Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 969 This Will Be A Massacre (6000-Word Chapter)

How about saving more than 10,000 yuan to get an achievement?

After thinking about it, now I still have more than 6,000 sources of energy in my pocket, and it is not a dream to work harder to break through five figures for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, he has never seen what a five-digit source energy looks like.

Minding for a while, Lu An looked at the ceiling and let out a low smile of unknown meaning, then turned his head and lightly pecked Gu Mengmeng's flabbergasted little fat face.

The long and beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly, Gu Mengmeng was not disturbed after all, but twisted her body slightly to arch into Lu An's arms, and then returned to calm again.

"Ha ha......"

Seeing his extremely cute appearance, Lu An didn't have the heart to disturb her sleep anymore, stroked his black and white hair and then refocused on the chat group.

After two minutes of not reading, the unread messages in the group chat quickly rose to 99+, without exception, all of which were done by the night owls who returned from hunting.

After all, it is still dark at this point, and the contestants from various countries in the contestant village are sleeping and practicing.

Who else could be so excited except for these night owls who stay up all night.

After seven hours of fooling around outside, I am bombarded with endless information as soon as I come back.

Either chat about messy things again, or visit the residence of the tool eagle in screenshots.

Lu An even saw Xiang Yuan climb up the dark dead tree planted by the eagle demon and make a scissors hand biye to the camera, ignoring the energy of those blood-red eyeballs squeezed out from time to time.

Next to the Eight Immortals table at the bottom, there are Samisha and Farnie who are drinking fruit tea. The camera is farther away, and Hezaben and others are interrogating the newly captured international killer together with the eagle demon.

Liu Huang: "The cave of the Eagle King seems to have been established for a long time, and the prison system has been fully formed (picture)."

The picture shows the sprinkler device that the eagle demon stole from nowhere, it is specially used to provide prisoners with a bath, and there is also a simple toilet.

Liu Huang then posted some pictures, which were of places like the interrogation room.

Although the conditions were simple, the eagle demon still made a good appearance.

But Lu An still didn't understand the significance of building an interrogation room.

Samisha: "I didn't know about this cave beforehand. Maybe Lu An has been planning it for a long time. It's really sophisticated."

Fan Tianlan: "Should I come out and ask Aite about him?"

Adar: "It's 5:42 in the morning. From what I know of my friend, you'd better not do this, or you will die a terrible death."

Xiang Yuan: "When I was at All Souls Academy, someone disturbed Lao Lu's sleep. In the end, he nailed it to the wall like a string of candied haws, and couldn't get it off for a long time."

Seeing that Fan Tianlan couldn't bear the desire to die, everyone sent bullet screens to stop him in the chat group.

Xiang Yuan, who has learned about the inside story, even "stopped" Fan Tianlan's death by means of offline gank.

As for Lao Lu's waking up, Fan Tianlan really wants to die...

I'm afraid Lu An will appear in the cave in less than ten minutes, grab Fan Tianlan and sink his dead body on the seabed on the spot.

Forcibly ending the topic, they sent full stops to clear the chat records in an attempt to avoid being seen by Lu An.

Little did they know that all of this was seen by someone who was watching the screen.

Quietly peeking at the screen, Lu An silently closed the group chat, seeing them discussing their waking up breath and then swiping the screen quickly, with neither joy nor sadness on their face.

It's not advisable to get angry in the morning, it's better to tease Mengmeng.

Lu An decided to ignore the bad words in the group chat, turned sideways to face Gu Mengmeng, covered her face with his hand and gently rubbed it, and immediately felt healed physically and mentally.

Waking up early in the morning and being slandered by others, only this naive and cute sleeping face can give him a little psychological comfort.

Too addicted to mobile phones, Lu An thought about it and opened the chat group and edited a message to be sent regularly.

The general meaning is to ask them to talk to Ammus, Hu Haizhou and others that it is best to cancel the daily training for the past few days until all the international killers are wiped out.

