When the experiment in the Spark Society base was going smoothly.

Far away on the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass.

A wild beast chase was taking place.

The natural energy in the Ninja World is abundant.

The trees and plants are huge.

Even the various beasts are always huge.

Any one of them is a strange beast in reality, and it will definitely cause an uproar if posted on the Internet.

But in the Ninja World, they are very common.

Basically, they can all be classified as Ninja Beasts.

Ninjas will hurt civilians, and Ninja Beasts will do so even more.

Big countries are okay, with the protection of big ninja villages, and Ninja Beasts are either subdued and become contracted summoning beasts.

Or wild and unruly, they will be on the table.

Small countries are a bit embarrassed.

Too powerful to deal with, can only ask big country ninjas to deal with.

But they are not here for nothing, the mission is paid.

Ninja Beasts generally dare not trouble ninjas, only civilians.

Therefore, when civilian villages are attacked by ninja beasts, they either have to pay for ninjas to deal with it, or they can only endure it if they can't afford it.

Anyway, the ninja uncles in the small village will not take the initiative to take care of it.

This has led to the wild ninja beasts in some small countries. The people are not only oppressed by bandits and exploited by ninjas, but also attacked by ninja beasts.

A village on the border of the Grass Country was invaded by a ninja pig last night.

The ninja pig looks strange, with a body several meters high, but its head is only the size of a human head.

Some sharp-eyed people even swore that the head of the ninja pig is a human head!

(ps: Don't scold, Danzo's death is not tragic enough, I want to make it more tragic..)

I'm afraid it's not a ghost with a human head and a pig body!

In reality, the country of Honko is said to have 8 million demons, and the legends of demons in the ninja world are no less than that.

Who can guarantee that this is not a real ghost?

The scared village chief hurried to the Grass Village to ask for help.

Even if he was exploited by the bastard ninjas of Kusagakure, he had to accept it this time.

After all, a ghost with a human head and a pig body might have grown like this by eating people!

Let’s not talk about the village chief going to Kusagakure.

And in the forest outside the village.

A giant wolf was tracking a pig with a human head.

This pig was Danzo!

Danzo’s body at this time was very different from half a month ago.

Before, it was the size of a domestic pig, but now its body was the size of an ordinary elephant.

But his head was completely restored to the appearance of a normal person.

The beautiful sow face that Takuye had plastic surgery on him before.

It was roughly restored by Kabuto, but with Kabuto’s plastic surgery skills, he could only make Danzo look like a human.

But now Danzo actually restored himself?

If Kimura Takuye was here, he would probably be shocked and show the impossible expression pack of Cao Cao.

What happened?

Did the changes of the blood and flesh replacement technique fail?

Of course not!

Danzo's four hooves alternately jumped over the dead wood obstacle, but he was bloated.

He overestimated his jumping ability.

He was tripped by the dead wood.

His speed slowed down.

The giant wolf was just playing with its prey and was not tracking it seriously.

It would only give Danzo a claw or tear off a piece of his flesh when he slowed down.

It had already left several wounds on Danzo before.

This time was no exception.


"Ah! You beast! You are a beast worse than Kimura Takuya! I will eat you later, eat you!"

The giant wolf looked mocking when he heard this, and it was obvious that it could understand human words.

But it didn't care about the words of the pig man in front of it, and just continued to chase and play with its prey.

Danzo ran farther and farther until he passed a small canyon.

He jumped several times, then stopped and lay on the ground panting, as if he couldn't run anymore.

Seeing this, the giant wolf showed a cruel smile.

Its prey was finally exhausted.

It had played enough, and it was time to finish off the prey and have a good meal.

The giant wolf rushed over impatiently!


There was a loud noise.

The giant wolf didn't run a few steps, and the ground under its two front legs suddenly collapsed.

Half of the giant wolf's body sank, and its hind legs struggled to grab the edge of the collapsed pit.

And Danzo, who just looked exhausted, suddenly jumped up and kicked the giant wolf into the deep pit.

After that, Danzo didn't stop, and ran around the canyon.

Several boulders were pushed down from above!

The boulders rolled down and just hit the collapse at the bottom of the canyon.


The giant wolf was crushed to death.

Danzo laughed.

He ran down to eat, but his way of eating was very strange.

He moved the boulders away.

He sat on the giant wolf's body.

He connected the wound on his buttocks with the wound on the giant wolf.

He closed his eyes for a long time, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly he shouted.

"Ninjutsu: Flesh and Blood Substitution Technique!"

The giant wolf's body shrank rapidly.

But Danzo's body expanded rapidly.

The giant wolf's cells were absorbed by Danzo in an instant.

He actually learned the Flesh and Blood Substitution Technique!

You know, Tsunade and Shizune couldn't learn this!

What's going on?

"Kimura Takuno! You never dreamed that I could learn your ninjutsu. Everything I endured that day, I will make you pay double!"

Danzo gritted his teeth and recalled the experience of that day.

It turned out that when he was in Orochimaru's laboratory.

Orochimaru extracted the negative energy that Takuya deliberately released.

This also caused the soul energy residing in Danzo to weaken.

This was nothing.

Even if it weakened, this soul energy could still monitor Danzo.

It could even interfere with Danzo's soul, making him crazy and unable to tell Orochimaru more information.

The bad thing was that he had played with Danzo too many times before!

When he was in the Root, Kimura Takuya led the members of the Spark Society to slaughter Danzo hundreds of times.

He was resurrected again and again with the flesh-and-blood replacement technique.

His soul was pulled back into the body again and again at the moment of leaving the body.

Even made his soul adapt to death, so that Danzo's soul no longer had a period of ignorance after death.

After leaving the body after death, Danzo's soul could even engage in a confrontation with Takuya's soul energy!

In this case, when Kimura Takuya was there, Danzo certainly couldn't make any waves.

But what about when he was not there?

That day, Kimura Takuno fired a magical spiral cannon at Orochimaru and Sasori.

These two Kage-level figures were directly blown up.

Even Orochimaru and Sasori were almost blown to death.

What's more, what about Danzo, who was just an ordinary sow at the time?

Danzo was blown to death on the spot.

Fortunately, Orochimaru's base was underground.

Danzo was not blown to pieces like a small hill.

Instead, he was killed by the shock wave of the explosion.

As soon as Danzo's soul left his body after his death, his soul woke up.

Originally, he wanted to escape, but this time Kimura Takuno's soul energy did not come out to stop him.

Because Kimura Takuno was using a big move at this time to deal with Orochimaru.

After finding that Kimura Takuno had no time to take care of him, Danzo was ecstatic.

He was finally free.

Danzo couldn't wait to leave, but he found that the farther his soul left his body, the more powerless he became.

Feeling that his soul was being attracted to a certain world, he knew that it was the Pure Land of the Soul, the destination of the soul.

He didn't want to go!

He didn't want to go just like that!

He still had unfulfilled ambitions.

He still had a great shame to avenge!

Instantly, Danzo turned around and ran towards the pig body that had humiliated him.

For the first time, Danzo took the initiative to merge into this pig body.

He still remembered that Kimura Takuya had roughly tied his soul into this pig body.

He resisted for a long time, and Kimura Takuya had to work hard to succeed.

But this time, he took the initiative to merge, but the speed was incredibly fast.

But the pig body had already begun to die and could not survive at all.

Crisis moment.

Danzo followed his feeling and recalled the way Kimura Takuya released the flesh-and-blood rebirth technique.

Danzo wanted to imitate it, but it was useless.

When he was about to despair and began to let his soul leave his body again.

Danzo discovered the soul energy left by Kimura Takuya in this pig body!

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