Ghost Eagle's words were full of blood, and everyone who was swept by its extremely blood-red vertical pupils shuddered from the bottom of their hearts.

They didn't even notice that their vision seemed to be in a trance for a moment.

"Lu An?!!"

"Xiao An?"

The man with long hair covering his eyes and Ren Zhi spoke one after the other, but their tones were completely different.

The former's voice trembled in horror, while the latter's voice was full of surprises.

On the same occasion, facing the visitor, the emotions shown are very different.

The atmosphere in the entire hotel lobby dropped to freezing point.

Even though she was an old woman, her wrinkled face was full of astonishment, she never thought that Lu An would appear here at this time!

"Protect mother-in-law! Catch Ren Zhi!"

Suddenly, the tattooed woman recovered from the shock, screamed and shouted, waking up everyone.

The white-haired boy took a step forward and stood in front of the old woman.

The other eight people unanimously displayed their original skills, all kinds of surging energy fluctuations shattered the surrounding glass, and all rushed towards Ren Zhi!

Awakened by the roar of the tattooed girl, the horse boys around Ren Zhi shuddered and took action, trying to catch her as a hostage immediately, so as to threaten Lu An to throw a mouse!

So far, this is the only way they want to survive! There is no other choice!

Because this man named Lu An is a million times more vicious than them! He is a real murderous monster in the world!

Only by controlling Ren Zhi can they survive!

Obviously, Lu An's sudden appearance completely disrupted their plans.

The face of the old woman, who was protected by everyone behind her, sank like water, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

No matter what, she couldn't figure out what made a mistake that caused Lu An to appear here!

What's even more weird is that the people who were in ambush outside should have noticed that there was such a big commotion here.

But until now, it's been too quiet outside.

"kill him!"

The old woman's eyes were full of fierceness, and the dragon's staff stomped heavily on the ground. The white-haired boy stared at Lu An and gritted his teeth. With a wild cry, it turned into white winds and rushed out!

At the same time when the teenagers were attacking, it was not known whether it was because they moved too fast that Lu An had no time to react.

The general who struggled to get up let out a snarl, turned into paw prints again, and took Ren Zhi into his hands from among the boys!

"Little bastard surnamed Lu, if you dare to touch you again, I will kill your mother-in-law and execute Falun Gong on the spot!"

Sure enough, after saying this, he noticed a moment of panic on Lu An's expression the next second.

It was also at this moment of panic that the white-haired boy seized the opportunity and kicked Lu An hard in the chest and abdomen with his legs like scissors.

Hearing the sound of bone cracking suddenly, Lu An spurted blood and flew out of the hotel lobby, hitting the ground and being unable to get up for a long time!

"Boss King Kong is mighty!"

"Brother King Kong is awesome!"

"Sword Protector God is mighty!"

Seeing this situation, the morale of the others was immediately boosted, and the fear of being dominated by Lu An immediately dissipated a lot.

It seems that this guy is not very strong, he was kicked half to death by the sword protector.

"Hahaha! You see, this is one of the three guardians of my Longshou Pavilion! Your son-in-law can't save you!" The general laughed arrogantly, put his mouth next to Ren Zhi's ear and grinned.

The sluggish atmosphere in the entire hotel lobby was revitalized by the kick of the white-haired boy!

"Your trick, is it newly evolved?"

However, it didn't take long for the old women to be happy, and inexplicable indifferent voices came from the void in all directions! Such as the lingering sound of lingering beams, it keeps echoing in everyone's ears!

The expression that made the old woman and the others warm up instantly turned into astonishment.

"what happened?"

"Didn't Lu An be kicked out by the sword protector? Why is there still his voice?!"

Due to the sudden change, the white-haired boy's complexion also froze slightly, and his strong spiritual consciousness spread like a tide, trying to find the owner of the voice.

However, no matter how he probed, he didn't find anything unusual!

But the more this happened, the heavier his heart became.

As far as he could see, Lu An was still lying outside coughing up blood, but this sight did not make his heavy heart any better.

On the contrary, it also gave him a chilling thought.

How could it be possible for Lu An, who was famous and capable of killing supernatural powers, to be easily and seriously injured by his kick? !

All kinds of abnormalities made him realize that something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong!

This is the scariest and most frightening!

Fortunately, the next second, a sudden sharp sound confirmed his guess and shattered their fantasy.

The general's nine people, the old woman, the white-haired boy, and many horse boys all suddenly found out at this moment.

The world in front of me has changed!

The space, scenery, and everything in the line of sight are rapidly distorting!

Two seconds later, it shattered like glass!

After the scene space was shattered, the real reality just appeared!

Before Ren Zhi was located, more than a dozen horse boys turned into headless corpses at some point, and fell in a pool of blood, dripping blood.

But it was such a strong smell of blood that the horse boys nearby didn't notice it at all! He didn't even know that the blood was splashed on his face and clothes!

And the blow of the white-haired boy they were cheering for just now, it wasn't Lu An who kicked at all!

It's a tattoo girl! !

At this time, her waist was separated, and only the upper half of her body was paralyzed on the ground, still lingering on her last breath!

His expression was as bewildered as everyone else's, as if he couldn't figure out why he was by the old woman's side one second, but appeared here the next.

Moreover, there is only half of the body!

But this doubt is destined to be taken to the grave by her.

The shielded perception returned to her brain, and the indescribable pain instantly enveloped her.

The blood rushing up her throat blocked her screams and words.

In the end, he could only stare at the people in the hotel lobby with wide eyes, and fell down with a feeling of unwillingness.

"Impossible! Impossible! I obviously caught Ren Zhi, how could it be you?!"

The general bellowed in disbelief, and shook off the skinny pony in his hand.

Without exception, everyone's eyes are full of endless confusion, confused about what they have just seen.

"They gave it to you."

The indifferent voice woke them up, and only then did they realize that Lu An, who had been kicked by the white-haired boy just now, hadn't moved at all, and Ren Zhi was beside him, looking at them like a fool.

"You did it?" The old woman asked with a murderous intent, twisting her old face.

She wants to find out what happened just now!

Why did Lu An suddenly become a tattooed woman, when did the people under her hands die!

Everything changed in the blink of an eye!

It made her uneasy!

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her.

Whether it is the Eagle Demon, Lu An, or Ren Zhi, they all regard her as nothing.

This feeling of being scorned and ignored immediately made the old woman's murderous intent reach its peak.

As the leader of the underground forces in Wuzhou City, how long has it been since she received such indifference?

Almost no one dares to ignore her!

Even if the people from Hei Die came to her before, they were very courteous!

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