In this way, you can free up a lot of time to adjust and rest, and you don't have to get up early in the morning to gather for training.

Half an hour after the setting, Aite sent all the messages, and Lu An regained his mind. He reached out and grabbed Gu Mengmeng's cell phone from the bedside table. Seeing the wallpaper that took a photo with her, he smiled and immediately adjusted to silent mode.

"It's rare to rest, sleep more."

Although today is an individual match, Tian Xuan still has to train as usual.

In order to let Gu Mengmeng sleep more, Lu An chose to mute the phone to ensure that Hu Haizhou's call would not wake her up.

Of course, Lu An also has selfish intentions, for example, he really enjoys the feeling of being snuggled up now, wishing to play with Gu Mengmeng's face more.

Naturally, all possibilities of waking her up must be eliminated.

After confirming everything was safe, Lu An lay down slowly, hugged Gu Mengmeng gently and closed her eyes again...

Time often flies by when you fall asleep.

Half an hour passed, and the scheduled message set by Lu An was sent out on time, making a ding sound in everyone's mind.

Soon, there was a lot of abuse from the dog group owners.

As the group leader, he cannot use Do Not Disturb to avoid Aite's overall news, so he can only endure it.

It's a pity that these insults have nothing to do with Lu An who has already fallen asleep, and can only helplessly drown in the information flow that swipes the screen.

However, he was sleeping soundly while hugging Gu Mengmeng on his side, while everyone from Xiang Yuan on the other side had already started to take action.

Originally, they had plans to strike and train, but now Lu An's words gave them the confidence to go to Hu Haizhou and talk.

Immediately, I was ready to go together and form a team to find the coaches to strike and protest.

Anyway, when it comes to asking, just throw the blame on Lu An and it's over.

As for the excuse, wouldn't it be enough to just find a reason that is more efficient than daily training?

A group of people returned to the athletes' village in a mighty way, and found Hu Haizhou, who was ringing the phone under the hotel where he lived, trying to call for a gathering, but no one answered, and expressed his intention.

Knowing that they trained all night by themselves, Hu Haizhou was taken aback for a moment, and then asked a few simple questions. Seeing that their words were vague, Lu An didn't ask any more questions.

Ammus and Durfab were called on the way. After a brief discussion, Hu Haizhou and other coaches agreed to their request in a reasonable manner.

Exempt from daily training during this period.

Having achieved what they wanted, Xiang Yuan and his team immediately bid farewell to the coaches with smiles on their faces, and sneaked into the hotel lobby.

He didn't notice the coaches with soft faces behind him suddenly dignified.

"Mr. Ammus, you have also noticed it." Hu Haizhou frowned and said in a low voice.

Ammus nodded slightly, with a worried expression on his face: "This smell of blood, where did they go to fight at night?"

Having said that, they obviously discovered the abnormality in Xiang Yuan and others.

Although this group of young people concealed it very well, as national teachers and coaches, they have such vicious eyes, how could this little trick hide their perception.

Naturally, it can be seen from the details of various expressions and behaviors that Xiang Yuan and others have just experienced a fierce battle.

The subtle smell of blood couldn't hide from their spiritual perception.

That's why they agreed so readily. After a fierce battle, how could it be possible to complete the daily training when they were physically and mentally exhausted? It's better to let Xiang Yuan and others go back and have a good rest.

"After the dinner yesterday, could it be that Lu An dragged them into the sea to hunt sea beasts?" Coach Sun put his hands behind his back and was puzzled.

Such a bloody smell is the only possibility.

It's impossible to say that killing people, and their own players don't sleep in the middle of the night and go out to kill people indiscriminately? There is no logic at all.

"No matter what, for them, actual combat is indeed more beneficial than daily training. Let them train for a few days to see the effect. If it doesn't work, it's the same if they pull it back."

After Hu Haizhou made a decision, a group of coaches prepared to go to have breakfast together, and then watch today's individual game.

