An hour can be said to be fast or not, whether it is short or not.

But for the people who are full of expectations, it is a relatively long time.

The unblocking of Tianzong is just around the corner, it is impossible not to be nervous or curious.

Being able to witness the unblocking and revival of the ancient Tianzong, such a major event is absolutely impossible for individuals to miss.

The spirit boat was suspended in the sky and moored quietly. After waiting and discussing for two hours on the deck, the head of Beichen Lie, whom everyone had been thinking about, finally appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Under his feet, it seemed that the distance had lost its meaning, no matter how far it was, it was just one step away for him.

"Hey, the suzerain is back!"

Zhao Yaoyao, who was whispering with a group of girls, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly reminded the girls who hadn't noticed Beichen Lie's return, and motioned them to look back.


I have long been accustomed to Beichen Lie's unnoticed and supernatural powers, so I looked at it casually for a moment and spoke slowly.

It is the same as before leaving, and there is nothing more worthy of attention on him.

"Everything is ready." Beichen Lie didn't care about her cold attitude, and stood with his hands behind his back, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he sighed secretly in his heart, and he hesitated to speak several times, but he couldn't say anything when he reached his mouth.

After learning all about Ming's experience after waking up, and knowing that she has gone all the way to find her sect, Beichen Lie has a lot to say to her.

But even though there are thousands of words, I don't know how to speak.

The wonderful attitude between the two was naturally noticed by the delicate girls not far away, and the eyes of each one became more and more strange.

Did something go wrong?

Is this the attitude an elder should have towards the suzerain?

Is the identity wrong? Hey!

They don't understand, very much.

It stands to reason that as an elder, his tone and attitude towards his suzerain should be more friendly, but what is the reason for this unabashed indifference?

Is this the attitude that a normal elder should have?

And you, the suzerain, you are the contemporary suzerain of Wanxiangfa Tianzong, one of the nine heavenly sects, it's fine if you are hated by your own elders, why not only you are not angry, but you still greet them with a smile?

The majestic master of a sect, doing such a thing with a hot face and a cold butt?

Come up with the majesty that suits your temperament, hey!

For a time, the fire of gossip burned in the hearts of all the girls.

In order to avoid being noticed by the parties involved, they directly started a heated discussion in the chat group.

"I'll bet on a pack of spicy sticks, Elder Ming must have something to do with the Suzerain, if not, this beauty will secretly take pictures of Master Lu!"

Lu An: "???"

Lu An, who was eating melons silently, was full of question marks in his head, pinching Ma Ma drops, chatting and gossip.

Why are you pulling him all of a sudden, and secretly taking pictures of him?

Lu An gasped, can a normal person say such a thing? Isn't this a female hooligan?

Good guy, I didn't realize that you actually harbored such evil intentions and wanted to do something wrong with me, Mr. Lu! Have unreasonable thoughts!

Lu An silently put down Ilya, eager to walk over and give Zhao Yaoyao a shudder, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

If I really want to give it a shudder, I won't be able to sleep well at night.

"Knock on the head of this beautiful woman, don't sleep too hard at night."

After simply simulating the process, Lu An resolutely gave up the idea, and even the auditory hallucinations were still in his ears.

Forget it, or there will be no peace at night.

Shaking his head, he picked up Illya again.

At the same time, Beichen Lie also made new moves.

"When will it start?"

"It's not too late, let's do it now, you fly higher, there may be a lot of movement later."

Seeing Beichen Lie stepping out of the spirit boat, Ming didn't have the slightest intention to help, so he steered the spirit boat into the sky quickly, kept it at the same level as the thick clouds, and overlooked the magnificent mountains and rivers below.

"Should we just watch here?"

Seeing Beichen Lie get out of the spirit boat without saying a word, everyone realized that Tianzong was about to be unsealed, and ran to the edge of the light curtain to look down.

I saw Beichen standing proudly in the void with his hands behind his back, with ripples on his fingertips, ninety-nine and eighty-one horizontal magic rings filling the sky, and unspeakable sound waves penetrating the space and lingering around his ears, containing some kind of incomprehensible mysterious power.

Like the sound of a clear spring, although I can't understand the mystery, it is very pleasant to hear.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one dharma rings spread across the sky, marching in arrays according to Beichen's strong instructions, stirring up thousands of auras, pulling the power of heaven and earth, and mobilizing mountains, rivers and rivers.

In a trance, there seems to be an invisible storm sweeping across the mountains, rivers and heavens, passing by everyone in a flash, and blowing a gust of breeze.

Bow down again, heaven and earth

The mountains and rivers have not changed, and they are still as magnificent as ever.

