Chapter 1142 Sixty Pure Yin Great Array

The masculine charm of this charm made her feel the coercion, and she is still confused to this day. What a chance this is!

She is confident that a single spell is enough to destroy the bloody ghost, but at this moment, she has nine full of them!

"Thank you senior!"

Great kindness and great virtue cannot be repaid, so how can it come?

Meow Kitten's human culture is not good at learning, remember the first half of the sentence, but can't remember the second half of the sentence. After the random blood ghost is solved, I will have a chance to ask someone again~

"When using the evil-suppressing talisman, you need to recite the incantation silently. The incantation is: "893" there are heavenly soldiers, and there are gods below, upright and unrighteous, clear between public and private, punishing evildoers and eliminating evil, brilliance in the sky, and retreat of demons. This is also written in " In "Basic Spells", each spell has a corresponding spell to use

Fortunately, otherwise, just like dealing with zombies, you need to stick a spell on the forehead of other zombies. I am afraid that this girl will be torn apart by other zombies before she gets close.

Oh, right.

It's really not safe for a girl to go by herself, so bring a bodyguard!

Jiang Xiaolong said, "Bring Artemis in Baiyi and accompany Meow Kitten.

The hard work is for the master, and the hard work is for the apprentice. As Jiang Xiaolong's cheap apprentice, Ying Baiyi, the sword immortal of the generation, naturally wants to make the best use of it.

As for why you should bring Artemis, it is purely because Artemis seems to have a good impression of the random bloody ghost. If you can stimulate Artemis' memory, it may be able to completely heal Artemis. of detachment.

Ying Baiyi and Artemis responded in unison, and Meow Kitten also showed a happy expression.

Originally, she was still a little worried, but, with Artemis as a protection card, the free-spirited blood ghost is really nothing to be afraid of!

The three walked out of the yard side by side, while Jiang Xiaolong was looking at Meow Kitten's back and thinking.

Since there really are ghosts and ghosts in this world, it doesn't seem safe to live in this small yard by yourself~

Otherwise, paint a little more anti-evil and Chong talisman and stick it all over the fence of the yard!

The roaring dog looked at the owner's eyes, and only felt that there was an illusion that the dog's head was not safe, and immediately hugged the dog's head with its two front paws, and shrunk in one place...

"... Lady Empress, what should we do now?"

Just now in the yard, Jiang Xiaolong's breath was suppressing, and Kitty Meow didn't feel the pressure of Artemis. Now that she left the yard, she realized the feeling of being suppressed by the breath to the point of suffocation.

"Don't be so nervous, my name is Artemis, and I only have the cultivation of a demon monarch, not a female emperor.

Artemis smiled faintly, trying to ease the cat's nervousness.

It's a pity that the name of the Empress is too high, and this approach is of no avail.

"Let's go, take me to your territory first, where there is the remnant of the bloody ghost, I can trace him.

As soon as Artemis finished speaking, Meow Kitten respectfully led the way.

Ying Baiyi stood behind the two of them, like a little follower.

Inner os: I'm a soy sauce! With this big guy here, where do I need to be a bodyguard

The realm of the monster alliance.

Originally, although this place was desolate, the population was prosperous, and among the primitive tribe-like buildings, there were various orcs and half-monsters walking.

But now, the crowd gathered in the past has disappeared, and only the white bones are left, which proves that there was once the existence of intelligent creatures here...

Oh, vampires don't eat bones.

Kitten Meow originally thought that when he returned to his hometown, he would cry bitterly with the corpses of his relatives and friends. But at this moment, in the face of the current situation, she couldn't tell who was who.

"There are 36,782 corpses below.

Artemis was used to seeing such a scene, and said calmly.

Thirty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-two corpses?

Meow Kitten never knew how many people he had, but he never thought that under such circumstances, he would know the exact number.

"Xixin, this guy has learned to be smart, and he has actually learned to hide his breath. However, to swallow such a large amount of flesh and blood, he needs a place to rest and digest, so let's search for the nearby cities.

Artemis was suspended in mid-air, and the priesthood began to spread infinitely. With the slender figure as the center point, the radius of thousands of miles was under surveillance.

Since Senior Jiang Xiaolong let himself deal with this matter, he gave 4.3 the opportunity to clear the door, and this bloody ghost will not be able to escape!

Demon world.

There is a tuyere where tornadoes are constantly swirling and rising into the air all the year round. At this moment, there is a demon man standing in the center of the tornado, constantly undulating with the wind.

"It's really a good idea to let this bloody ghost go to the human world. In just a few days, the pure yin energy of so many women has been sent back. Jingjing

The left half of the demon man's face was no different from the ordinary human race, and the right half of his face had clear demonic lines that ran from his forehead to his neck.

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