Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1166 Life Is Like A Dream, Thirty-Six Main Veins

"Long ago, I was in a chaotic state of half-dream and half-awake. As long as the concubine is willing, waking up is only a matter of thought."

After the beautiful woman in the palace costume finished speaking, she covered her face and yawned again, as if her drowsiness had not dissipated.

She glanced at Gu Yunzi from the corner of her eye, and she said unhurriedly: "It's just that I'm curious, Gu Yunzi, as the eighth elder of the Tianqiao Fortune Sect, why did you appear in the boundary of my Wanxiang Fa Tianzong?" ?”

"Could it be that you finally figured it out and plan to join us?" Her voice was beautiful, like a gurgling stream flowing slowly in a quiet valley, ethereal and melodious like the sound of heaven, making people involuntarily immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves.

"Misunderstanding, there are many reasons for it, the old man is just walking with Xiaoming, follow me to have a look, that's all!"

Gu Yunzi quickly shook his head and denied that he was doing well in Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect, why would he switch to another Tianzong if he had nothing to do.

Wouldn't it be nice to continue to be his Eighth Elder, riding on the heads of thousands of disciples and domineering?

"After sleeping for so long, Fuyu, your temperament still hasn't changed." He smacked his lips and sighed, his unnatural expression was slightly awkward, as if he was a little afraid of Fuyu.

"The big dream of floating life lasts for thousands of years, but for us, it is just a long sleep."

The beautiful woman in the palace costume stretched her muscles and bones a few times in a very small range of motion, her weak and graceful figure was hidden under the blue palace costume, and she squinted her beautiful eyes comfortably.

"Her name is Fuyu, the thirteenth elder of our sect, and also the peak master of one of the thirty-six main veins."

When Fuyu was making fun of Gu Yunzi, Ming also took this opportunity to secretly transmit a voice transmission to give them a brief introduction.

"The thirty-six main veins are the top thirty-six main peaks in terms of comprehensive strength among the four hundred and seventy-three divine peaks. There are many effective factors in the calculation of this ranking, such as the peak's major cultivation level, the number of disciples it belongs to, and comprehensive attainments, etc. Wait."

"Add them all together, and finally come up with this divine peak ranking."

"And the thirty-six main veins are the titles finally derived from the peaks that have been ranked among the best for many years."

Fearing that they might not understand the meaning of this word, after introducing Fu Yu, Ming briefly described the origin of the thirty-six main veins.


To put it simply, it is the strongest thirty-six main peaks.

"What about you, master." Knowing that Fuyu's background is so big, Gu Mengmeng couldn't help but curiously asked about Ming's situation.

Her family's master is definitely no worse than Fu Yu!

"My seat? This seat is different from her. It is not the owner of the main peak, but the guardian elder who guards the blessed land of the cave. However, there is also a small peak under his name, but it has not been taken care of for a long time."

Ming shook his head. She has different responsibilities from Fu Yu, so it is meaningless to compare her. Although there is a small peak under her name, she basically never went back because she lived in the Vientiane Cave most of the time.

Thinking about it now, it should be only a short distance away from being deserted.

"Oh!" Gu Mengmeng seemed to understand and nodded, and then stopped talking, in fact, she had already aimed at the Xiaofeng Ming mentioned in her heart.

Although it is not a major main peak, it is one of the 108 smaller peaks anyway! Also a nice place.

Since the master doesn't have time to take care of it, then she, the apprentice, must shoulder the responsibility!

On the other side, unhurriedly turning Gu Yunzi into a bitter face, Fuyu glanced sideways at the scene outside the light curtain from the corner of her eyes, and then noticed that Ming was silent, as if she was communicating with others, and immediately Focus on other people.

Is it a newly recruited disciple?

After simply scanning around, she found that the real bone age of the faces of these students was very young, and without exception, they were all around the age of weak crowns.

At this age, they are also unfamiliar faces, and nine out of ten are Ming's new disciples.

Thinking of this, she changed her unfriendly attitude towards Gu Yunzi, and suddenly smiled and parted her lips.

"If it's not as expected, you should be Ah Ming's newly recruited sect disciples. I'm the thirteenth elder of Tianzong, my name is Fuyu, and my name is Qinglian. I'm called the thirteenth elder or Fuyu elder. Either way."

At any rate, it was the fresh blood of the sect, not to mention it was brought by Ming himself, which was enough to see its importance, and she believed in Ming's vision.

"Boy Fan Tianlan, I have met Elder Fu Yuji."

Before coming here, he had secretly simulated and rehearsed many times. Fan Tianlan responded in a calm and unhurried manner.