What they have to do in a day is not as easy as that of the players. In addition to formulating training policies, they also have to repeatedly observe the combat habits and characteristics of players from other countries and formulate specific plans.

Strictly speaking, their work is not only several times more tiring than that of the players, but it is also very boring. Thinking about it will consume a lot of brain cells in a day, thanks to the fact that their hair is not bald.


It wasn't until twelve o'clock at noon, when the bright sunlight shone into the bedroom from the glass window, that Lu An woke up because of the itching on his face.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing that caught his eyes was Gu Mengmeng who was lying on the side with his chin propped up, grabbing a strand of her long hair and flicking it on his cheek.

Noticing the silly smile on her face, Lu An immediately turned over and pinched the sides of her cheeks and gently pulled them out: "This trick again, last time I woke up and started scratching me."

Recklessly rubbing Gu Mengmeng's face into a small bun, Lu An bowed his head viciously and kissed her fiercely, which coincidentally happened to be on her soft lips.

The sudden blow made Gu Mengmeng dumbfounded, she froze on the spot and did not dare to move, a gleam of clouds appeared on both sides of her cheeks.

He bowed his head and began to pretend to be a steam girl.

Knowing that this girl is thin-skinned and easily shy, Lu An smiled cheerfully, patted her on the head like a carp, got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom.

After simply washing his face, Lu An ran to the balcony to put on a boxing pose and began to exercise every day to activate his muscles and bones.

On the way, I did not forget to scan the living room, and saw a hint of satisfaction from the clean and tidy floor.

It seems that the dead dog still took his words to heart.

Not long after, Gu Mengmeng poked her head out of the bedroom and saw Lu An practicing boxing without disturbing her. She obediently ran to the bathroom to wash up, then sat in the living room and turned on her phone.

Seeing the series of missed calls and mute signs, Gu Mengmeng couldn't understand that Lu An did it.

He hummed twice, and then opened the address book to find the missed call.

But immediately, she found several unique numbers in a kind of missed calls, which made her slightly taken aback.

Without thinking too much, I quickly called back.

Almost four seconds later, the phone was connected, followed by a slightly old and loud voice: "Oh my Mengmeng finally woke up."

Hearing this sound, Lu An, who was practicing boxing, paused slightly, stopped punching and turned around, sitting next to Gu Mengmeng.

This voice, Mr. Gu?

"Grandpa, why are you calling me so early?"

At this time, Gu Zhenshan, who had left the international airport early and entered Sunset Town, was staying in the hotel room and laughing loudly: "Hahahaha, Mengmeng, do you want to guess where grandpa is now?"

"..." Hearing this, Gu Mengmeng and Lu An were taken aback, they looked at each other with an incredible thought in their hearts.

Could it be...

"That's right! My clever Mengmeng should have guessed it. Grandpa, I'm currently in Sunset Town. Are you happy?"

Gu Zhenshan was very satisfied with his surprise. I haven't seen him for a while. This girl Mengmeng must miss him as a grandfather very much.

The facts were as he had expected. Knowing that he was in Sunset Town, Gu Mengmeng immediately opened her eyes wide, with an excited and happy expression.

But then she became suspicious, and asked Gu Zhenshan why he suddenly came to the Sunset Islands without saying a word.

"Of course it's because of Ming Kong's white-eyed wolf. Although it's a matter of the past, some grievances need to be resolved personally." Gu Zhenshan simply revealed the purpose of his visit this time.

One is to visit Gu Mengmeng, and the other is to deal with old grievances.

it is as expected.

Lu An on the side thought, the purpose of Gu Zhenshan's sudden visit had something to do with the white-skinned bald head.

But to be honest, Gu Zhenshan's sudden visit might disrupt his plan, so something must be done.

Thinking of this, Lu An signaled Gu Mengmeng with his eyes to confess the plan that was discussed and completed yesterday.

The white-skinned bald head can move, but definitely not now, this gang of gutter rats must be wiped out.

"To wipe out the killer? It's that kid's plan..."