But there is no doubt that at that moment, something invisible has changed quietly.

At first glance, the mountains, rivers and rivers are as usual, without any changes, but as long as you observe carefully, you will find that they are very different.

Although the mountains and rivers remain the same, the feeling is completely different.

It was a wonderful charm that could not be explained clearly.

If the previous mountains, rivers and rivers were dead objects, then the current ones are life in one piece! Is full of vitality!

"Although I don't know what Beichenlie did to change the situation of the country, but I think it has something to do with the unblocking of the sect."

Noticing that these little dolls were full of confusion, Gu Yunzi immediately realized that the opportunity to pretend to be an elder had come. He clenched his fist and coughed lightly, walked over slowly, and acted as an old-fashioned commentator.

"The heaven and the earth are natural, and everything in the universe has its potential. It's hard to sum up the ways of it in one word. You can understand it as a kind of "rhyme", which is similar to a person's temperament and aura!"

"As expected of Elder Gu Yunzi, his knowledge is profound!"

The big guy immediately understood his easy-to-understand metaphor, knowing the old guy's piss, and he was not stingy with compliments, how to praise him.

Sure enough, Gu Yunzi's old face immediately turned into a chrysanthemum, and he became even more excited: "Not bad, you can teach me!"

He stretched out his finger to Beichen Lie: "There are many kinds of rhymes, and what Beichen Lie is changing now is the yin and yang of mountains, rivers and lands!"

"A flower blooms with two sides, everything is divided into yin and yang, these two words must be familiar to you."

Aidar nodded like a chick pecking at rice. Although he was not a native of Tianxuan, he also worked hard to learn various knowledge during the time he went to Tianxuan to study, and he was even more impressed by the theory of yin and yang.

These two words can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no matter their status or status, everyone in Tianxuan understands it.

Just catch one on the street, even a kid can give you a set of opinions that are unique to you.

"The previous mountains and rivers belonged to Yin, but it was a place of silence, moistening things in silence, nourishing the essence and locking the soul."

"The current terrain of mountains and rivers belongs to Yang, and it is a place of vigorous vitality. All things are revived and reversed, and the gods awaken and wake up."

As he spoke, Gu Yunzi showed a clear expression on his face, and couldn't help stroking his beard: "The old man knows where Beichen Lie buried Xiao Qingshui and the others."

Not in the cave, not in the sect, this move is really unexpected, and it is completely different from their Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect.

"It can't be underground, right?" Gu Yunzi said so clearly, all the spearheads pointed to an underground place, and they couldn't guess that it was a fool.

"Yes and no, to be precise, it is in the earth veins!"

"Fuck, is it really buried in the soil?"

Xiang Yuan was startled, this is an operation he had never imagined.

What's the difference between being so buried and a zombie movie?

Let's use Yin Qi to raise the corpse?

Xiang Yuan, who has watched many zombie movies, knows how zombies are born.

Find a place to keep corpses, dig a hole and bury them, and when the time comes, they will turn into zombies. The process is simple and rude.

"No, no, underground and leylines are two concepts."

Gu Yunzi shook his head to interrupt him: "Earth veins are the veins of mountains, rivers, and earth. They are real but non-existent things. Except for some strange things, they can only be semi-substantial with great magical powers."

"However, this is a normal phenomenon. From the old man's point of view, the veins of this land of mountains and rivers were extracted from other places by means of grafting, and inserted into this place the day after tomorrow. It was not born naturally."

"It's just that the long years have passed, and this land line has long been integrated with the mountains and the earth, and there is no distinction between you and me."

I can't understand it, but it looks so powerful.

Gu Yunzi's casual sentence or two made them feel confused, profound and lofty.

It is extraordinary to think about pulling away from the leylines and stuffing it elsewhere.

The leylines...

In terms of understanding of the leylines, Lu An should be the most authoritative expert among this group of people.

Because the little tree in his family is a product of the earth veins!

It used to be the Earth Vein Spiritual Tree, but now it is the Terrain Bearing Tree.

Before they could delve into the issues related to the leylines, Beichen Lie launched a new round of actions.

He stepped forward, and when his figure reappeared, he was already above the vast sect, and below him was the flattened mountainside and Linlixian Pavilion.

Surrounded by towering divine peaks, from his point of view, there is quite a sense of heroism that will be the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance.

It's as if mountains, rivers and rivers are shrunk in the palm of your hand.

"It's been silent for a long time, it's time to wake up."

Staring at the mountains and rivers below with his hands behind his back, Beichen Lie said nothing, and a delicate hourglass the size of a chess piece emerged in his hand.

The exquisite hourglass does not have any special powers, it is just like an ordinary hourglass, lying quietly in Beichen Lie's palm.

