Because the monsters of each province exist independently in a world.

The revival of the demon cave is a big problem for the Martial Soul Hall in Province G.

And if the anti-human forces want to develop on this side of Province G.

That is to connect with the Province G Demon Cave, and to carry out an alliance is absolutely essential!

The Martial Soul Hall is like a ground snake!

If the anti-humanists want to take a position in Province G.

It is necessary to cooperate with the dark plane monsters in the cave!

I don’t know!

The demon caves in the other provinces have these collaborations with the anti-Human.

A brainwashing is over.

Looking at his little brother with high fighting spirit one by one, Li Yi suddenly felt full of a sense of accomplishment!

“Great anti-human cause, I will let you come to the world!”

Hands raised in the sky and shook for a long time, Li Yi swore an oath.

A moment later.

He regained his composure.

Although at this moment, their thousand-strong warrior team is fighting high!

But right now, approaching the blue gate is a big problem for them!

Look at all the roads to the blue gate.

All of them are guarded by the ninja soldiers sent by Ye Tian!

At a distance of five hundred meters.

Every five hundred meters, there was a ninja soldier of Ye Tian stationed there vigilantly.

This distance is just within the perception range of the silver class warriors.

It can be said.

If there are no special means.

Li Yi and these warriors couldn’t even go to the point where they could go to the blue gate!

Not being able to go to the blue gate means that you can’t meet the yokai in the dark plane of the cave.

Then they can’t get the job done!

The anti-human warriors are all a bunch of crazy guys!

As long as it’s what they decide they want to do.

Even if the price is high, it will be executed wildly!


In order to complete the task entrusted to me by the great organization of the Anti-Human!

Today we are going to offer everything I am waiting for again!

Would you like to come with me? ”

“This go, we may die!”


Under the light of the anti-human, we are immortal!

As long as we firmly believe in the belief to complete the task!

Someday in the future.

Stay until the Antagonists rule the blue planet.

My Lord will surely resurrect me and return to this earth! ”

Li Yi declared with a crazy look.

This offensive brainwashing scene, but I saw that the thousand warriors who followed into the demon cave were like some sweet words.

At this moment, their expressions were the same as Li Yi’s, with a bit of madness on their faces.

Because the demon cave can no longer be loudly declared, so as not to disturb the attention of the people of the Martial Soul Hall.

So these people all raised their hands and waved, echoing Li Yi’s words!


Since everyone has no opinion!

So let me go through the first level before blocking the great mission! ”

Side said.

Li turned from the direction of the thousands of anti-human warriors and looked at the ninja soldiers stationed thousands of meters away.

Li Yi thought at the moment.

As long as they could rush through the area where every five hundred meters there was a ninja soldier stationed to the blue gate.

Just reach the blue gate.

They will be able to use special means to contact the monsters in the dark plane of the demon cave to form an alliance!


Gradually look at the blue gate that is only a little ahead.

The corner of Li Yi’s eyes is the rice idiom line.

His right hand was clenched into a fist on his chest, and he looked at the blue gate, the final point of his task, and said: “Whatever it takes, reach your destination!”

As Li Yi’s words fell.

The momentum of the thousand anti-human warriors and Li Yi suddenly changed greatly!

In order to have a head start in the demon cave.

The most important aspect of this opportunity is naturally strength!

The realm strength of Li Yi and a thousand anti-human warriors selected by the anti-human.

It is directly stuck at the critical point of the repulsion of the demon cave!

Li Yi, these anti-human warriors.

All of them are warriors at the peak of the Silver Nine Stars!

Of course, such a preparation anti-human also knows that they cannot completely complete the mission in the demon cave!

You must know that the demon cave is the territory of the Martial Soul Hall.

It was already quite difficult for the anti-human faction to send Li Yi and these thousand warriors into the demon cave.

It also cost a lot of money to do it!

Moreover, sending in Li Yi and the anti-human warriors in front is also the limit of the anti-human.

After all, the formation core of the demon cave is mainly in the hands of the Martial Soul Hall of Province G.

All the anti-human faction did was to expand a certain loophole in the formation.

This can only allow Li Yi and the anti-human warriors in front to enter the demon cave.

Unlike the demon cave, it is the territory of the Martial Soul Hall.

They can send in as many warriors as they want.

Obviously, at this moment, Li Yi and a group of thousands of anti-human warriors saw this scene.


Every five hundred meters, a ninja soldier guarding shows that His Royal Highness Wuhun has made a big deal.

Although there are many martial artists in the Martial Soul Hall, it is very advantageous.

But Li Yi and the others also found something beneficial to them after observation.

That is, the strength of these warriors guarding the town is not even high!

All of them are in the realm stage of silver five-star to silver six-star.

Compared to their team of thousands of anti-human warriors at the peak of the Silver Nine Stars.

First of all, in the realm.

The anti-human warriors crushed these silver five-star to six-star warriors sent by the Martial Soul Hall to guard the blue gate!

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