Ever since Wei Xiaoran was told that they had an international assassination organization secretly lurking, for five days in a row, Lu An's life was extremely fulfilling, with things to be busy every day.

In the morning, I was dragged to teach Samisha weapons, and I had a simple meal at noon to practice boxing and condense my blood, and then continued to teach the partner until it ended on time at five o'clock in the afternoon.

After a simple rest until nine o'clock at night, the most important part of the day's hunting begins.

The time to go out to hunt varies, as short as two hours, as long as midnight.

It all depends on whether the exposed killers give face, and they have nothing to do if they don't give face to hide in Sunset Town with the help of audience tourists as cover.

Although everyone was very careful not to expose the hunting during this period, it was inevitable that the British Guards would notice some clues.

Patrols and security checks are far more intensive than ever before.

What's even more outrageous is that according to what Wei Xiaoran said, there are hidden bosses above the Jingu in Sunset Town, who patrol the town by spreading their spiritual knowledge on time every day.

The unknown strong man was in Sunset Town, which directly cut off their idea of ​​rushing to the tower to kill.

With this boss around, if they dared to make any noise in Sunset Town, they would probably be targeted by their spiritual consciousness in less than a minute.

Then you can stage a scene of "The Big Brother Comes to Me Across Space".

But even though they couldn't enter Sunset Town to forcibly kill international killers, they were not without countermeasures.

After observation, they found that these guys would go to the contact point to gather every other day, and then return to the submarine base to attend the meeting.

This time point is an excellent opportunity, as long as you stay near the contact point and wait for the rabbit, there will be international killers who will fall into the trap.

Zhao Yaoyao caught many little mice through this.

"Lu An, is the matter settled?"

Stepping on the rock wall and rushing out of the hole, Lu An had just stood firm when Gu Mengmeng, who had been squatting beside him for a long time, slipped over and took his arm affectionately, and rubbed his cheek vigorously.

"Well, it's all cleaned up, and I can go home and rest today." Smiling and ruffling her black and white hair, Lu An habitually used the internal vision auxiliary radar to confirm that there was no one around before letting go of her guard.

In the past five days, he went hunting and saw many British guards, and even players from other countries who had the same purpose in fishing.

They are all looking for underground organizations and outlaws lurking in the dark, and it can be said that they have passed them many times.

"Hey Lu An, what did you do to that girl?" Gu Mengmeng looked into the dark hole where the smell of blood wafted, and asked in a low voice while poking Lu An's waist.

"Hmm." Seeing her slightly worried expression from the side, Lu An couldn't help laughing and said: "What kind of person does that stinky girl think of me, your husband and I didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, of course I didn't kill her."

"But the situation is not very optimistic. I gave her a mobile phone. When she recovers, she should contact the outside world. We don't need to worry about that."

Who should be killed and who should not be killed? Lu An still has some doubts in his heart.

He seemed to be bloodthirsty, but innocent people would not kill themselves.

It's just a pity that it came a bit late, and the innocent woman seemed to have been ruined.

"These international drug traffickers are really hateful." Thinking of what happened to that woman, Gu Mengmeng became furious.

"There are inexhaustible numbers of creatures in the world. It is normal to have some low-level garbage. If you see it, kill it casually."

Lu An shrugged his shoulders and softly comforted Gu Mengmeng, the attitude of these desperadoes in his heart was always the same.

B doesn't have the ability to bully men and women to do whatever they want with a background of some lawless forces. In the end, they are just bullying meat dogs.

Although these things have nothing to do with him, Lu is still willing to clean them up if he meets him.

After all, it is better to see the garbage out of sight.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, let's go back first."

Stretching out his hands to rub Gu Mengmeng's bulging face, Lu An turned and left with her.

It's just that they didn't go far, and something interesting happened quietly.

"Stinky bastard, when Boss Pete finishes eating meat, I'll let you know how powerful I am, and I promise to make you want to die."

"Oh, forgot, for God's sake, Uncle Jill will tell you one more thing, your mother may be having sex with Boss Pete and the others right now, hahaha."

The poor Interlingua came from the dark forest, Lu An's gentle expression changed slightly, and he stopped and stood with great interest.

Not long after, there was rustling laughter and desperate crying coming from ahead, as well as the chaotic footsteps of crushing dead leaves and short trees.

Immediately afterwards, eight skinny men emerged from the dense forest, six were black, two were white and one was yellow. The skinny black man at the head carried a beautiful girl in disheveled clothes on his shoulders.