Upon hearing the news, Gu Zhenshan stroked his beard and hissed for a moment, then laughed again: "Alright, fighting to the death is indeed the best way for you to improve, so grandpa just wait a little longer and let the That grandson is alive for a while!"

His granddaughter had the ambition to wipe out all the killers. How could he, a grandfather, object to it? Naturally, he fully supported it.

Anyway, Ming Kong died sooner or later, and he was not short of time.

It is also a very good choice to take a long trip to see the surrounding scenery and games.

"Grandpa is the best!" Gu Mengmeng thanked Gu Zhenshan happily after receiving Gu Zhenshan's consent, then hung up the phone and looked at Lu An: "Grandpa promised! He will go and capture Mingkong when we clear the money!"

"That's a good relationship. The old man is sensible. Take some time to visit his old man. I haven't seen him for a while."

Lu An hugged Gu Mengmeng tightly, wondering if he should ask Hu Haizhou for a ticket to watch the match for the old man.

The arrival of Gu Zhenshan can be described as a surprise, and now their lineup has added a strong combat power, and it is no problem to deal with Ming Kong.

With a good mood, Lu An comforted Gu Mengmeng, and then ran to the balcony to continue the unfinished fist.


The sun and the moon passed, and five days passed in a flash.

It was very late at night, and somewhere in the dense forest of Twilight Island, a human tragedy was taking place in an underground wooden house.

I saw more than a dozen shirtless men with tattooed arms taking turns oppressing a woman with dry eyes, bruises and scars all over her body, with piercing and lewd smiles from time to time.

"Stinky Bitch, son of a bitch, your husband has arrested seventeen of our Black Snake brothers, and I will use you to repay the debt today!"

The leading black-skinned man had a fierce look on his face, and he opened his mouth and bit his bruised arm fiercely.

"Don't worry, for God's sake, I've already sent someone to capture your daughter, and when we get tired of playing, we'll send you back piece by piece! Hahaha, I hope that the sincerity of Jaronshi's liking for Black Snake is enough." full of presents."

For a moment, the woman's cries echoed throughout the wooden house accompanied by various laughter and curses.

But it was also at this moment that there was a burst of explosions resounding from the ceiling, followed by steel plates, sawdust and gravel splashing down like bullets, instantly injuring many men.

The bald Heipi who was lying on the bed also trembled all over, unexpectedly softened by fright.

Looking back, two masked men suddenly fell from the hole, quietly landed outside the door, and were quietly staring at them.

"The British Black Snake Organization is a group of drug traffickers with a huge profit network. The snake head is a supernatural international killer. I'm right."

Before he could speak, the man in a black robe like a mask of ghosts and gods made a sound, his golden eyes were like lamps from hell.

"Look at that."

The masked man next to him who was short but tall suddenly made a pleasant voice, grabbed the sleeve of the man in black robe and pointed in their direction, immediately attracting a lot of attention.

"Come on! Why are you still standing still, let me do it! I'm going to skin them!! I swear to God that I will let her know what it will be like to scare me!"

Anger and obscenity flashed in Heipi's bald eyes. He yelled and cursed in British, waking up a group of younger brothers who were in a daze. He pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger on Lu An's head.

The spiritual power fluctuations of the Linghai level are undoubtedly revealed.

There are many people on my side, if you dare to scare him, Mr. Pete, when he is doing things, you can pay with your life.

Anyway, if no one dies in this place where birds don't lay eggs, no one will know!

When this guy is caught, let him take a good look at how his female companion is played by Uncle Pete.

At least that's what Pete thinks, he thinks the woman next to the man in black robe is good, maybe he can catch her and play with her.

"Sure enough, they are all low-level creatures with brains full of sperm, so I hate black slave monkeys."

But what they didn't expect was that the black-robed man sighed in a low voice, and the interlingua between his words showed extreme helplessness and superiority.

"Mengmeng, go up first, this place is small, it's not good to splash blood on your body."

