Chapter 1143 Ferocious

A long lavender hair was scattered in a casual shawl, and at a glance, there was still a bit of a weak scholar in the demonic energy.

This is the Four Demon Emperor of the Demon Race!

"Wait for this bloody ghost to pass back some more pure yin qi, I will hit the fairy world and take the nine-tailed white fox's virginity, and finally go to my beautiful female emperor Shuangxiu, the accumulated yin qi should be enough to help I've surpassed my current state!"

Siyou Demon Emperor muttered in his mouth, and at the same time, his eyes were fixed on a direction in the depths of the demon world, as if there was something he feared there.

Human world.

Artemis did not find it under the detection of his consciousness, so he continued to move forward with the two of them.

Meow Kitten's strength is 29 too weak, her consciousness detection can't play a role, but Ying Baiyi is also a fairy king level character, because of the reason of Jian Xiu's ability to understand God, her consciousness is not weak, such a free Labor, no need for nothing?


Artemis frowned slightly, with his eyebrows resembling Yuanshandai. He had already explored the entire human world with his consciousness. So far, he has not found any sign of a bloody ghost. Could it be that he has fled back to the devil world?

When Artemis was struggling to understand, Ying Baiyi said suspiciously: "Why are there so many girls crying around here, how many big girls are lost.

The divine consciousness of the Immortal King spreads, enough to listen to the sufferings of the people.

"It's a bloody ghost, he is helping the Four Demon Emperors gather the pure yin of a woman!"

Artemis suddenly became enlightened, and then his figure rose into the air.

The black gauze turned into a small black dot in mid-air, and then, accompanied by a silver bell, it crashed to the ground like a meteorite falling.

The white jade feet touched the ground, and in an instant, the ground under his feet cracked.

Heck, what a contrast!

"Get out of here!"

With an angry shout from Artemis, the cracking speed of the ground increased again, and a huge sinkhole appeared directly!

"Jie Jie~ It turned out to be the avatar of Lady Empress~"

The shape of the Vampire Ghost is really hidden in the ground.

Not only him, but also hundreds of girls were hidden here by him.

Six hundred and five people.

"The sixty-year-old pure yin formation I'm going to form is just one eye away. The primordial yin of Lady Empress disappeared thousands of years ago, but this avatar should have primordial yin present~"

Licking the corners of his mouth as he liked, he could already smell the yin of Artemis. If he could have her as the eye of the formation, then this formation would be perfect~

"Oh that's fine.

Artemis hooked his fingers towards Meow Kitten, clasped an evil-suppressing talisman in his hand, and then stepped towards the center of the formation.

The Yin Qi was so strong that the figures of 605 women floated uncontrollably around Artemis. Immediately, cracks began to appear on their fair skin, and blood stains spread and gathered in one place. monstrous!

Sixty pure yin grand formation, gather 606 women, drain the blood, and refine the yin, it can become a general trend!

Artemis was suppressed by this blood energy, and it only took a moment or three to disappear. However, her divine sense is strong enough, so she might condense with the refined yin to form a yin ghost.

With a cold smile on his mouth.

"There are heavenly soldiers above, and gods below, who are upright and righteous, distinguish between public and private, punish traitors and eliminate evil, radiate the power of the sky, and the demons retreat.

Artemis took out the evil-suppressing amulet, and the moment he chanted the spell, the mountains and rivers were shaken! No! Is this a demon emperor-level spell?!

"You guessed wrong, Demon Emperor, you're a fart in front of this spell!

The monstrous blood energy showed signs of dissipating at this moment, and it didn't take a moment or three to return to the bodies of those women, and then, on the evil-suppressing talisman, a little golden thread appeared, entangling the bloody ghost in place.

"You, do you think you can escape?"

There was a ringing sound from the silver bell on Artemis, and the sound was getting closer and closer to the heart.

"When you plant the cause, you have to bear the fruit. How did you become a bloody ghost back then, today, how 893 should be wiped out."

Under the control of the evil-suppressing talisman, even if the panic in Xunxin's heart has reached its extreme level, he has no way to escape, and can only be trapped in place, waiting for the outcome. ,

Artemis suddenly opened his mouth, as if a huge black hole appeared beside Xun Xin, and the blood energy gathered on his body began to pour into the black hole continuously. Back then, Xunxin was only able to become Xunxin Blood Ghost with the help of the power of the Blood Pond.

Today, Artemis will eat this power back!

"Goo-dong, coo-dong.

The sound of swallowing kept coming, and at this moment, that beautiful face finally showed a bit of the hideousness of the Demon Race.

The kitten on the side couldn't help but step back, and Ying Baiyi also showed a little worried color. "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

The moment Artemis' voice fell, he couldn't help but let out a long howl.

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