It was somewhat similar to the woman Lu An had seen in the underground wooden house.

This group of people also had fierce faces, and they looked like a group of desperadoes.

"Gee... who are you guys?!"

The skinny black man laughed and stretched out his hand to slap the girl's butt, but just as he opened his mouth, he spotted Lu An in front of him out of the corner of his eye.

Immediately startled, he quickly reacted and raised his ak to point at them with his teammates, scanning the two of them with eyes.

"What is this called? The King of Hades wants you to die on the third watch. Who dares to keep you until the fifth watch? It seems that you are destined to have my fate."

Look at them and then look at the girl, how can Lu An not know that the girl on the shoulder of the thin black man is the daughter of the woman in the wooden house.

It was the one that the bald head Heipi had previously claimed to have sent someone out to kidnap.

"It's really a hodgepodge, with all kinds of skins."

Scanning their complexion, Lu An confirmed his thoughts again.

Sure enough, black skins accounted for the majority of these organizations.

Seeing that Gu Mengmeng had put on the mask again and had no intention of making a move, Lu An didn't talk nonsense, and lightly raised her left foot and stomped on the ground.

All of a sudden, a strong wave roared out, brushing past the eight desperadoes with lightning speed, the violent shock and fluctuation contained in the strong wave directly crushed the bodies and bones of the eight people, smashing them into eight bloody lumps. Bolognese.

The beautiful girl who was deliberately avoided by Jin Lang lost the support of the skinny black man and fell directly from mid-air, having an intimate contact with the bloody meat sauce underneath.

Since the beautiful girl was carried backwards, she didn't know what happened until the skinny black man died, only that the desperadoes who kidnapped her seemed to have met other people.

And was killed without any resistance.

"Let's go."

After saving the eight animals casually, Lu An didn't even look at their meat sauce, and led Gu Mengmeng to turn around and walk away slowly, without any sense of guilt at all.

In his eyes, this bunch of rubbish is not even considered human beings, at most they are a group of animals that can speak human language, so naturally they cannot have any psychological burden.

The footsteps of the two of Lu An gradually drifted away until they completely disappeared from the dense forest. The beautiful girl, who was still in shock, resisted the nausea and dared not move a bit, and dared to turn over and cry loudly while looking at the empty dense forest.

Covering his body and returning to the hotel where he lived, he greeted the familiar players from other countries one by one, and the two went upstairs leisurely and returned home.

As soon as she got home, Gu Mengmeng couldn't wait to go to the bathroom to take a shower. She didn't run out wrapped in her pajamas until half an hour later, and asked Lu An to help her comb her hair shamelessly.

As she wished, Lu An agreed, and she enjoyed the blow-drying service comfortably.

"Why are you so fascinated by it?" He was busy combing Gu Mengmeng's hair, seeing her in a daze and asked.

"Look at the chat group, Yaoyao and the others are chatting about the game."

"Oh game."

Lu An was taken aback when he heard the words, and parted his mind to open the chat group. Sure enough, the discussion in the group was already in full swing.

It seems that they have all returned from hunting.

After glancing at their chat records, Lu An also understood why Gu Mengmeng was so engrossed in watching them.

The co-author is talking about yesterday and today's game.

Since the day before yesterday's rest day ended, the 20 national teams that stood out from the third round began a new round of competition for the top ten.

But this time Saudi Arabia was very lucky to draw a dark horse country that can be dealt with, and it started the game on the first day just like Tian Xuan.

The ending did not disappoint him. He Zhaben paid the price of a broken arm and successfully sent away the dark horse team, ranking among the top ten.

Save him a chance to make a phone call, and getting into the top five is basically a certainty.

The same is true for Tianxuan, without drawing a strong team such as White Bear Britain, it was easy to win with Zhao Yaoyao leading the team.

But looking at the current situation, they don't seem to be discussing this matter.

Lu An watched the screen silently and found that Xiang Yuan and the others were chatting about today's individual match.

Not long ago, Quan Xun actually lost!

Lu An, who understood, frowned slightly, feeling very surprised.

He knew about that guy Quan Xun. Although he wasn't top-notch, he wasn't weak either, but he would fall in the second round?

Xiang Yuan: "Damn, I just saw the bad news when I came back, Quanxun's injury is alright."

Miao Lu: "It's okay, but at least three days of rest is needed, otherwise the old injury will recur (picture)."