The only strange thing is the translucent jade bead inlaid on the top.

Material unknown, does not appear to be composed of matter.

"This is!"

Gu Yunzi, who was calmly explaining on the spirit boat, straightened up, his eyes fixed on the hourglass in Beichen Lie's hand, full of disbelief.

But before everyone could ask why, Beichen Lie, who was holding an hourglass, suddenly raised his right hand, and lightly pressed down on the mountains and rivers below.

Suddenly, the hourglass seemed to make a slight sound, causing imperceptible ripples.

As if there was an invisible hand from the sky crushing the earth, under this pressure, the sect as the center immediately exploded, and even the 473 surrounding peaks trembled violently at this moment. Roaring, the pattern of the dome covered by the sea of ​​clouds flickered continuously, resonating with it, and transmitting the power that shook the mountains and rivers to all directions.

In an instant, the Vientiane Fa Tianzong's violent tremor affected the entire Void Island, as well as the sleeping Tianzong in the other four territories.

Inspired by the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, the entire continent was trembling, roaring and trembling crazily, and the mountains, rivers, and earth vibrated endlessly at a magnitude visible to the naked eye.

The wind howled and raged, only the sea of ​​clouds above the head was safe and unaffected, but the sky and the earth looked like the end of the world.

Beichen Lie is like opening Pandora's box, awakening the sleeping taboo inside!

"If you don't wake up now, when will you wait?"

The wheel of the ninety-nine eighty-one double dharma ring followed Beichen's strong pull, and turned into light and fell in unison, pouring into the central hall of the sect that was full of immortal energy!

In an instant, the mountains and rivers were roaring, the wind and clouds were roaring, and the bright torrent of golden light rose from the ground like a tsunami, breaking through the sky and penetrating the dome in an instant.

This is a symbol representing the awakening of the Vientiane Fa Tianzong, and it is also the strong will of a peak sect of the era. After sleeping for thousands of years, it wakes up from the endless silence and roars to the heaven and earth, announcing its awakening and return!

The terrifying radiance even broke through the dome, hitting the endless void far beyond.

This radiant celestial pillar of radiance is so dazzling in the dark and dim endless void, illuminating everything around it and penetrating to the far side.

Swish Swish Swish——

After it, beams of light that reach the sky suddenly rose from all over the void island.

The dark pillar of light on the right is surrounded by magic mist, followed closely by Zhang Yang's shrill smile.

On the left side, all the beasts screamed together, and countless beast shadows galloped into pillars, screaming and shaking the sky, piercing through the limit of void and endless distance, and even spreading to the territory where the Vientiane Fa Tianzong is located.

There is also a beam of light like a tulle, like a nine-day fairy descending to the earth to play faint fairy music, washing away the filth of the soul and the impurity of the world.

The gigantic city of organs spun around, and was pulled by the eyes of the formation, the central ground opened a gap out of thin air, and shot out a beam of laser light that lasted for a long time.

Driven by this, the vision of the sleeping place of the five great heavenly sects was fully revealed, and the entire void island seemed to be unable to bear such a shaking, trembling all the time, as if it would fall apart at any time.

Swish Swish Swish——

In the territory of the Tianzong of the Vientiane Fa, after the radiant pillar pierced through the sky, every part of the mountains, rivers and land is full of tiny brilliance.

Four hundred and seventy-three divine peaks, surrounding mountains, rushing rivers, and even Qionglou Yuyu.

As far as the eye can see, the sky is full of visions, sprinkled in every corner of the world, and the spirit boat seems to be swimming in the ocean of light.

tens of thousands? One hundred thousand? Or millions?

There are too many to count, they cover everything, and some sleeping things are gradually waking up!

"The era hastily wakes up, and how long will the secrets be hidden."

Suddenly, a breath erupted strongly from the nearby main peak, accompanied by a faint sigh, it turned into a rainbow and went straight to the spirit boat, descending instantly.

This is a peerless beauty dressed in a secluded sea palace dress, with ethereal ribbons inlaid with beads and jade, with a gentle temperament like jade, and a mature and charming appearance.

Every move is quiet and elegant, she is not as confused as ordinary people who just woke up, but she is aiming directly at the spirit boat, and the miraculous three-edged plum blossom pupils swept across the people present.

"I don't know who it is, so it's Gu Yunzi and Ah Ming."

She lightly covered her cherry lips with her bare hands, and yawned with a sweet smile: "Long time no see, don't come here without any problems."

"Don't worry, I didn't expect you to be the first to wake up."

Compared with Beichen Lie, Ming's attitude towards beautiful women in palace costumes is much better, it's a world of difference.

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