"Fuck! Is there a creature hitting us?!"

Hearing this, everyone hastily opened up the chat group and focused their attention on the map in the upper right corner. When they saw three red dots surrounding the spirit boat, their pupils couldn't help constricting suddenly, and their brains suddenly stopped thinking. .

Before entering the Nether Sea, they discussed various situations they might encounter, such as ancient floating objects, turbulent current clusters, or ancient horrors.

They have thought about a lot, but they have never thought about this one!

Never imagined that there are creatures alive in the void!

Although the Endless Void Sea is an unknown and mysterious domain to them, they have more or less done their homework.

The void is desolate and boundless, and the matter is scarce. Basically, there is no possibility of birthing life.

But now it seems that they were completely wrong!

Not only life exists in the sea of ​​void, but the form of life is also very treacherous and unpredictable!

It cannot be seen by the naked eye, and cannot be detected by the spiritual consciousness.

It's like a ghost from another world that doesn't exist in the physical world.

But they can't observe it, but it doesn't mean that unknown life can't affect them.

Judging from the current situation, they can have a substantial impact on the spirit boat.

"Cao Nima is here again!"

There was another violent vibration from the right side, and everyone hurriedly grabbed the objects next to them to stabilize their bodies, and there was a lot of abuse for a while. Xiushu.com

"No, it's not a problem to let them hit again, I have to find a way to get rid of them!"

Although the spirit boats weren't damaged at all, they couldn't withstand the collision like this.

"Xiaoran, can you see them?"

Zhao Yaoyao couldn't bear this kind of shock, so she simply suspended her feet off the ground to avoid the impact of the spirit boat's deviation.

"No, I can't sense neither the vision nor the spiritual sense, so I can't attack them directly." Wei Xiaoran shook her head and sighed. Without a target, she couldn't even shoot an arrow.

With this in mind, she lowered her head and looked at Huang Xuan in her hand.

At the Sunset Islands, what Elder Ming said when Huang Xuan woke up is still vivid in his memory.

The personal bow of the Nameless Arrow God, if he can get his inheritance, he should be able to cope with the current situation.

"Then it's numb, and this beauty can't see them."

Zhao Yaoyao's eyes are like demon pupils, flickering with a demon purple shimmer, staring at the void, but nothing is reflected in the pupils.

When they were numb their claws, Ming had already returned to the core of the spirit boat and activated the induction wave, and saw circles of light golden ripples from the spirit boat swinging to the void, as if they were detecting something.

Fortunately, the result is gratifying. On the display of the eighteen-wing projection screen, every time the impact hits, there will be a fleeting energy reaction.

"Intangible and qualityless, it seems that after a long time of evolution, some new species have been born in the endless void sea."

Looking up at the void, she narrowed her eyes slightly, while holding the core with her palms to activate the spirit boat formation.


In an instant, the nine-winged snow wings on the left and right sides of the golden egg spirit boat were sensed, and countless illusory wings were blown away.

The eighteen snow wings stretched backwards and soared in unison, swirling and rotating, and the wingtips pointed directly at the head of the spirit boat.

Layer after layer of wings extended and covered the golden egg, and the whole was streamlined and pointed towards Xibei.

And during the sprinting process, the spirit boat bloomed with snow wings and cut everything in its path, but as everyone expected, it didn't cause any damage to the three red dots.

They are as if there is no entity, unaffected by the sharp edge.

But similar to them, the spirit boat can't do anything to them, and the unknown life forms can't do anything to the spirit boat either.

The eighteen-winged holy feather heavily guarded the spirit boat, isolating the shock caused by the impact.

"Wow, they haven't left yet!" Xiang Yuan stood up in embarrassment and looked at the group chat, his lungs almost exploded.

"If it wasn't for not being able to see it, I would have tm out and slaughtered it for you."

He kept cursing and cursing, but suddenly shut up in the next second, staring straight at the void beyond the spirit boat.

I saw that at a certain moment when the sharp edge suddenly appeared, a large piece of slightly illusory dark green blood suddenly splashed in the empty void, as if some kind of object had been cut.

"It seems...they will be hurt when they attack." Wei Xiaoran squinted her beautiful eyes, calmly analyzing and making a judgment.

In order to verify this guess, she immediately paid special attention to the changes in Xue Bai Yu's wings.

Sure enough, once again, the sharp edge brought out a large amount of blood, and then the snow-white holy wings flickered, which was the feedback of the impact on the wings.

before and after combination

The change undoubtedly proved her guess.

