three very tempting proposals were made.

The first one is to help the Hoshigaki clan develop secret techniques suitable for themselves.

The second one is to improve their strength.

The third one is to modify their appearance.

There seems to be no difference between the first two, and Kisame doesn't care much.

He cares most about the third one. He has accepted the problem of appearance, but if he has children in the future, he doesn't want his children to be called monsters.

Although this matter is completely unrealistic, he doesn't even have a woman.

But Kisame thought that since he had decided to settle in Konoha and had formed an alliance with the Uchiha clan, he would definitely expand in Konoha in the future.

So who would want to be ugly forever if he could become a handsome guy?

Kisame's skin color has not changed, but he no longer has the characteristics of his shark face. Even his original fangs are normal and flawless.

Kisame picked his teeth and pouted.

After this change in appearance, he didn't go out to see people much, so he didn't think it was a big deal.

It's just that these teeth are better looking, but I'm a little uncomfortable and easy to get stuck in the gaps between my teeth.

Kisame didn't throw the toothpick around after picking his teeth, but obediently threw it into the trash can.

The last time I was littering in the laboratory.

Takuya "forgot" to take the anesthesia and directly performed a "vivisection experiment" on Kisame.

It's scary to think about it now!

"Hey, Takuya, eat faster! I'll give myself anesthesia first, and it will take effect after you finish it."

After saying this, Kisame didn't wait for Takuya and others to reply, and took the anesthetic needle and stabbed himself.

"Huh? Wait, no anesthesia today!"

"Huh? Do you think I'm stupid? I just finished eating all the meat, you must want to 'forget' the anesthesia again and take the opportunity to retaliate! Don't let me give you anesthesia, but I will!"

When Kisame heard Takuya's obstruction, he not only didn't stop but accelerated the injection.

He injected all the anesthetic that could numb a cow into his body.

Several people were stunned.

"Takuya, I told you, too much anesthetic will damage your brain!"

"And in order to anesthetize him, the dosage of anesthetic has also increased greatly. After so many days, there must be something wrong with his brain."

"I said it yesterday. Today is the last day to summarize his physical condition. There is no need for anatomy."

Kisame fell asleep unwillingly under the anesthetic effect under the complaints of everyone.

Kimura Takuya couldn't help but worry a little, whether Kisame's brain was really damaged by anesthetics.

These days, Kimura Takuya relied on his superb medical ninjutsu.

He directly used Kisame as an anatomical sample.

Repeated dissections were performed several times a day.

It can be said that the people who know Kisame's body best now are not Kisame himself, but Kimura Takuya and the members of the Xinghuo Society research team!

The initial plan to study Kisame's body was because he was curious about where the large amount of chakra of the Hoshigaki clan came from.

It is also to verify some knowledge from my previous life.

Kimura Takuye had heard of this in his previous life.

Sharks can urinate through their skin, and for this reason, shark meat contains a lot of uric acid and cannot be eaten.

But shark skin can do more than just urinate.

It can also absorb and filter seawater to obtain fresh water!

Isn't this the same as skin breathing?

Skin breathing allows cells to slowly accumulate natural energy, thereby increasing cell strength, thereby obtaining stronger and more chakra.

Shark skin can absorb water, of course, so it can do the same!

It is precisely because of this that Kimura Takuye, who had no interest in Kisame, turned around and invited Kisame to join the laboratory.

You should know that the laboratory of the Spark Society is only known to the core members of the Spark Society.

Other members were only brought here when they were blinded by their perception when they were undergoing transformation. They only knew that there was such a place, but they didn't know where it was exactly.

After knowing Kimura Takuye's secret power, Kisame was even more impressed by Takuye and wanted to make friends with him.

Before, he was just a rising star. Even if he had a master who was the Hokage, he was just stronger in combat and had a strong backer.

It was not enough to scare Kisame.

Now he is really a little afraid.

It is no wonder that Kisame is afraid. After all, people in the Naruto world worship power and status more than strength.

This can be seen from the influence of the daimyos of various countries on the ninja village.

The succession of the Hokage must be discussed with the daimyos.

At the end of the Third World War, Danzo even wanted to use the daimyos to abolish the Third Hokage and recommend Orochimaru, who had already traded with him.

As a result, the Third Hokage recommended Minato Namikaze.

The Fire Country Daimyo originally wanted to support Danzo.

But the others present recognized Minato's contribution, and they all had their own ideas, so they voted that the position of Hokage fell to Minato.

In this way, Minato became the Fourth Hokage.

Although Danzo's dream of controlling Konoha and becoming Hokage was shattered again.

But it also shows the influence of the Daimyo Mansion on the Shinobi Village.

Tsunade's hasty succession was actually because the Third Hokage was afraid that Tsunade would run away, so he just took possession of her.

After that, the Daimyo Mansion was notified. The Third Hokage was originally the interim Hokage before the Fifth Hokage.

It was natural for Konoha to nominate the Fifth Hokage, and Konoha reached a consensus in advance this time and collectively nominated Tsunade.

The Daimyo Mansion had no choice but to accept it.

But I heard that the Daimyo was quite unhappy about this and wanted to cut Konoha's funds.

Kimura Takuno shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

Wake up Kisame and start the final experiment.

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