Lu An looked at them as if he was looking at more than a dozen dead bodies, and his voice suddenly became emotionless, like a butcher raising a butcher knife, staring indifferently at the black-haired pig in front of the chopping board.


Gu Mengmeng nodded obediently, glanced at them in disgust, and suddenly turned into a phantom and rushed to the hole above her head.

Reach out and crush the bullet into powder.

Facing the crowd of men surrounded by guns and knives, Lu An suddenly let out an inexplicable low smile.


In the blink of an eye, a big hand stretched out and grabbed a thin, short black man by the neck, pulling him in front of him and stretching out his hand to deflect the bullets.

"I heard it all just now. You are only sixteen or seventeen years old. You are a good-looking person. If you want to be a beast, then I will help you."

Lu An already knew the situation here, wasn't it just drug traffickers who captured the enemy's family members to take revenge.

There are often plots, but this is the first time he has encountered it in reality.

"You make me sick."

Looking at the outturned lips of the thin man in his hand, a bloodthirsty light suddenly appeared in Lu An's eyes.


The tearing sound of flesh and blood resounded through the wooden house. At this moment, no matter how fierce the members of the Black Snake were before, they were all stunned for a moment, and then endless panic appeared on their faces.

I saw the black-robed man in front of him actually pulling out the skinny man's head like a carrot.

The blood splattered on his grimace mask added a bit of viciousness.

"I'm sorry to inform you of one thing. None of the people who died in my hands these days has ever been able to keep the whole body."

"It also includes your smuggler. He threatened Lu with his family. He was very arrogant, but it didn't end well."

Under the horrified gaze of the crowd, Lu An crushed the head in his hand with five fingers, and let the headless corpse fall to the ground and bleed.

"He was chopped into a stick by Lu and fed to the fish. Unfortunately, he confessed you before he died. With the idea of ​​killing all of you, none of you can leave today."

His voice was like a hell demon whispering bloodthirstyly, causing many black snake poisoners to feel chills all over their bodies, and their bodies trembled like chaff.

But their fear could not stop Lu An's footsteps. In an instant, the entire wooden house turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the interior was all stained red with blood, filled with a strong smell of blood.

The woman on the bed stared blankly, staring at the scene of broken limbs and arms splashing in front of her with wide eyes, as if she was frightened stupid by this extremely terrifying scene.

"I have never discriminated against race, you black skins are the first."

The leader's black bald head was torn in half, Lu An stood in the pool of blood and muttered to himself.

He couldn't figure it out, six out of ten people he killed these days were niggers.

What is the reason? Is the crime rate of black skins generally high?

It's no wonder that Bai Ying discriminates against black ghosts so much, he somewhat understands now.

"Disgusting blood, letting Heiyao absorb it is an insult to it."

Lu An still decided not to let his baby Hei Yao be stained with the blood of the nigger, reached out and took out a mobile phone from the pool of blood, threw it to the woman, turned around and left.

He wasn't worried that a woman would recognize him. Today he asked the little assistant to open the cognitive distortion to come in.

As long as his figure leaves the field of vision, the woman will be vague about this period of time.

So much so that they can't even tell the difference between men and women.

"It should be almost done when my sister finishes processing. I don't believe that you are in no hurry to evaporate more than 70 people."

Calling out clean water to wash off the dried blood scabs on his hands, Lu An clapped his hands in disgust and rushed to the hole.

Let's use ordinary weapons to deal with this kind of non-recyclable garbage next time.

Even tearing him up with his hands would make his hands dirty, and even chopping him up with Hei Yao wouldn't bear it.

Later, I will pick two pieces of iron, add some animal bones, and forge a knife casually.

Lu An thought to himself, imitating blacksmiths to make knives, why have you never seen pigs running without eating pork?

It's fine if you can kill people with a little work, maybe you can ask the old man for a hand.

Anyway, as a master of swordsmanship, Gu Zhenshan shouldn't be short of swords.

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