Miao Lu sent a picture of Quan Xun lying on a hospital bed covered in bruises in a top hospital in Britain. His face was extremely weak and he was in a coma.

Fan Tianlan: "I just came back to watch the game, Bai Ying's attack on the clown was too hard, Quan Xun was a rollover."


Lu An frowned, took out his mobile phone and flipped through the replay of the game to find out the whole game.

Sure enough, as he had imagined, it was White Eagle's clown named Jenny who was fighting Quan Xun.

Lu An quickly slid through the fierce competition, and lost to Jenny in the end. He was severely injured by his scalpel and Rubik's cube. What was even more annoying was that this guy wanted to continue to make up the knife after the referee announced the result of the game. , fortunately was stopped by the referee in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Seeing the whole process, Gu Mengmeng was extremely angry.

"He really came out of Gotham City, and his spirit is a little abnormal."

Seeing Jenny's crazily laughing expression in the video, Lu An sighed slightly and turned off the phone.

There are wonderful flowers every year, especially this year.

It's outrageous that Bai Ying can make a crazy clown to become a national player.

Reaching out to comfort Gu Mengmeng for a while, Lu An looked at the chat group and thought about whether to give up the idea of ​​visiting.

The injury left by Jenny is a bit weird. Quan Xun now needs to recuperate both physically and psychologically. It is best not to disturb him.

It was the first time he was seriously injured and lost in the World Championships. It was probably a big blow to him. It would be better to let him be alone.

"This guy is good at spatial ability. Quan Xun is stuck on this point. Mengmeng, if you encounter something, pay attention." Lu An solemnly warned Gu Mengmeng, and refocused on combing her twin ponytails.


Tian Xuan ushered in the bad news of losing the individual competition for the first time, and the submarine base 50 kilometers away from the Sunset Islands was not much better.

Yu Scorpio blankly swept across the number of assassins who were less than half compared to before, his heart was like a depressive volcano about to erupt.

Under the heavy pressure, no one, including the Scorpio team members, dared to say a word.

"Who can tell me why more than seventy people mysteriously disappeared in just five days?" Even Yu Scorpio's disposition couldn't help causing waves of anger.

He retreated alone for a few days, and when he came out, he was informed that another seventy people were missing.

This is not a small number.

A sense of urgency suddenly rose in Yu Tianxie's heart. If this continues, the mission of the organization will not be completed, but the group of guys in front of them will be wiped out first.

"A gang commits crimes, and there are at least five hunters." The voice was that gloomy man from the Night Alliance, rubbing his fingers over his wine glass and pondering: "I left a secret method on a certain friend before, and he was arrested yesterday. When chasing him, I could sense that there were at least three people chasing him, and the energy fluctuations were no less than that of Shenzang."

"But the energy fluctuations that are not enough to achieve supernatural powers can basically be concluded to be the work of those young arrogance."

He glanced at Jade Scorpio and stopped talking.

The others didn't dare to say anything. They had been in Sunset Town for the past few days, and they were cautious when going to the contact point. They were afraid of being hunted down by hunters who appeared suddenly, so how could they know other information.

"As expected, I'll tell you what you did." Yu Tianxie was not surprised when he heard the news, he had already guessed that the real identities of the hunters must be those young arrogance.

"Using Wanhua Butterfly can 100% sneak into the players' village, but we need to make some preparations and evacuation routes in advance."

A member of the black-robed Scorpio bowed his head respectfully and answered with a very firm voice.

"Well, I'll give you one more night to detonate the contestant's village tomorrow night. Then just evacuate to the base. I'll take care of you here."

Jade Scorpio made a decision, turned around and walked into the secret door.

Time waits for no one, in this case, act as soon as possible, let the team members sneak into the player's village to attack and kill the players and install bombs, and after success, let them act as bait to lure people to the base and take over by yourself.

As long as it is not the king level, he, Jade Scorpio, can leave at any time.

As long as those young Tianjiao have accidents and the Sunset Islands have disputes and chaos, their goal will be achieved.

As for this submarine base, which can be discarded, it is also a very good choice to make the best use of it.

"Action tomorrow?"

The members of the black-robed team froze for a moment, looked at each other and disappeared in a flash.

Since Jade Scorpio said that they will act tomorrow, they will never change it. They must make full preparations as early as possible to prepare for unexpected situations that may occur at any time.

For example, miniature explosive bombs, rosary beads containing a blow from the Jade Scorpion, space chips for evacuation, and Wanhua butterfly.

These are all necessary items to attack the contestants' village.

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