Why did the plot of Beiliuhu appear now?

Kimura Takuno was puzzled.

But now is not the time to dwell on this, save people first!

"Xiao Wu, you first cut your hands open, and then place the wounds on your hands on the wounds of the other two people.

Then relax your mind and I will cast the art of flesh and blood generation from a distance. "


Xiao Wu immediately followed the instructions, and then Kimura Takuno controlled Xiao Wu from the air and used the art of flesh and blood generation remotely.

But it did not completely cure the two of them, but only relieved them from serious injuries.

The wound is still there.

It can be considered that this is the result of Xiaowu's bandaging treatment.

Kimura Takuno's connection with ANBU will not be exposed.

After the two Anbu woke up.

"Where's Captain Kakashi? Has he judged the village?"

"It's not clear yet. It seems to be controlled by someone. If you two are okay, let's go back to the village first."

"No, this is too slow. You are not injured. You can go back to the village first to ask for help. The two of us are not seriously injured and can follow it and leave marks along the way."

Both of them are also ANBU elites. They were suddenly attacked by their teammates just now, but they have recovered now.

He immediately decided to track him down. Even if he was discovered by the enemy, even if he could not keep Kakashi alive, he could still protect himself.

So Xiao Wu nodded and took action separately with the two of them.

Turn around and run towards Konoha.

But the journey back to the village is long, and it would take a day and a night even without rest.

The other one, Kimura Takuno, also had a big head.

I had previously thought about popularizing instant messaging technology and flying ninjutsu.

If either of these two things could be done quickly, I wouldn't be so passive now.

As a result, they have to wait slowly for Xiaowu to come back and report the news to Konoha before Kimura Takuno can set off.

Otherwise, both his side and Konoha would know the news immediately, so they could respond quickly.

Now, we can only wait until Xiao Wu comes back.

This task may not necessarily fall to him yet.

It can only be said that if you dig a hole but don’t fill it, you will eventually bury yourself!

Kimura Takuno took it as a warning, but it was not a big problem just to be humble.

Then he sat down peacefully and continued the experiment of increasing chakra strength.

In the laboratory.

The dragonfly lay on the experimental table, its smooth back like white silk.

"Is Dragonfly feeling better?"

Kimura Takuno's hands slowly left the white silk, obviously reluctant to let go of the feel.

But just for a moment, the beautiful fantasy in my heart dissipated.

Now is not the time to think about this.

"Well. It's much better, I can do it again."

The girl-like dragonfly rubbed her eyes.

It was obvious that he had just slept very comfortably.

Takuno's chakra massage technique is simply amazing!

Before I knew it, I fell asleep comfortably.

Dragonfly glanced at Tuoye and noticed something was wrong in his eyes just now.

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

After all, in her more than twenty years of life, no one had ever seen her like this.

If she was born the way she is now, she would probably know.

That kind of look was, to put it mildly, appreciative.

To put it bluntly, they are collectively called sexy breasts!

Kimura Takuno probably also realized that Dragonfly noticed his look just now, so he immediately spoke.

"Okay! Let's do it again.

Chakra basic strength enhancement experiment.

Eight-fold twisted pair chakra weaving method.

The 53rd strength test begins. "

The two continued their unfinished research.

Dragonfly is responsible for weaving chakra threads and testing their strength on the tensioning equipment.

Recorded by Takuno Kimura.

Chakra thread can be used for puppet control, detonation charm control, ninjutsu remote control, etc.

It has a wide range of uses.

The method of weaving chakra threads of the Fuma clan is far superior to that of other countries.

Even more than Sunagakure Village, which is famous for its puppet masters.

If someone discovers the chakra thread in Sand Hidden Village, it will be easily cut off.

The chakra threads of the Fuma clan are very tough.

Generally, cutting tools can cut continuously.

A blade enchanted with a special talisman must be used to cut it.

The reason why it is so difficult to cut is that its weaving method is different from ordinary chakra thread.

Ordinary chakra threads are simply spirally entangled and woven with chakra.

The chakra threads of the Fuma clan are made by simply spirally weaving chakra threads and then weaving them in multiple spirals.

Its strength is naturally far superior to ordinary chakra threads.

Of course, this doesn't mean that others don't know that the chakra threads woven in this way are stronger.

In fact, even a puppet master knows that such chakra threads are stronger.

But stronger doesn’t mean best!

First of all, the difficulty of weaving such chakra thread is increased several times.

Puppet masters often need to control puppets to maneuver at high speeds during battles and provide rapid support everywhere on the battlefield.

The overly complicated chakra threads obviously cannot be retracted and retracted quickly and freely.

The second point is that as the intensity increases, the chakra threads will become very conspicuous.

When a puppet master controls a puppet to fight, he usually likes to hide his body and control the puppet to kill enemies in a safe and dark place.

And this kind of high-strength chakra thread is as bright as a light strip. If you use this kind of chakra thread to control a puppet, won't someone follow the clue and take advantage of it in a matter of seconds?

Ordinary chakra threads do not have this situation. Chakra of normal strength is invisible to the naked eye.

Except for a few eye-jutsu ninjas and reconnaissance ninjas who can find it, other people generally cannot see it.

So for ordinary puppeteers, this kind of high-strength chakra thread is completely unnecessary.

Just like using a cannon to hit a mosquito, you can just use an electric mosquito swatter. Why bother with such a thankless task?

So this kind of chakra thread is not taken seriously by people.

The Fuma clan uses this chakra thread to die together.

Connect this uncut chakra thread to the enemy.

It can instantly bind your body to the enemy's body completely!

At this time, all the damage to yourself can also act on the other party.

The person who is connected cannot avoid this kind of damage at all.

It is even more difficult to cut off this kind of chakra thread.

Although there is a bit of a bug, Kimura Takuya feels that there seems to be other uses for dying together with the enemy.

For example, weaving into armor and stab-proof clothing, do you know?

For example, weaving into wings, flying freely, do you know?

In fact, the wings of the dragonfly after transformation are woven like this.

Even her wings can burst out high-energy chakra and rush out to attack the enemy.

But after using this trick, the wings can't be maintained and will become broken.

The current research of Kimura Takuno and the dragonfly is to further improve the strength of the chakra thread.

In order to make the woven chakra wings more stable and fly faster.

Sacrificing some offensiveness.

The original four-fold twisted wire weaving method was doubled to eight-fold!

In this way, its strength and speed have been greatly improved, although the explosive power of the attack has been reduced.

However, the sustainability of its attack has been significantly improved.

The attack method has changed from the original direct burst of the chakra that constitutes the wings to attack.

It has become a stretched chakra wing, forming a recyclable chakra whip to whip the enemy.

Such attack consumption is greatly reduced, but the attack frequency is greatly increased.

There will be no more damage to the wings themselves, which will affect the ability to fly.

It's perfect!

Currently, Takuya and Qinglong are testing the strength of this chakra whip.

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