Golden Wheel Mountains. ơɱ

Kakashi was controlled by the puppet spell and ran all the way. He had already reached Mount Sumeru.

The two injured Anbu behind him also followed in the distance.

The two saw Kakashi enter the secret base in the mountain.

"How is it? How many enemies are there?"

"I don't know. There is a strange energy reaction in this mountain that interferes with my perception.

But the moment I opened the door just now, I still sensed an extremely powerful dark chakra!

We can't deal with it at all. We can only wait for support."

The perception ninja among the two said what he had just discovered, but he didn't dare to continue tracking forward.

The other person didn't say much after hearing this, but just took out the map to observe the geographical location.

Want to find a place to sneak in.

Ninjas put the mission first, and Anbu ninjas are even more so.

Both of them were members of the Root who were not members of the Spark Society.

All of them were planted with the belief of loyalty to Konoha by Kimura Takuno.

In this mission, because of Kakashi's accident, the two were injured and could not continue the original mission.

If the original mission was not originally centered on Kakashi, the two might not have asked Xiaowu to go back for help.

Instead, they would choose three people to complete the mission and then return to Konoha to find someone to save Kakashi.

But now that they have tracked here, the two have also found something wrong.

The missing bloodline ninjas from various countries in the previous mission disappeared at the border between the Land of Grass and the Land of Earth.

The two looked through the map for a long time and found that this place was the place described in the mission?

After looking at each other, the two knew that the Fifth Hokage might have made a wrong judgment, and this matter had nothing to do with the Akatsuki organization from the beginning.

The missing bloodline ninjas might have disappeared here!

"The mission has changed. This place is very suspicious. There is a river in the back mountain. It should be a river with the underground river at the bottom of the mountain as its source.

I am good at water escape and earth escape, and I can sneak in from the back mountain.

You wait for the support troops here."

"I don't know the situation inside yet. It's too dangerous to rush in!"

"That's why we must find out the situation inside before the reinforcements arrive.

This way, the reinforcements don't waste time and can rescue Kakashi in time.

I'm going."

"Senior Zheben..."

The scout ninja shouted in a low voice, trying to call people back.

But the Anbu named Zheben ran to the back mountain without looking back.


The river in the back mountain.

As soon as Zheben arrived here, he was sure that he could definitely sneak into the base in the mountain.

So he jumped into the water without hesitation and went upstream along the river.

After a while, he sneaked into the underground river under the mountain.

I encountered a stratum and used earth escape to float up, passing through the stratum and successfully came to the inside of the mountain.

There are countless caves and tunnels in the mountain.

As soon as he came in.

Zheben felt a strong and dark chakra in the center of the mountain space!

Such a powerful chakra was released without any cover.

And when he was outside, even the sensing ninja could not sense it.

This mountain is indeed strange!

Zheben was secretly alert and sneaked all the way to the center.

Finally, after passing through countless passages, he came to the center of the mountain.

Then, Zheben saw a scene that he would never forget!

I saw that there was a huge space in the center of the mountain.

This space was made into a strange altar.

There were five X-shaped torture racks around the altar.

There was a corpse on each rack!

Some of the corpses seemed to have been preserved for a long time.

And some of the corpses were fresh.

Kakashi was among them!

But he was just unconscious.

Danzo stood at the central altar.

Now his image was not something Zheben could recognize.

So Zheben could only marvel at the fact that the man in the middle of the altar was so tall!

Is he still a human being at such a height?

Then countless blue-gray tentacles burst out from Danzo's body.

As if telling Zheben.

I am not a human being!

The tentacles instantly rolled all the five human bodies on the altar into Danzo's body.

After a strange wriggling.

The tentacles were all retracted into Danzo's body.

And Danzo's body became very different from before!

Before, after he absorbed the pig body and the body of Beiluhu, he formed a strong body that was three meters tall!

But now that he has completely absorbed the bodies of the five bloodline ninjas.

Danzo's body at this moment is even more refined!

He has become the height of a normal person.

His skin color is also the normal yellow skin color.

But the body and muscles make people know at a glance that this body definitely has explosive power.

It is not the kind of exaggerated muscles for fitness, but the extremely refined and powerful type of Bruce Lee!

Danzo's appearance also changed to that of his youth.

Even the mushroom-like scar on his chin was gone.

"Hahaha! This is the real power. I feel the flow of the five elements, which are mutually reinforcing and restraining, without beginning or end.

Perfect body! This is the perfect body!"

Danzo laughed crazily.

The whole transformation process was seen clearly by Tetsumoto who was hiding in the dark.

The more Zheben looked at Danzo, the more familiar he felt.

He had some guesses in his mind, but he still couldn't believe it.

"What? Zheben, don't you recognize me?"

Zheben was shocked, but he finally confirmed who the voice and face were!

"Danzo! You are not dead? Who helped you revive with evil methods? You are a hateful traitor and village thief!"

"Traitor? Village thief?"

"Yes, your evil deeds have been exposed by the Hokage! You colluded with foreign organizations and killed the Uchiha clan. You used the root ninjas to seek personal gain for you. You have done so many evil things that everyone can punish you, ah!"

Zheben was cursing happily, but Danzo suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

The speed was so fast that Zheben had no way to react, and he didn't even have time to release the substitute technique.

"Really? Is this how Tsunade treated me? Do you think so too?"

Danzo asked Tetsumoto calmly, but the latter couldn't even breathe, so he couldn't answer.

But Danzo saw the disgust in Tetsumoto's eyes and understood his answer.

Even if he fell into his hands, he still had the same look.

Isn't this obvious enough?

For a moment, Danzo felt that his beliefs had become shit.

What for the village, for the will of fire, what light and shadow, all bullshit!

He had endured for the village for many years.

All the dirty work was done.

Just to protect the village in secret.

In the end, he ended up with such a reputation?

"Tsunade, you are not worthy of this, it must be Sarutobi who did it! Ah! Sarutobi Hiruzen! Konoha!"


A stream of blood shot into the air.

It was Tetsumoto's neck, which was crushed by Danzo!

The head fell to the ground, and the headless body was still standing there, with the artery in the neck opening and blood gushing out.

Suddenly, the body fell to the ground.

But Danzo was not satisfied, and kicked out again, kicking the head on the ground into a blood mist!

Then he came to his senses.

Since he turned into a pig, his behavior has become more and more brutal.

But he didn't care.

Instead, he took a deep breath, sucked the blood mist in the air into his body along with the tiny brain particles, and then showed a hint of joy.

In such an environment, ordinary people would definitely feel sick to the point of vomiting, but Danzo was able to calm down.

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