Leave some flesh and blood first to sign the psychic contract and recreate the body.

Then the chain psychic technique is built into the soul in reverse.

Once a person dies and his or her soul leaves the body or encounters danger, the reverse channeling technique will be triggered and the soul will be reverse channeled back to the village.

After that, he was resurrected using a reconstructed human body.

It's very simple, Kimura Takuno didn't even use any new technology.

It just used the second-generation technology, and then made some combinations to create a new way of resurrection.

This is the power of rational application of technology.

In human history, many inventions were of little use when they first appeared.

Later it was used in other places, but it shined brightly.

For example, when Viagra was originally invented, it was actually used to treat cardiovascular diseases, but later it was not very effective.

But unexpectedly discovered that it can restore men's glory.

As for the Reincarnation of the Earth and the Mutual Detonation Talisman, these two ninjutsu were invented by the second generation back then, and they were actually used for self-destruction.

The dirty earth body affixed the mutual multiplication detonation talisman, and rushed into the enemy pile, exploding all the way, but he was still fine.

Now, Kimura Takuno dismantled the combination and formed the heaven-defying resurrection technique.

Kimura raised his hand to lift up the yin power and separated the consciousness cores of several people inside.

When there is only one conscious body in the power of Yin, the power of Yin begins to shape a soul body.

It was Kakashi.

It's just that it has just been formed and is in an ignorant state of soul, and the core of consciousness has not yet been completely integrated with the soul body.

"Is this the power of yin? It's really magical. Compared to the power of yang that can restore the physical body, the power of yin can restore the soul.

Before, the core of their consciousness was suppressed by Danzo. Now without Danzo, they have too many people and cannot control the power of Yin.

Take out a few, and when one is left, you can recover. "

Kimura stripped the power of Yin from Kakashi's soul again.

After that, Kakashi's soul was placed in the first-generation body prepared previously.

Regardless of any ethical issues regarding human cloning, first-generation cells are currently the most useful cells.

Kimura Takuno really can't find a better temporary body for resurrection, and it has the art of real transformation, which can perfectly restore the physical appearance to the resurrected person.

Even if there are hair or blood cells, the first-generation cells can be directly transformed into cells of the resurrected person.

Thereby achieving self-resurrection.

However, such a transformation requires too much energy, which is equivalent to "restoring" a complete human body.

It would be easier and more convenient to give the first-generation body a full face.

The main reason was that Kakashi's hair was not found, so he should go home and look for it himself after he recovers.

While waiting for Kakashi to regain consciousness, Kimura Takuno took out those "Fragments of Danzo" again.

These fragments are the flesh and blood cells where Danzo completed the balance of the five elements.

It has great scientific research value.

But Kimura Takuno has too many scientific research projects on hand.

Even with the help of a few people from the Fuma clan, it was just a few more studies on chakra.

It didn't get easier, but got busier.

Now there is another one of the five elements of flesh and blood.

Kimura Takuno looked to one side at the consciousness bodies bound by chakra threads.

I originally planned to give up on them, after all, they were all ninjas from other villages.

If they are used to replace the souls in the Pure Land, they are treated as waste.

But now that I think about it carefully, Beiruhu seems to be from Konoha, right?

Then keep the other consciousness bodies as sacrifices, and keep Beilihu as tools.

Just do it.

Kimura Takuno put away several other consciousness bodies.

He also used pseudo-other gods directly on Beiliuhu's consciousness.

This Beiliuhu is not a good person, he is very ambitious!

Before this guy could absorb Kakashi, he dared to declare war on the entire ninja world. It was impossible not to be on guard.

So he followed the same example again and resurrected Beiliuhu.

The power of Yin without any conscious body can already be absorbed by Kimura Takuno.

However, it did not improve his immortality ability.

This shows that his immortality ability has nothing to do with the power of Yin.

So Kimura Takuno spit out the power of Yin again.

After properly collecting the Yin power, he prepared to make a ninja tool to restore the soul.

Soul-restoring treasures have always been scarce, so it would be good to have one as a spare.

Then Kimura thought of another person, Zhuo Dun Ye Cang.

Ye Cang was the hero of Suna Ninja Village, but he was sacrificed by Suna Ninja Village as a political pawn.

Died by the betrayal of the village he protected.

It is said that when she died, she was still cursing the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village.

"She's quite beautiful. Well, she's quite a pitiful woman. How about resurrecting her."

A week later.

Kimura Takuno secretly bought some women's clothing.

Using Ye Cang's cells isolated from the Five Elements flesh and blood, Kimura successfully cultivated Ye Cang's body.

Then she was resurrected.

I saw Kimura taking out a consciousness and using it as a sacrifice.

"Soul·Psychic Technique! Huh, it's successful."

A soul was channeled from the pure land by Takuno Kimura.

It was Ye Cang.

I saw that in his soul state, he kept the clothes he liked most during his lifetime.

It was a bit too cool, but the Sand Village was a bit hot, so it was understandable that people liked to wear cooler clothes.

Ye Cang's soul was in the Pure Land, and had passed the period of mental confusion.

So after her soul was summoned out, she immediately regained her consciousness, and of course she had some memories.

She recognized Kimura Takuye's forehead protector at a glance.

She was alert instantly, although Konoha and Sand Village were allies.

But Ye Cang would not forget that she had died on the way to negotiate peace with the Mist Shadow!

Ye Cang's soul asked three questions in a row.

"Am I not in the Pure Land? Where is this? What are the intentions of you Konoha people?"

"The hero of Sand Village who died tragically, do you want to be resurrected?"

Kimura Takuye did not use the pseudo-Kotoamatsukami, but asked Ye Cang.

Just like a strategy game, how boring is it to cheat directly?

So Kimura Takuye planned to slowly attack to add a little fun to this boring life.



Kimura Takuya pointed to the body behind him.

Ye Cang's soul looked over and was immediately surprised.

Is this his own body?

How can it be so perfect?

There is not a single flaw, as if it has been carefully carved.

Although his figure was also very good before, it was definitely not so perfect, and there were also some scars that were not treated in time, and birthmarks.

But the body behind the boy in front of him was really incredibly beautiful.

His skin was translucent, his body proportions were perfect, and his face was more delicate than before.

She herself was a little bit fanciful when she saw it!

Then she thought of her body lying naked behind the boy in front of her, which was really a bit embarrassing.

But this boy looked like a medical ninja.

And now she was just a soul, so she could only believe in his medical ethics.

And her body should have been cured by this young medical ninja, right?

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