"Is this the void sea?"

Inside the spirit boat, everyone who had never seen the appearance of the void gathered at the window, looking out at the dark and endless void.

Empty, cold, boundless, chaotic.

This was the first feeling that the Void Sea gave them.

Because of the turbulent flow of the dense space, the void sea does not look desolate.

There are also some eye-catching floaters.

Most of them were shattered by the turbulence of space, and the intact objects were torn apart, unable to restore their original appearance.

It's no different from cosmic garbage. Although there are a lot of them, it is obviously not enough to see in this boundless void, as small as a drop in the ocean.

Everyone also saw a huge ruined stone corner that unfortunately hit the oncoming turbulent group, was crushed into nothingness in an instant, and then disappeared.

There wasn't even a little residue left, Miao Lu and the others' eyes twitched when they saw it, and they hugged the white cat in their arms slightly.

"It's really dangerous. If this thing hits you, you'll be disabled if you don't die."

Fan Tianlan got goosebumps when he saw it, and couldn't help rubbing his arms violently.

Such a large ruined wall and stone corner could not escape the end of being wiped out when encountering turbulent turbulence, so it goes without saying that he is so small.

The key is to look at the black gold luster reflected by the corners of the ruined walls, it is not a vulgar thing.

"Be confident, you'll score eight bucks when you hit him." Xiang Yuan patted him on the shoulder, and began to sarcasm unceremoniously.

"Talk about Lao Lu, how did you come out in the first place?" After taunting Fan Tianlan, Xiang Yuan turned his head and looked puzzled again.

As the saying goes, it is better to be famous than to meet each other. Only when you really see the turbulent flow in this space can you understand its horror. According to what Elder Ming said, the sea of ​​endless void is extremely dangerous.

Even if the king-level enters rashly, he may encounter terrifying turbulence and die.

"It's okay, I didn't encounter any too terrifying space turbulence at that time, and I found the node by fighting against the turbulence all the way."

"Hey, that's the one. It seems that we were lucky today, and we encountered a weak point that has not yet formed."

Lu An glanced out of the window from the corner of his eye, and then stretched out his finger to somewhere. Following his finger, a dark vortex was slowly forming, surrounded by turbulent currents, no different from a meat grinder.

Fan Tianlan's eyes froze, he looked at himself and then at the weak point of the vortex, and when he thought about it one or two times, he felt chills all over his body.

If he rushed in, wouldn't his flesh be scraped clean? Maybe not even a skeleton left.

"But good luck is good luck, but it is not known where this weak point leads."

Looking at the weak point of the forming vortex, Lu An couldn't help lamenting that his luck was too extraordinary.

I think he was running around here like a headless chicken back then, trying to find a weak point in Blue Star.

In the end, not to mention Blue Star's weak point, even the weak point was not even visible, and finally found it by relying on the radar and working hard.

It's good now, I met one not long after I came in, Lu An felt that this thing was trying to annoy him.

"Is it possible to lead to an alien planet?" Gu Xiaorou turned around and asked curiously.

"Who knows, it can appear anywhere."

After answering her question, Lu An casually found a seat and sat down, looking up at the spirit boat.

The internal environment is similar to a deck, with a layer of light golden translucent material on top of the head, which is turned upside down on the deck as the ceiling and walls, like a bowl-shaped glass, allowing the outside world to be seen clearly from the inside.

The overall structure is roughly divided into two floors, the deck is on the upper floor, and the lower floor is a place for them to rest and practice.

Because Elder Ming didn't make arrangements, the deck looked empty, with only some necessary operating objects.

It is worth mentioning that the material of the deck is also extraordinary.

With every step, pale golden ripples would spread out, as if stepping on water.

But now, many people gather around the translucent pale gold curtain wall to watch the outside scenery.

Putting your eyes on the forefront, there is a huge virtual screen on the light gold curtain wall, with the left and right nine wings spread out, like an angel descending from heaven, bathing in the holy light and spreading its wings.

Under the shadow screen of the Holy Wing, Elder Ming stood at the forefront. In front of her was a half-person-high snow-winged cylinder with golden threads of charm flowing through it, which was the core of the entire spirit boat.

Lu An doesn't know the specific principle, it seems quite mysterious anyway.

"Big lazy pig~ Master calls you!"

At this moment, Gu Mengmeng, who was watching curiously behind Ming, suddenly turned around and shouted, beckoning to him.