"It won't work like this, they are obviously entangled with us." Hezaben looked distractedly at the group chat, and couldn't help feeling very irritable.

For now, the speed of the spirit boat's sprint is fast enough, but the three red dots are like a dog's skin plaster, and it is obvious that they want to die.

But in the face of this unknown void creature, he couldn't think of any effective way to deal with it for a while.

"It can't be ignored, but do you have a way to attack this invisible and qualityless weird creature?"

Farnie tapped his head in distress, sighing in his heart that there are so many wonders in the world, and any creature may exist.

"Unknown life in the void..." Ming raised his head to stare at the projection, and immediately slowed down the speed of the spirit boat with a swipe of his palm.

"If you're so entangled, it's no wonder I'm ruthless."

In the mysterious and unknown vast sea of ​​void, Ming originally didn't want to make troubles, but people didn't think so, so don't blame her for doing it herself.

"Let me go, Elder Ming. No one knows how to operate a spirit boat if you're not here." At this moment, Lu An unexpectedly narrowed his eyes and introduced himself, which greatly surprised those who knew him well.

When did you lazy dog ​​become so active?

"Oh? This place is in the endless void, can you cope with the changes in the outside world?" Seeing him recommending himself, Ming's hands paused.

"Well, Lu An, you still have to pay attention to those space turbulence." Wei Xiaoran didn't expect that Lu An wanted to step into the endless void alone, so she couldn't help but remind him.

Just now there are two dangers outside, one is unknown life forms, and the other is turbulent space flow, no matter which one is dangerous.

"Emmm, I should be able to handle it, as long as I don't get too far away from the spirit boat, the turbulent currents shouldn't be able to do anything to me."

Lu An lowered his head and clenched his fists. He felt that he should be able to do it. He had an inexplicable confidence and confidence, which came from the taboo field he had stepped into, which was the tenth Tibetan realm.

"Forget it, then it's up to you, I'm here to help you."

Ming thought it was reasonable, so he simply gave this opportunity to Lu An to express himself, his eyes flickered slightly.

She more or less guessed where Lu An's confidence came from, so let's see how powerful the tenth Tibetan realm can be in the void.

"This seat will unlock the restrictions for you, just leave directly."

Lu An nodded slightly, stepped on the light curtain above his head with his toes, shuttled out without any hindrance, and came out of the spirit boat alone.

Under the feet, an indescribable sense of suffocation and weightlessness came from all directions, even accompanied by faint turbulent currents.

Stepping into the void for the second time, Lu An already had some experience, and after a few seconds of adaptation, he gained a firm foothold.

But soon, he was brought back to reality by a burst of inner warning of danger.

Twelve o'clock direction on the right!

The whim from the warrior quickly helped him sense the source of the crisis, but when he looked sideways, he couldn't see anything.


Without too much hesitation, before the crisis approached, Lu An took the lead in probing with fists. The energy squeezed by the front of the fist was condensed into an air cannon and hit Huanglong directly, but it still didn't have any effect.

On Lu An's side, his pupils narrowed and he quickly tapped the void and leaped high, turning sideways to avoid the turbulent space passing by.

At the same time, a hurricane that was strong enough to tear black iron suddenly passed by the place where he was originally standing, as if some kind of behemoth was swimming violently.

The scene was extremely thrilling, and everyone in the spirit boat couldn't help raising their hearts to their throats.

"The big lazy pig's attack doesn't seem to work on them. Master, please go and help him."

Seeing that Lu An's fist couldn't hit the unknown life form, Gu Mengmeng pressed her hands to the window anxiously.

"Don't worry, Lu Xiaozi's previous move was just a test. If it doesn't work, I will rescue him and come back." Ming squinted his eyes to watch Lu An's every move, and didn't intend to make a move.

"Pure energy can't hit it, it looks really invisible and substanceless, so how did it hit the spirit boat?"

Lu An lowered his head to look at the fist, and then his mind was concentrated. Luck stepped on the soles of his feet, and he landed on the huge snow wing with his backhand.

Although he couldn't see their shapes, with his powerful perception, Lu An still used the whole spirit boat to dodge around like a monkey.

After several attempts, he finally decided what kind of life form he was facing.

Only at the moment of the attack will the body be revealed for a short time, and at other times it will be in a strange state of intangibility and quality.

I have to say it is very mysterious.

It is worthy of being a void life form, and its nature is almost the same as this endless void.

"After the test, it's time to get down to business."

