Chapter 1141 Suppressing Evil Talisman

"you have heard?"

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help but asked curiously. After all, Artemis suffered from detachment from the soul. Although he was treated by his own thirteen needles, he could only consolidate his soul, and he could not remember the past. If there is really any memory point that can touch Artemis and make her recall the past, there is a possibility of a complete recovery from the spirit disorder.

Artemis looked at Jiang Xiaolong hesitantly, Senior's voice, should he know or shouldn't he know?

"You say it's okay.

After Jiang Xiaolong spoke, Artemis no longer hesitated and explained everything he knew.

"Xin Xin Blood Ghost was originally a demon king. He was very popular with the Empress and was the most favored male favorite. He had to bathe in the blood pool with the Empress all the year round. After his accidental death, the Empress kept his soul in the blood pool for many years. , Yin Soul re-condensed the cultivation base and re-ranked the level of the devil. Because it is a Yin soul, so...

Artemis turned his attention to the direction of the roaring dog.

Jiang Xiaolong understood instantly, "Black~dog blood can ward off evil spirits!"

Artemis did not know whether the blood of the black dog could ward off evil spirits, but the divine blood of the roaring dog could indeed restrain the ghost.


The roaring dog made a tragic bark. I haven't had enough food these days, and I'm skinny. How dare you hit me - idea!

"Artemis, persuade the master! Otherwise, I will kill the female frog! Threat?

Empress is Empress, Artemis is Artemis.

This point, she is already clear and can't be clearer, so...

"Senior, if you can draw a few spells with its blood, the effect will be even better!"

Jiang Xiaolong fell into contemplation. A few years ago, he seemed to have been tasked with drawing spells.

He paced into the bedroom, and then took out a book from the several books on the foot of the bed, which read: "Basic Spells".

This is it!

Turning the first page, it is the evil-suppressing talisman.

The first half of the page is the painted spell, and the second half is the explanation of the spell.

Evil Suppression Talisman: Use this talisman to suppress evil spirits in the home, and it can be fulfilled.

This is what I want!

I haven't drawn it for a long time. If I accidentally draw a wrong drawing, wouldn't it mean that the kitten will be sent to death for nothing? Jiang Xiaolong seriously recalled the strokes, and it took a full half a column of incense to carry a knife and came to Xiaotian. next to the dog.

"Wang Wang...

The roaring dog barked weakly, and the owner personally came to bleed it, can it still refuse?

This hatred is on Artemis!

Jiang Xiaolong held the knife and stroked the roaring dog's front paw lightly, and the blood gushed in an instant. Then Jiang Xiaolong brought the tub for washing his face and used it to collect blood from black dogs.


Don't you just draw a sign?

How can you put a pot of blood!

God knows how many times Jiang Xiaolong has to draw the spells in order to draw them accurately. It's fine to prepare a little more blood.

Jiang Xiaolong was bleeding the roaring dog while helping it smoothen his hair, "I'll borrow some blood from you, and I'll stew the old hen for your body in the next few days.

Three-legged Golden Crow:???

How could it be that he was harmed by Chiyu!

The old yellow paper has gone through the years, but fortunately, the paper has not been broken, and each sheet is only the size of a palm. Jiang Xiaolong laid them flat on the table, and spread them in three layers.

The brush was stained with black dog blood, and then quickly started writing.

First draw a circle on the left and right, two dots on the right, and the tail is picked up, like a dragon, with two small dots in the front and back, then, one horizontal in the middle, two vertical on the left, and one more on the right, and finally, start from the middle, one on the left and one on the left. Leave a swipe, draw a tick at the top, write two characters of Yi in the middle, and then go from top to bottom, straight to the bottom.

・Seeking flowers・・

to make!

The pen walks dragons and snakes, winding and circling!

The spell was formed on the yellow paper, and even Artemis couldn't help but take a step back. The talisman to suppress evil, the devil is also a kind of evil.

"No. 35

Jiang Xiaolong didn't seem satisfied, he picked up the spell at will, and then tore it up. Artemis:  …

There is a feeling called distressed that is constantly brewing, but unfortunately a good talisman!

Immediately, he saw Jiang Xiaolong pick up the pen again.

The brush was suspended in the sky above the yellow paper, but it didn't fall down. All he saw was Jiang Xiaolong's eyes closed, as if he had drawn a spell pattern in his mind.

The pen is shocking, and the road is simple!

In just one breath, Jiang Xiaolong redrawn a talisman to suppress evil, and the masculine charm emerged on the yellow paper. In a blink of an eye, it gathered into the form of a unicorn and roared on the paper.

Artemis retreated, not daring to try his edge.

"This one is pretty good."

Jiang Xiaolong finally nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to draw.

Prepare a few more and be safe~

A full nine complete spells fell into Meow Kitten's hands before Jiang Xiaolong stopped writing, "Should be enough?


Meow Kitten was already dumbfounded, and responded with a cat meow in a daze.

Then he slapped his cat's ears, no, no, he is a cat person, not a cat, so what's the matter with meowing.

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