"This eloquent light of recovery is really warm and dazzling, and I don't know when it will end."

Fu Yu turned around and squinted at the tiny figure below: "It's not an easy job to unseal the sect in one fell swoop, I hope the suzerain can hold on."

With such a prosperous recovery, she naturally understood what Beichen Lie was going to do.

The move is not

Not only to awaken them who are sleeping, but the most important thing is to completely unseal the entire Tianzong.

The current Tianzong is not really a complete picture. Many blessed lands and secret places were trapped in the eternal seal with them at the beginning of the dust seal, waiting for the moment when they will see the sun again.

But now, Beichen Lie is using a two-pronged approach, not only awakening the disciples of the sect, but also unlocking the true face of the Tianzong.

"It's not a short-term job to unblock such a big Tianzong... I guess it will take at least two days."

Millions of sect disciples, elders and deacons and other personnel of all ranks, as well as Tianzong itself.

Of course, the most important thing is the "Tianzong background", this is the most important big head!

The first three are important, but the foundation of Tianzong is the most critical and indispensable core, and it is the foundation of the sect.

Thinking about it, they spent a lot of energy sealing the inside story at the beginning, but now they want to unlock the seal again, even if they have the key, it is still a laborious task.

Even if the Sovereign personally performs the operation, it cannot be resolved within a day or two.

Unexpectedly, after she finished saying this to herself, she was silent for a moment, and then without saying a word, she manipulated the spirit boat to go back the same way, leaving Beichen Lie with a phantom that gradually faded away.

Standing alone in the sky, Beichen watched the spirit boat disappear into the sky, opened his mouth to speak but stopped, suddenly felt the biting cold wind blowing from all sides.

No, as the master of a sect, he is here alone to unseal the sect, and what's the matter if you just leave him and run away?

Is this appropriate?

"Elder Ming, the suzerain is still there, why don't we wait for him!"

This operation frightened them, it was fine just now, why did they suddenly leave the leader and run away? !

The head of the sect fought alone over there, unsealing Tianzong with one person's strength, and they watched and cheered by the side, that's all, why are they still running away now?

"Fuyu's words are true. Unsealing Tianzong is not a one-day achievement. If we continue to stay, it will not help the matter. We cannot provide any help. It is better to go back and rest for a while, and then go there after he is done."

While driving the spirit boat forward, Ming responded to everyone indifferently, without feeling any discomfort or shame at all because of his actions.

It's like doing an ordinary little thing, which seems too normal to her.

"But he is our suzerain..."

Clear heart does not understand, these disciples and elders not only ignore the suzerain, but even ran away first, no matter how you think about it, it is a big treason.

The suzerain won't the old man be angry?

"Because it is the suzerain, this is his duty, and has nothing to do with us."

She still had that neutral tone, no matter how dull her brain was, she could still respond to some problems.

Elder Ming doesn't seem to be getting along well with Sect Master Beichen...

Realizing that there seemed to be shocking gossip and hidden secrets in it, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and chose to remain silent.

Anyway, disciples like them can't control the thoughts of their elders, so do what you like, they are tired.

"Sovereign Lord, it's really hard work."

On the other side, Fu Yusu, who knew the inside story well, covered her face with her hands and giggled, and couldn't help feeling a little pity for Beichen Lie.

It's not her fault, this strangely shaped spirit boat is Ming's property, and she is powerless in it even in a weak state.

Under Ming's merciless full acceleration, Lingzhou returned to Gu Yunzi's old lair in the valley at an extremely fast speed.

Looking out from here, even though it is far away from the territory of the Five Great Heavenly Sects, you can still clearly see the pillar of brilliance that pierces the sky from far away.


Due to the fact that the entire Void Island was affected by the recovery of the five sects, Gu Yunzi had no choice but to temporarily stabilize the area.

Otherwise, there is no way to let it keep shaking like this, and there is no place to rest at all.

Fortunately, the mechanism house he built was stable enough and did not collapse into ruins due to the earthquake.

"Let's rest here for the past two days, and wait for when he ends and when he passes."

Ming made decisions for everyone without considering the feelings of Fuyu and Gu Yunzi at all, or even if there were objections, he didn't care.

Fuyu just woke up, although she looks fine, she is actually very weak and needs time to recuperate and recover, so she has no capital to protest with her.

As for Gu Yunzi, let alone, even though his cultivation level is at the same level as hers, this old guy is not good at fighting, so he can basically be regarded as a mascot.

As we all know, mascots have no human rights.

"Alright, you don't seem to have just woken up, Ah Ming. I think you were still reluctant to leave the concubine when you and Wanxiang Dongtian stayed outside, and now you must know a lot of information."