"Call me? Bailu, help me look at Ilya, I'll go over and take a look."

"Your Majesty, don't worry.

Give it to me! "

The white deer was standing on tiptoe and looking out curiously. She had never seen such a scene since she was a child, and she was naturally full of curiosity about everything.

Hearing Lu An's words, she turned her head to respond, and then stuck to Ilya's side. The two little lolis sat in rows, looking out together.

"I'm here, Elder Ming, what are you calling me for?"

Lu An trotted over in three steps and two steps, looked up at the virtual screen on the curtain wall, and then decisively looked away.

No way, I can't understand it at all.

"It's nothing, but I may need your help later."

After Ming finished speaking, she turned her palms, and a simple disc lay quietly in her hands.

It is surprisingly left by Elder Gu Yunzi of Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect.

Ming suddenly took it out, and everyone looked confused, wondering what she was going to do.

"Our current location is roughly the same as the location where you stayed, Boy Lu, but now there is no trace of the sleeping place."

Ming raised his head and saw that the void in all directions was messy, except that there was no trace of the void island.

"The spirit boat I refined is in the void, and can detect large-scale energy reactions within a radius of two thousand kilometers."

Ming didn't say any more, her meaning was already obvious.

It can be seen from this that the Void Island where the five great Tianzongs are located has probably drifted away from this area.

If you don't use some means, I'm afraid you will really try your luck aimlessly like a headless chicken.

"Then what should I do?"

Lu An scratched his head and hesitated to speak. He has a lot of energy now, so he can ask the little assistant to simulate the drifting position of the void island, and then mark out the approximate coordinates.

But the simulated positioning after more than half a year is undoubtedly a huge project, and with the nature of a small assistant, it is estimated that he will bleed a lot.

But looking at Elder Ming's expression now, it seems that she still has something to do.

Lu An decided to wait a little longer, and if there was no other way, he would cut up the meat and feed it to the eagle.

"Calculate its approximate position by tracing the source."

Ming held the disc in his hand, his eyes showed determination.

"It just so happens that the old guy Gu Yunzi left behind a relic, maybe he can use this to figure out the direction of the Void Island."

Just do it, Ming immediately signaled them to back off, holding the Tianqiao disc with his right palm, and placed his left hand like a sword finger on the edge of the red lips to wipe lightly, bringing out a trace of blood.

"The way of heaven is eternal, all laws are unified, blood is sacrificed, breath is used to guide, lead the soul without a way, and guide the way back."

A majestic wave of air suddenly erupted, and Ming's robe swelled, and the deep turbid air and the clear fairy cloud turned into a bright blue eye and opened its pupils.

Like the eyes of the sky, it is extremely majestic and overwhelming the void. Its aura is so strong that everyone has to retreat far away, blocking the strong wind with their hands and squinting their eyes to watch.

There are words in Ming's mouth, and every word he spits out is transformed into the vast sky sound echoing the spirit boat, just like an ancient sacrificial song that traveled across the ancient times, singing prayers for all spirits.

As she recited the formula, Yuanpan seemed to be drawn by some mystery and floated in front of her by herself.

Without too much hesitation, Ming immediately used blood as ink and fingers as a pen to draw a mysterious blood talisman in front of the disk and slammed it into the disk, whispering the magic formula in his mouth, and the speed became faster and faster, causing the disk to release little particles of light to vibrate crazily .

At the same time, the huge blue eyes on the top of her head released the radiant power of heaven, and the pupils turned all over the place, and the disk and the blood talisman were sucked into the pupils with a swish.

In an instant, thousands of scenes and ancient seals flickered and swam in the pupils, as if they were digesting the disk, absorbing its power to calculate something.

Knowing that now is a critical moment, everyone dared not even breathe, even Tian Ming couldn't help feeling tense.

He knew what this move represented, and it was related to whether he could find the five great heavenly sects during this trip, so he couldn't help being nervous.

The same is true for Lu An, holding his breath and watching quietly, with his heart in his throat.

Whether the gold coins in his pocket can be kept or not depends on Elder Ming's wave.

He really didn't want to explode the gold coins.

Finally, under the intense gaze of everyone, Huanghuang's blue eyes sprayed out cloud ink, which turned into intermittent wisps of cloud and smoke and drifted out.

It passes through the curtain wall and points to the northwest. The intermittent cloud of smoke is not even as thick as shredded tobacco.

