It wasn't once or twice that the Sports Academy and the Military Academy met in Qianfengyuan.

Competing with each other also happens from time to time.

It just so happened that she taught some skills today, and it would be great to have a peer test it out.

And without spiritual power, it has little effect on these guys.

Instead, they took advantage.

Regarding her conditions, Qi Lian said without hesitation: "Then it's settled. It just so happens that there are many students on my side, and they are just right for each other, and we can also enhance friendship with each other."

"Teacher Xiaorou, I'll go back and get busy first, and let them come over after the training here is over."

"Okay, I'll let them prepare as well."

Watching Qi Lian go back to teach the students, Tang Rou turned around slowly, her voice covering everyone in the sports academy: "I want to inform you that when their training in the military academy is over, each of you will go up and fight with them, and you too. "

The noisy voices of the crowd froze for a few seconds, and they saw each other's bewilderment while looking at each other.

"Teacher Tang, why do we suddenly have to fight Xingzi from the Military Academy?"

A certain senior Sa Yazi ran up to Tang Rou and asked in a low voice, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"The other teacher asked me to ask you sophomores to practice with his students. There are a lot of them, so I simply added you all."

"Teacher Qi wants them to quickly absorb the knowledge he taught through fighting. I agree with him. Compared with experienced seniors giving you advice, peers are obviously more suitable for you."

It's right for chickens to peck at each other.

Tang Rou was very frank.

Anyway, she said that these guys couldn't resist.

What's more, based on her understanding of this group of flat-headed brothers, a fight is what she wished for.

Everyone in the sports institute is like this, and it is not normal not to play once or twice a day.

Even if there are aliens, they will be gradually assimilated.

Sure enough, not to mention the newcomers, the group of tool people on the ground began to beam with joy, and some even rubbed their faces, looking hungry and thirsty.


"Oh, this, what a shame, isn't this bullying the small with the big, bullying the Xingzi of the Military Academy, hey."

"Teacher Tang is really considerate of us. Knowing that we were not satisfied just now, he put us in a fight again. I am not a junior or a junior, so I will not be soft when fighting."

For a while, demons danced wildly in the Physical Academy, and all kinds of howling ghosts and wolves caused the students in the military academy in the distance to lose their attention. When they were negligent, a few small cuts appeared on their faces.

What a ghost, is there a serious illness?

"I haven't finished talking yet. You are not allowed to use spiritual power during the sparring. Feel free to do anything else. At that time, Teacher Qi will block the wind in this area and let you all play at your best. I only have one request. If anyone in the second class loses, I will give him spiritual power." Seal it and leave it here for two hours."


Seeing the same smile from yesterday on the corner of Tang Rou's mouth, all the students in Class Two couldn't help shrinking their heads.

One by one, they slapped their chests and issued military orders.

If you lose, come and see me.

If you don't use spiritual power, if you fight hand-to-hand, you can hit them at least six to four times. If those knives and swords are sharp, that's another story.

But they also have a secret weapon.

"Brother, did you hear that, we will discuss with the Military Academy later."

You know, I'm not deaf. "

Lu An waved Xiang Yuan to Wang Tieniu to play wrestling, and continued to lie on his body.

Two hours passed quickly. After hearing Qi Lian's yelling to stop, the students of the military academy immediately wrapped their bodies with spiritual power, fell to the ground, fell to the ground, gasping for breath, and poured the healing pills into their mouths like jelly beans .

He touched the wounds all over his body and took a breath.

It's not serious, but it hurts.

Gu Mengmeng recovered from her injuries, lying on the grass and barely moving.

Before they could rest for a long time, Qi Lian told them what he had agreed upon, which instantly made their hearts feel cold.

He quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the gymnasium, and met with more than a hundred eager eyes over there.

Good guy, don't use spiritual power, just try to torture them in different ways.

I can't see them resting for a second, right?

Afterwards, a strong fighting spirit and disdain emerged.

I am from the military academy, so what if I can't use my spiritual power, I will still beat a group of idiots in a small courtyard like a group courtyard.

An inch is short and an inch is dangerous, and the long hand hits the short hand and it's over.

Someone has already started sharpening their swords.


Gu Mengmeng reluctantly sat up, looked at her black knife, and pouted sullenly.

The black knife is only a two-star spiritual weapon, and it can't keep up with her now. It's okay to use it for practice, but if it's a physical training with high defense, it's more than enough.

If you lose, you will be punished, which is annoying.

"What are you worrying about? Just use it, and they won't be able to find it if you just use it for chopping." Lu An whispered, stroking her hair.

Gu Mengmeng nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Five minutes later, the two teachers began to gather people.

Tang Rou and Qi Lian took their students to find a flat place, surrounded them in a circle, and left a large open space in the center as the venue.

"That's it."

With a wave of Qi Lian's hand, countless illusory weapons emerged from the void, weapons such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, hooks, maces and axe emerged one after another.

They were scattered hundreds of meters away and inserted into the ground.

Suddenly, a group of students were surprised to find that the howling wind around them disappeared.

This area was isolated by Qi Lian's weapons.

"Teacher Tang, shall we start?"

Tang Rou nodded lightly, turned her head to a female student beside her and said, "You guys decide who goes first, come on."

A group of guys in the back who couldn't wait to wait had piercing eyes. They looked at the students of the military academy opposite with provocative eyes, and they stared at each other, and they were almost talking trash.

"I come!"

On the side of the military academy, Qi Lian also let them choose who will go first.

After commotion, a male student holding a long stick squeezed out from the crowd, stood in the center of the open space, thrust the stick into the ground, pointed at it and said loudly: "This is the Black Iron Panlong Stick, weighing up to Forty-seven catties, who wants to be the first to taste it?"

"Damn, what can you pack with only forty-seven catties? Who are you frightening with a piece of scrap metal?"

From the side of the gymnasium, a burly man came out, stood opposite him, tugged on his vest, and squeezed his knuckles loudly: "Let's start? I'm also a freshman, don't say I'm bullying you."


The male student also belonged to the type of person who didn't talk too much. He didn't beep, beep, grabbed the iron rod and rushed over. He turned a few times at extreme speed and smashed at the macho man's head by inertia.

The iron rod squeezed the air crazily, and the sound of breaking wind exploded. If it was hit, the brains would be smashed out.

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