And Ye Tian has eight innate full source powers.

Talent is already ninety percent ahead of the martial artists.

Naturally, the speed of absorbing the foundation of source power was not much faster than that of other martial artists.

Coupled with the passive ability he obtained from the awakening of the wood martial soul, after ten times the source power devoured.

The absorption speed of that source power was directly increased tenfold on the basis of being much faster than ninety percent of martial artists!

If ordinary martial artists have such a source power absorption speed.

Tell them to sit and absorb the source of power, and they are willing to do anything else.

How could Ye Tian say that he was bored?

When it is true that people cannot be compared with people.

Or compared with the genius who opened the hanging.

In this comparison, the body that is absolutely lost is incomplete.

It’s almost faceless to stay in this world.

That’s it.

The ninja soldiers coming out of the blue gate of the cave continue to kill the youkai that come out of the whirlpool.

On this side, Ye Tian entered the state of improvement of source power absorption.

By the way, one hand is empty, and two ninja soldiers are fighting pie.

The nature to play is to fight the landlord.

Ye Tian found that he had a lot of new knowledge of this game after playing for a long time.


He can also be regarded as having found something interesting in this boring source power enhancement and absorption.


The demon cave centered on the blue gate is two hundred miles away.

Five hundred meters away from Ye Tian’s deployment was outside the terrain guarded by a ninja soldier.

At this moment, a team of warriors with more than a thousand people gathered!

One by one, these warriors are also uniformly wearing black night clothes and black masks like the ninja soldiers.

It’s not that this is how the group was originally dressed.

It’s after they sneak into the cave.

After discovering that Ye Tian sent ninja soldiers to guard a hundred miles of the town.

For the later action, he also deliberately dressed up exactly as the ninja soldiers.

That’s right.

This group of people is the anti-human faction, after blocking the demon cave and guarding the outside mountain to transmit the order signal.

After the Blue Star native monsters and anti-human factions made a big move to do things in the Shoushan District, they attracted the attention of the martial artists of the Martial Soul Hall.

Attract all the main forces of its large army.

This thousand-strong anti-human team quietly used the teleportation order to enter this demon cave!


What’s going on in this demon cave?

Why were there suddenly so many silver-class warriors stationed in the demon cave? ”

At this time.

A group of black-clothed warriors looked at the black-clothed warriors in front of them and said.


Such a huge number of town guards.

At least no less than 100,000!

And just now, they actually sent a large number of warriors.

Unexpectedly, the garrison area was directly doubled! ”

“With so many martial artists, you can’t take out the Province G Martial Soul Hall to blank the silver-level martial artist background?”

At this time, another warrior said.

The warrior known as the leader, Ming Jiao, Li Yi.

He is the leader of this thousand-strong anti-human warrior team.

This time, he is responsible for infiltrating the demon cave to carry out the tasks assigned above, as long as he controls people.

I heard that my little brother had questions.

But Li Yi had an answer inside.

At this time, his gaze was only looking at the blue gate of the almost invisible blue barrier Hua Cheng far, far away.

In that place.

A trace of blood wafted towards this watch.

A moment later.

Li Yi’s gaze was only retracted from the blue gate in the distance.

I took a deep look at the rows and rows of ninja soldiers stationed thousands of meters ahead.

At this time, Li Yi also frowned.

He also didn’t expect that the Martial Soul Hall of Province G would send so many warriors to guard this demon cave.

And just right the range has been added.

At this point, I looked at it for a moment.

Only then did he have the interest to answer the questions asked by the younger brothers just now.

“No matter what the Martial Soul Hall is doing this for!

But the purpose of our trip must be accomplished!

You know! ”

Turning to look at the group of anti-human warriors behind him, Li clenched his fists and raised the Heavenly Dao!

The crowd saw this.

Immediately follow suit and clench your hands into fists!

But no one replied at the moment.

If it’s outside.

These anti-human members are extremely concedient.

It’s like sales, it’s like beating chicken blood!

But now in the demon cave.

Li Yi explained when he came.

Don’t make a move until the task is completed, so as not to expose yourself.

That’s why these anti-human warriors responded with fists at this moment.


The great anti-human forces will definitely succeed in this mission! ”

“No matter what kind of deployment the Martial Soul Hall has, we will definitely complete the task successfully!”

Speaking of this, Li Yi’s whole face was red and his ears were red, as if he had beaten chicken blood.

With a punch hard, Li repeatedly brainwashed and said: “For the great grand hegemony of the anti-people!”

We can sacrifice everything for this mission!

It is inevitable to get in touch with the monsters of the dark plane of the Demon Cave in Province G! ”

Finish the last sentence.

Li Yi looked at the other anti-human warriors present with an excited expression.

I saw them with Li at this moment.

His eyes were red, as if his blood was boiling.

One by one, they also raised their fists in response to Li Yi’s words.

This time, the anti-people faction made such a big movement in the Shoushan District.

It was to cover their thousand-strong team into the demon cave.

The purpose is to get in touch with the youkai in the dark plane of the cave!

Because the demon caves in Province G are the first revival.

It is simply impossible for the anti-Ren to make a big move in Province S.

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