As soon as the words fell, a pitch-black gleam shimmered on his body, and Qilin scales emerged one after another, forming a pair of pitch-black battle armor.

"Since Qi Jin is useless, try this."

Lu An's eyes were ignited with a majestic white awn, and majestic energy and blood flowed out of his body, just like a blazing flame, sweeping the void with an unrivaled power to subdue the world.

The radiant white light is extremely majestic, and the supreme will is recovering.

The extremely terrifying aura made the three unknown life forms near the spirit boat extremely anxious, but they dared not make a move.

They felt a deadly threat from the little bug in front of them, as if they had crossed some kind of taboo door and were about to usher in the punishment of heaven and earth.

If they can see Lu An's pupils clearly beyond the bright white light, they will find that his eyes are flickering with robbery patterns, reflecting the existence of the faint stars.

A loud "boom" made the void shake and ripple. Looking up, Lu An's head unexpectedly condensed a vision out of thin air, as if some kind of taboo forcibly crossed the boundary between form and void and descended into the void.

It was a vast sky star engraved with mysterious divine patterns, its whole body was white and powerful, and it was the only one in the sky and on the earth.

The divine pattern contains taboos and truths, which are changing every moment, but there are four big characters.

From the road to simplicity!

This is Lu An's tenth manifestation of the Tibetan realm, and it is also the true manifestation of the Canggu Sovereign Tribulation Pattern!

The supreme aura that dominates the world turns into the light of will to illuminate the void, and wherever it goes, the sky is frozen and the ground is closed, even the turbulent flow of space passing nearby is suppressed and disappeared in an instant.

However, there are also quite a few powerful ones who struggled to move forward under the suppression of the Cang Miao Tianxing, and finally broke away from this range.

With a hidden sky star above his head, domineering white light in his pupils, and a pitch-black Lin armor, Lu An looks like a god and a demon now, turning around and bowing his head, stretching out his hand to gently press.

"Martial will dominates, gods and ghosts are fully displayed."


The moment his palm pressed down, a pale giant hand condensed by martial arts will and qi and blood suddenly took shape and pressed down.

It is like the Wuzhi Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha in myths and legends, but the will contained in it is more brilliant.

Suppressing Tianfeng, I am the only one!

Canggu robbery patterns are used as palm prints, and the will is transformed into bones and blood.

The Cangzhang dominates, and all things appear in form. Under it, even the changeable void life forms cannot resist, and they are forced to withdraw from the formless life form and return to the physical body.

These are three monsters with extremely ferocious heads, and eight dark green pupils on the left and right, shining with a murderous and bloodthirsty gleam.

The body has eight arms, and the blades of the sickle arms are transparent and purple, like the blade of the void. The most terrifying thing is that their lower body and even the thirteen tentacles move the void like an octopus, with an extremely ferocious appearance.

In terms of ferocity, among all the beasts Lu An has seen, it is also one of the most precious existences.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Seeing their true appearance, Lu An snorted coldly, clasped his five fingers, and pressed his pale giant hand down, directly piercing the bodies of the three void monsters.

In an instant, three screams pierced the void with the voice of a male duck, and then they all died with their heads tilted. The eight black pupils were dimmed and lifeless.

Destroy the soul with one palm, destroy the heart and soul!

The invisible void form Lu An can't do anything about them, but from the moment he manifests his martial intent, everything will be different.

Regardless of whether you are a human or a ghost, come to me and fight back to your original form!

"It's bigger than a heavy truck, no wonder it can hit the spirit boat."

At the end of the battle, Lu An restrained the vision of the sky and threw the blood chains with both hands, binding the corpses of the three void monsters together.

During this process, he also made a new discovery, that is, the monster's body seems to have some special features, which can be largely immune to the cutting of space turbulence.

"Three thousand worlds really have all kinds of species."

Lu An muttered to himself, defining them as strange creatures, and then grabbed the monster's corpse to signal Elder Ming to open the door.

With a flash of golden light, he entered the spirit boat deck together with the three trophies.

Fortunately, the internal space is large enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to fit three monsters.

"Elder Ming, come and see what's going on with these three monsters. Not only can they be greatly immune to turbulence, but they can also transform into invisible and intangible weird forms."

As soon as he came in, Lu An yelled Ming Lai Zhangyan loudly, while he leaned over and tore open a small opening, his two fingers were stained with blood and gently twisted.

"Blood is corrosive, you two, Xiaorou and Adar, don't touch it."

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