"Nothing to do,

I happen to have a long talk with you all night~"

Fu Yu took a look at the messy environment around him, shook his head slightly regretfully to express his pity, then lazily stretched his waist and looked at Ming.

Before Juzong entered the endless void, the Vientiane Cave was deliberately left in the outer universe.

Now that Ming appeared here, she was also quite surprised, but she also revealed a lot of things invisibly.

For example, Ming must have found it from the outside world, and coming from the outside world also shows that she must have witnessed the present era.

Talk to her, you can get a lot of useful information first.

"Well, this seat is available anytime."

Fuyu is from his own family, so it doesn't matter to chat with her, but some important situations should be more formal.

After the Zongmen fully recovers, ask Beichen Lie to hold a Zongdian meeting.

Thinking so, the staff is not yet complete, and she has not disclosed some important matters, and continues to report to the sect for discussion.

Although Gu Yunzi has a good relationship, this guy is always the elder of Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect, not his own.

Just like that, the group flew happily to Tianzong, and flew back in a daze.

Fortunately, the result is gratifying, and their purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Beichen Lie has been awakened, and the entire Vientiane Fa Tianzong is being revived, and the other four Tianzongs are also being affected.

But even though he came back with the spirit boat, his heart and thoughts still stayed in the Vientiane Fa Tianzong.

At this moment, Tianzong is in the recovery stage, and they are about to face many legendary disciples and elders of Tianzong. It is impossible to say that they are not excited or nervous.

There are so many cultivators of Shanggu, the elders will not talk about whether those Tianzong disciples with the same status as them are not powerful, whether their cultivation base is stronger than them, and how much stronger they can be.

All kinds of questions linger in their hearts, so how can they sleep well.

There are many people who have such thoughts. After all, everyone is a young man full of vigor and vitality. It is normal to worry about this and that.

But there are also some outliers among them, for example, Lu An and a few little guys sleep soundly, and they don't have this trouble at all.

It's none of his business whether he is strong or not, and if he hangs around, he, Lu, will be as awesome as he is.

Not only broke through the tenth Tibetan realm that has been recognized as a death spot throughout the ages, but also survived six death kalpas in succession to condense the final kalpa pattern.

When he sat there, even the supreme body had to bow his head.

What's more, the only known upper body is still in his arms.

In this way, under the continuous violent shock of the void island, four days passed by in a flash.

During these four days, the people who huddled in the quiet valley to fish and paddle witnessed the climax of the radiant column.

From piercing the sky at the beginning, to exaggerating auspicious clouds with power, arousing many visions.

The Nine Heavens Fairy dances Qingming, the interweaving of all kinds of magic is revealed, the sound of magic is rolling and chaotic, the beasts are galloping and moving the mountains and rivers, and the secrets of organs are turning the universe.

Seeing all kinds of visions a lot, from the shock at the beginning to being indifferent, enough immunity has been born.

If the newly born vision is not novel and outstanding, it really cannot arouse their emotional fluctuations.

This is true for a group of young people, not to mention the three of Gu Yunzi who have seen strong winds and waves.

It is estimated that he had tasted modern crafts that night, and he has a good taste for barbecue. Whenever this old guy has time, he will go to Lu An's side to stalk him, begging for him to cook for him.

Due to his status and face, Lu An was not easy to refuse.

The result was to cook him barbecue for four days in a row. This old guy has a soft spot for beef gluten, and he has no sign of getting tired of eating it.

The same is true now.

At noon, Lu An was pulled up by Gu Yunzi to roast beef tendon.

"Swish -"

By the side of the clear lake, Gu Yunzi was squatting next to him and sniffing the aroma with great interest, when suddenly a silver streak shot from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he was close to the valley and fell to the sky, with a violent gust of wind.

"Oh, the old man's beef ribs! Who is so blind! Do you have any sense of public morality? Do you have any quality! Didn't you see that food is being cooked here?!"

Countless pieces of grass swayed with the wind, Gu Yunzi jumped up angrily, waved his sleeves and waved the strong wind to sweep the silver light, but it unexpectedly caused a crisp sword sound.

Look carefully, in the storm, there is a tall man with a silver silk shawl, with a blade shadow covering his body, a slender figure, a knife-cut face with no expression on his face, engraved with sword marks, his plain eyes swept across Gu Yunzi, and then looked at Lu An next to him and the beef gluten covered with grass.

As if he was trying to figure out the situation, he was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the situation here, please also ask Elder Gu Yunzi Haihan."

"I am ordered by the suzerain to come here to inform elder Huiming and the thirteen elders to return to the sect and discuss important matters together."

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