"Who are you and what is the purpose of arresting me?"

A trace of disgust flashed in Ren Zhi's eyes, he frowned and went straight to the point.

"Hahaha, can't you tell who we are? Professor Ren still has bad eyesight, why don't you stay with the big brother for one night, and Professor Ren will know who the big brothers are."

As if they were sure of winning, their expressions were full of playfulness, and they were not at all afraid that Ren Zhi would run away.

"Stop playing, mother-in-law has come down."

At this time, the tattooed woman sitting next to the man in the suit spoke, instantly quieting the others down.

Tap, tap, tap.

In the corridor on the left, there was a rhythmic sound of the dull ground hitting the ground. The nine people sitting on the chairs quickly got up, and the playful smiles on their faces quickly converged.

I saw a white-haired young man with no expression on his face, helping an old woman with a wooden staff with a dragon's head slowly down the stairs.

The old woman's face was full of wrinkles, her aquiline nose looked gloomy, but her eyes were extremely bright, staring straight at Ren Zhi.

"Sword protector, hello mother-in-law!"

In an instant, hundreds of people spoke in unison, and deafening roars resounded in all directions.

The old woman nodded slowly, and was supported to sit on the main seat.

"You are their leader? What is the purpose of arresting me?"

After looking at the old woman for a moment, Ren Zhi spoke again.

"Professor Ren, don't get me wrong. It's not that we want to arrest you, but that someone wants to use you as a bait to lure another person out. We have no choice but to do this."

"They will come soon to take over the professor and leave. Before that, please ask Professor Ren to be quiet. Otherwise, my children will be very happy to help."

The old woman said every word in a hoarse voice, her voice was harsh and unpleasant.

"Use me as bait to attract people?"

When Ren Zhi heard this, his face immediately darkened.

Up to now, the only ones she can think of who need to use her as bait to take the bait are Gu Mengmeng and others who are in the secret place.

"If you want to use me as a bait, you may have miscalculated."

As soon as the words fell, her spiritual power exploded, and the special rope binding her hands was torn into pieces.


"Are you all here?"

Just when everyone in Longshou Pavilion thought that they had the chance to win, Lu An's voice in the sky was as indifferent as his expression.

On his shoulder, stood a ghost eagle.

On the lap, lay a young husky.

"Master, everything is ready, as long as the master gives an order, they will be able to swarm up!"

The eagle's eyes flashed bloodthirsty and fierce, it lowered its voice, and the words were full of tyranny.

"very good."

Everything is ready, and it's up to them to do the rest.

"Let's go down, and prepare a little welcome ceremony for the people of Black Butterfly in advance."

"Obey the master."

Indifferent and bloodthirsty, the two voices seemed to indicate that the end was coming.

"It seems that Professor Ren is not ready to cooperate, so let my sons help Professor Ren calm down."

"Those people didn't ask whether Professor Ren was completely injured."

The old woman's dragon-headed stick hit the ground heavily, and the general couldn't wait to laugh evilly, and immediately took a step.

"Hey hey hey, here I come, I haven't played with a female professor before, wait for me to taste what she is like first! Let you see me show off my glory!"

"Boss King Kong is mighty!"

With a wave of his arms, the horses under him all showed meaningful smiles and cheered him on.

"Come here, little lady!"

The general laughed out loud, his five fingers were like hooks, and suddenly a huge paw print erupted with majestic green spiritual power, overturning the floor of the table and chairs and hooking Ren Zhi to grab it!


Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

There was only a slight sound of breaking through the air coming from a distance, and then a round black shadow the size of a basketball passed over the head of the heavy horse and shot straight at the general's stomach!


The sudden change instantly diverted the general's belly and the tense-looking Ren Zhi's attention.

The basketball-sized black shadow seemed to be wrapped in a mass of distorted air, turning a blind eye to the colliding paw prints.


The two collided, and in the widened pupils of the crowd, the paw prints on the general's belly were instantly shattered, and the spiritual power dissipated all over the sky!

And that black shadow rushed towards the general's belly with unabated momentum!

In a critical moment, he opened his hand wide, grasping the right moment to hold the black shadow in his palm.

But the force attached to it also made him fly backwards like a cannonball, knocking down many ponies before he barely stopped.


This change shocked the old woman and the others, their eyes shot forward.

It's a pity that the line of sight was blocked by many horse boys, and the figure of the attacker could not be seen at all.


The next second, a horrified scream from the general's belly brought their attention back.

I saw the general who fell on the broken wooden table with a bloodless belly, his pale face throwing his hands on the ground in a panic, his fat body trembling.

Taking a closer look, everyone's hearts trembled, including Ren Zhi.

What kind of basketball shadow was that that bumped into Fat King Kong just now?

It is clearly a bloody head that will die in peace! ! !

Those wide-open eyes still had doubts from his life, as if he still didn't understand why he died!

Looking at the fracture, it looks more like it was ripped off alive!

An atmosphere of fear immediately spread among the crowd.

"Whoever stands in the way of the master dies!"

The sharp scream resounded from behind the crowd, and the bloodthirsty and savage voice penetrated the body and reached the depths of the soul, completely freezing the soul and making everyone who heard the sound shudder.

Immediately afterwards, an even more appalling scene appeared.

There are no energy fluctuations.

I saw more than 20 horse boys with the pestle in the front, their bodies were torn apart in an instant!

Like broken human-shaped building blocks, the cuts are extremely neat and smooth!

It was not until it fell to the ground that blood spilled from the cut, and the pungent smell of blood permeated the audience.

"Don't be so bloody in front of Aunt Ren."

"Yes, the master taught you a lesson, Xiaoying will remember it, and Xiaoying will apologize later!"

Two completely different voices suddenly echoed throughout the hall and reached everyone's ears.

The horse that blocked the view was broken into pieces, and the old women were able to see who was behind the old man.

It was a long-haired man who made their pupils tremble. At this time, he was playing with a dead head, and on his shoulder was a ghost-faced eagle with blood pupils.

At the end, there was a blood-spitting man trying to support the pregnant woman regardless of his own injuries.

The head in his hand was obviously one of the boys sent by the general to torture him not long ago.

It seems that the head was ripped off before the abuse was successful!

"It's less than half the weight of a basketball, and it really is a monkey with an undeveloped brain."

Throwing the heads to the side casually, like piercing candied haws, the heads of six people in a line were shot in unison.

The six headless corpses immediately collapsed to the ground.

And after doing all this, the long-haired man's expression remained the same, and he looked a bit bored.

It's like doing a trivial thing!

"Master, killing these rubbish dirty your hands, why don't you let the little eagle do it for you, the master will take the mistress's mother outside and wait for a while, so as not to dirty your eyes!"

"This magical human being is also handed over to Xiaoying, and he is rewarded by the master. Xiaoying is no longer what it used to be, and it is easy to deal with him!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the blood-eyed ghost eagle actually uttered words, lowered his eyebrows and recommended himself to the man, but the bloody words he uttered made them feel like they were in a world.

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