As he spoke, he glanced at the middle-aged man standing alone with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the sky.

Who owes him money?

"No, that's my father's teacher. Teacher Qi Lian is very strict in class, but it's also for training us. I don't want your help. I can do it myself."

Gu Mengmeng shook her head lightly, her eyes were very firm.

She doesn't want to rely on Lu An for everything, she will get hurt at most in this little test, but it's absolutely fine to persist for two hours.

"Oh, he is."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Lu An didn't force her, and quietly peeped at Qi Lian.

It's an old guy.

Moreover, the calluses on his hands are thick, and he usually holds a sword often.

"Wei Xiaoran and Xiao Rou are not in the same class as you?"

He pulled her to sit down, put his hand on her calf, and then retracted his hand after a force covered her, resisting the wind blade for her.

Gu Mengmeng shook her head, and put her arms around her calves: "No, they have been assigned to the third class, yes, Lu An, remember to go to the Hall of Inheritance with us in the afternoon, Xiaorou Xiaoran and the others are going too, Grandpa knows about us There is an inheritance card, and I got some points for Xiaorou, let her try her luck with us."

When the two were talking in a low voice, countless eyes shot at them.

Wang Tieniu, who was being beaten, glanced at Lu An from time to time, envious and angry.

Envious of him being able to rest, and angry that he swaggered in public and hooked up with a girl from the military academy.

We are being beaten and scolded, and your mother is lying comfortably on the ground to flirt with girls? !

The old man is also angry.

And those seniors and sisters smiled at the corners of their mouths, and they looked at each other with a group of military academy students who were also looking over, with strange eyes flickering faintly.

What to look at, this is my brother and girlfriend.

As for those in the Military Academy, they had different expressions, including curiosity, envy, and jealousy.

Tang Rou gave them an interesting look, then looked away, and continued to guide.

Qi Lian remained expressionless and continued to maintain a paralyzed face, but his peripheral vision was always on Lu An.

Ten minutes passed quickly, Gu Mengmeng reluctantly stood up, looked around, and then stood still eight meters away from Lu An.


After calming down his nervous mood, he turned his wrist and held the black knife.

"Everything is ready, so let's start now!"

Slightly raising the volume, he clasped his right hand behind his back. Immediately afterwards, tens of meters away from the students of the Yuanbing Department, wind blades as long as an adult's forearm were solidified, wrapped in the gust of wind and slashed towards them.

The speed is extremely fast, and it is only ten meters away in the blink of an eye.


"I rely on."

For a while, the pain was ups and downs, and you howled and let me go on stage, and the miserable howls were endless.

Xiang Yuan and the others next to the tragic scene couldn't bear to watch.

There is only one word to describe it, blood gourd.

Although the wounds from the wind blades on their bodies were not deep, they couldn't stand the large number.

Fortunately, someone has realized the seriousness of the problem and started to counterattack with weapons, breaking them up before the wind blades hit.

Lu An also sat up from the grass at this time, her eyes fixed on Gu Mengmeng.

She is proficient in sword skills, her long hair protected by spiritual power is blown wildly, the black knife is fast, and the shadow of the knife forms a dense defensive net around her body.

But it still couldn't hold back the large number of wind blades. From time to time, a wind blade passed through her defense net, leaving a shallow wound on her hand or small face.

Hold back the thoughts in my heart, sit cross-legged on the ground, sit silently on the ground and start practicing.

Half an hour passed slowly, and when the time was up, Lu An's figure sitting cross-legged on the ground quickly struck out, hugged Gu Mengmeng, who was a little weak, and helped her to sit down, inserted the black knife into the ground, and transformed into life force to heal her wounds.

"It's so full of vitality."

With unlimited energy and blood, the surging life energy wrapped Gu Mengmeng into rice dumplings for almost no money.

The extremely rich energy even caused the surrounding grass to rise a lot.

Qi Lian and Tang Rou's attention was attracted by the strangeness here.

Silently watching the energy gushing out of his hands, Tang Rou's beautiful eyes lighted up.

That's what the old man said. Sure enough, seeing is worth seeing, but where does his life energy come from?

It's so pure, without any bloody smell, and it's not made by extracting your own blood essence.

Moreover, it is used to treat skin trauma, which is simply an overkill.

When they couldn't figure it out, Lu An's side was over.

After the vitality dissipated, Gu Mengmeng comfortably squinted her eyes to enjoy the high-end treatment, and only got up from him when the comfort dissipated.

Lu An withdrew his hand and touched the corner of her spirit clothes which were wet with blood: "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, and it's very comfortable."

Gu Mengmeng shook her head quickly. After being treated by Lu An, not only was her injury healed, but even the soreness and weakness on her arm disappeared.

Back to top form.

"I'll continue, I'll rest when it's over!"

Pulling out the black knife, Gu Mengmeng wanted to take advantage of this energy to finish the teacher's task with all her might.

"Be careful." With a helpless smile, Lu An let her go.

Hoo hoo.

Compared to before, Gu Mengmeng's sword wind is more intensive now, and none of the wind blades that can get in is left, and the rest are all cut to pieces.

If she calls out the Buddha Knife, none of the wind blades here can hurt her.

"Brother, we're done, give me a set too."

Xiang Yuan also ran over at some point, touched the bruise on his body and said pitifully: "Don't look, I was beaten badly by senior sister Yu."

"Take it, take it, don't bother me." He casually threw a group of light green spheres on his face, turned around and gave him the back of the head.

"Wait, you take these over and share them with everyone."

Calling the happy Xiang Yuan, Lu An rubbed a big green dumpling the height of a person with both hands, and rolled it to Xiang Yuan with a light push.


Xiang Yuan immediately pushed it back to the gymnasium like a snowball.

"Big guy, whoever is injured, come here and get a share! The absolute healing medicine, there is no place to sell it elsewhere."

A group of people immediately swarmed up, regardless of whether they were injured or not, they stretched out their hands and stuffed them into their storage equipment, and then thanked Lu An.

Lu An, the big green dumpling, they saw it just now, it's definitely useful!

Save it for later.

Rao Tang Rou couldn't help but shook her head when she saw their virtue, and couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Like a bandit, he pulled out all the grass under this ball of life energy.

If someone hadn't stopped us, we would have to fight again.

"Mr. Tang."

At this moment, a voice came to her ears, Tang Rou glanced sideways and found Qi Lian walking towards her with his hands behind his back.

"Is Teacher Qi okay?" Tang Rou didn't even know why the old man was looking for her all of a sudden.

"I have an unfeeling request. I see that this group of little guys have finished their training. I want them to be my students' sparring partners. There is no need for spiritual power in melee combat, and there is no limit in long-distance combat. Is that okay?"

He looked at the sophomores who were sitting together and fiddled with the pale green mist curiously.

There are a few of them who often go to his place to mess with other classes, and I have a deep impression of their rich combat experience.

Letting them do sparring can maximize the exposure of their own students' flaws.

Want her young man?

Tang Rou thought for a moment and slowly said, "Of course, but I want my students to participate."

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