The facts are just as they expected, leaning in the direction they least want to see.

The thin cloud of smoke hadn't lasted long before it suddenly moved, trembling violently as if suffering some kind of fluctuation, and then suddenly collapsed into the air.

As soon as the thin cloud was broken, the huge blue eyes also flew away, and only a Tianqiao disc fell from mid-air, and fell to the ground with a bang.

At this point, the interior of the spirit boat returned to calm, as if the previous vision had never happened.

But Ming's slightly pale face said everything imperceptibly.

"Master, are you injured?!"

Noticing that her complexion was not good, Gu Mengmeng was the first to run over, but was stopped by Ming stretching out her hand.

"There is nothing serious about this seat, it's just a price to pay."

Ming bent down to pick up the disc, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, but soon his face turned pensive.

"Elder Ming, have you found the whereabouts of Void Island?"

Although the wisp of cloud and smoke drifted northwest, it broke and drifted away within a few seconds, which is really hard to rest assured.

"Well, as you have seen before, the calculated result points to the northwest direction, which means that the island's approximate position is in the northwest of us, but that's all, and the specific coordinates cannot be calculated."

"It is estimated that they set up a shielding formation for the island before they fell asleep, and outsiders cannot use divination to find out the whereabouts of the island."

"This seat also borrows this disc to create the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect, and uses it as a medium to resonate briefly."

Although no specific coordinates have been calculated, at least we have a general direction, and the result is still gratifying.

As long as you fumble all the way in the northwest direction, you will find it one day.

"That's it, I will be able to control the spirit boat myself in the future."

After pondering for a moment, I decided to do a fortune-telling in the next day or two to confirm whether their direction had deviated.

I only hope that this plate refined by Gu Yunzi can last a little longer, at least three times.

Ming looked down, and there was a crack in the inlaid golden jade beads in the center of the disc, which could hardly be detected by the naked eye if one didn't pay close attention.

This is the price of reckoning, and even the medium suffers backlash.

"It's good to have a general direction, at least a purpose—"


Hearing this good news, everyone couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and Adar's suspended heart relaxed. Unexpectedly, just as he grinned, the spirit boat suddenly made a loud noise, and the entire deck suddenly shook.

Caught off guard, he staggered and fell to the ground. Due to the tilt of the ship, he rolled to the left side. Unfortunately, the turban of the fan was separated from his body.

The sudden change made everyone wake up one after another. After recovering from the joy of finding the direction, they stabilized their heels and stared around with wide eyes.

"What's going on, what did we hit?!"

Liu Huang raised his head and looked left and right, but there was nothing outside the transparent curtain wall, as if he had hit something at all.

But the shock just now was clearly caused by hitting some kind of large object, which completely puzzled him.


Before he could doubt for too long, another violent tremor spread from the right side to the deck.

This time he saw clearly that there was no shadow of any large objects on the right side of the spirit boat from the beginning to the end.

"It's not right, it seems that something is hitting us."

Lu An grabbed Qingxin to help her stabilize her body, frowned and looked to the right, but like Liu Huang, she couldn't see anything.

But even if he didn't see it, he didn't think it was accidental.

In the instant before the impact, his heart beat violently, sending him a signal of danger.

It's just that everything happened too fast, before he could find out the source, the spirit boat suffered a second impact.

"Have you encountered a powerful turbulent current?"

Can't see anything, people have to wonder if it's the reason for the turbulence in space.

Lu An didn't speak. Taking advantage of the gap of one or two seconds, he decisively pulled out the auxiliary radar and took a look.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you see him, your mind freezes immediately, and your eyes become extremely serious.

On his auxiliary radar, there are three red dots surrounding the spirit boat.

But at this moment, there happened to be a red dot heading straight towards the tail of the spirit boat.

"Pay attention to the back! Hold on tight!"


"Oh, I'm on a horse..."

As soon as he yelled, there was a violent collision from behind. Before Fan Tianlan could get up, he fell down again and couldn't get up at all.

"Look at the group chat!"

Lu An didn't know what happened, but they were in a bad situation and were suffering from some kind of invisible attack.

"Elder Ming! It's not space turbulence, it's some kind of invisible living creature!"

Although he was also shocked and stunned, it was obviously not the time to think. After Lu An shared the radar signal, he turned his head decisively and told Ming this information.

In his auxiliary radar, the only ones that can be classified as red dots by the small assistant are enemies, conscious hostile life forms!

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