"Okay, since everyone is fine, let's go back to Konoha.

Kimura took the two of them back to Konoha with Flying Thunder God.

After that, he flew out of Konoha to find the Anbu rescue team that had just set out.

The Anbu were all confused.

We just walked a few miles out of the village!

You have rescued all the people?

Everyone looked at each other, looking at the wings behind Kimura Takuya, drooling.

Is this the speed of "Dragonfly Wings"?

It's really fast!

We have to be that fast too!

So the Anbu returned to Konoha and praised Kimura Takuya for being very fast..

And Kimura Takuya himself had no idea that his reputation was inexplicably damaged.

He was in the laboratory He was busy resurrecting Kakashi.

Takuno took out a proper amount of the cells of the first generation.

He made a body.

It looked very much like the first generation, and then through the real transformation technique, the appearance of this body was changed to Kakashi.

Now there is a problem that there is no flesh and blood of Kakashi.

The body fragments obtained from Danzo before, at the same time, have the flesh and blood of seven people, and a pig. .

The soul summoning contract can be signed, but it is not certain who the soul summoned is.

And their souls should have gone to the Pure Land.

It is Danzo's soul that was swallowed by the space crack, and it is unknown whether it is dead or alive.

"Forget it, let's use Danzo's body to summon Danzo directly, just in time to reuse his waste."

When Danzo's head was installed on the pig, Danzo's body had been kept by Kimura Takuno.

So Kimura Takuno took out Danzo's body.

"Soul summoning technique! "

White smoke exploded, and after it dissipated.

A broken soul appeared.

This soul was broken exactly like the way Danzo died at that time.

It was Danzo's soul.

As soon as it appeared, this broken soul quickly gathered together.

"Haha! I'm alive again!"

"You think too much!"

Kimura Takuno raised his hand and a triangular chakra cage appeared.

It directly imprisoned Danzo in it.

Then it connected the high-energy chakra thread and began to violently absorb Danzo's soul energy!

"Ah! So cool! ”

This Danzo's soul energy is the most refreshing energy that Kimura Takuye has ever absorbed.

It directly raised his soul strength by a large margin!

Takuye felt that his passive recovery ability had been raised to a higher level.

The injuries that used to take 4 hours to recover now only take one hour.

It's simply amazing!

It's like eating ice cream in the hot summer, not only does it cool your stomach, but it also makes your heart feel cooler!

Then Kimura Takuye discovered the uniqueness of Danzo's soul.

After being directly sucked by Kimura Takuye's soul energy, it didn't weaken at all?

You have to know that Kimura Takuye directly sucked the soul energy, not the negative energy generated by negative emotions!

This is equivalent to swallowing the soul!

No, it's not equivalent to swallowing the soul, this is swallowing the soul Soul!

But Danzo's soul, like his previous body, can be directly restored?

Oh! That's right!

Kimura Takuya slapped his head!

The body of the five elements is said to be immortal.

The immortal body is the body, and the indestructible is the soul.

The body is immortal because of the existence of Yang power.

The soul is immortal because of the existence of Yin power!

Danzo's body was broken into countless pieces by space fragments, and finally swallowed by the void, and could not be resurrected even with the power of Yang.

And his soul was also torn apart, and it could not be restored.

But Kimura Takuya brought all the soul fragments out!

After these fragments gathered together, they were immediately restored by the Yin power.

Kimura Takuya sucked in a burst of soul energy, and the soul that should have been sucked dry was restored by this Yin power!

"Fuck, you really can't die, right? "

Kimura Takuya figured out what was going on and was so angry that he started to curse.

He started to get ruthless.

"Okay, you are awesome, I want to see whether your soul is awesome or my soul is awesome!"

After saying that, Kimura Takuya split a clone to maintain the chakra cage.

Then he glared, and his whole soul rushed into the chakra cage, directly biting Danzo's soul fiercely!

"Ah! Kimura Takuya, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

"You can't become a ghost!"

As the last bit of Danzo's soul was swallowed by Kimura Takuya, everything about Danzo was destroyed by Kimura Takuya!

Even the core of consciousness in Danzo's soul was wiped out by Kimura Takuya.

But Kimura Takuya's soul seemed to be a little full.

"Ugh! "

Kimura Takuya spit out a ball of black air.

This black air is exactly Danzo's Yin power.

But now, Danzo can no longer be restored.

And in this Yin power, there are actually several consciousnesses!

The consciousness itself is unconscious and needs the soul to rely on in order to be active.

But among these consciousnesses, there is a consciousness that can actually establish soul communication with Kimura Takuya!

And it can have a certain degree of self-awareness, but it is not flexible.

"Who are you?"


"Who are the others?"

"Kakashi, Kari, Nakayoshi, Troy."

"Why are you here?"

"Danzo can't devour them."

So that's how it is. Danzo actually devoured the souls of Kakashi and others, but Danzo's previous soul was too weak to devour the soul's consciousness core.

Fortunately, Kakashi and others can stay until now.

Kakashi was almost completely dead, and he had no soul to revive.

"It seems that the Soul Lamp Project must be implemented quickly. Otherwise, if we encounter a master who plays with souls, my people will be killed and we can't revive them even if we want to."

The Soul Lamp Project is a derivative technology of Kimura Takuno's conquest of the Impure World Reincarnation and the development of resurrection technology.

After a person dies, the soul of an ordinary person will inevitably be attracted to the Pure Land and go to the Pure Land.

Once the soul goes to the Pure Land, if you want to get out again, you have to use another soul to replace it with an equivalent soul in order to get the target soul out of the Pure Land.

That is, the first part of the conventional Impure World Reincarnation Technique, replacing the soul of the resurrected target with the soul of the sacrifice.

And the soul that has not entered the Pure Land can be directly summoned like Kimura Takuno did when he resurrected Tetsumoto before.

No sacrifice cost is required.

So after Kimura Takuno completed his idea of ​​resurrection ninjutsu, he designed a plan to intercept the soul.

Once a person dies, the soul will automatically contract with him and be summoned home, waiting for resurrection.

Just like the sect soul lamp in the immortal cultivation novel, it can detect the life status of the disciples, and at the same time, after the disciples die, their souls can be instantly recalled to wait for resurrection.

After being inspired by this, Kimura Takuno found that this idea can be fully realized with the existing technical conditions in the ninja world.

It's just that no one thought of it.

It still benefits from the legacy technical support of the second generation of Hokage.

The first half of the Impure World Reincarnation is to contract the soul through flesh and blood.

Then rely on the technology of multiplying detonating talismans.

The multiplying detonating talisman is not only more powerful than the ordinary detonating talisman, but also triggers a summoning technique at the same time after one detonates.

This summoning technique will summon another multiplication detonating talisman and detonate it.

After the new multiplication detonating talisman detonates, it will summon the next multiplication detonating talisman. No matter how many detonating talismans you prepare, it will continue to explode like this until it is exhausted!

If Konan's 600 billion detonating talismans were multiplication detonating talismans.

As long as Obito is attached with one, then the Hokage can be finished directly on the spot.

600 billion detonating talismans will be summoned unlimitedly, no matter where Obito runs, they will continue to explode infinitely!

This summoning technique that causes a chain reaction is called chain summoning technique.

And this chain summoning technique is one of the key technologies of the Soul Lantern Project.

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