Chapter 1144 A shadow

Her body is just a clone of the Empress, and it is a bit reluctant to endure the power of the blood pool.

Demonic energy spilled out uncontrollably, spreading over the entire Demon Beast Alliance area, and the sense of apocalyptic vision that was shrouded in darkness completely manifested at this moment.

"Dong Yi"

Like the sound of bells and drums playing loudly, all the creatures in the human world, the fairy world, the demon world, and the three worlds felt a sense at this moment, and they focused their attention here.

It is the breath of the devil!

There are four heavenly emperors in the heaven, and there are three devil emperors in the devil.

Such a balance has lasted for tens of thousands of years without any sign of breaking. Now, has a new Devil Emperor been born?

And, still in the human world?

At the beginning, the great change in the human world, countless small worlds merged into it, everyone knew that the world would change but never thought that it would come so quickly.

Immortal world, Qionglin Immortal Palace.

Immortal Emperor Qionglin, who is rarely seen by ordinary people, soaked in a pond of wine and muttered with drunken eyes: "Why does this new born devil emperor possess the aura of that female emperor?

"Are you still in the mood to live and die here?!"

A thunderstorm exploded from the sky, directly hitting the wine pool.

"There is no wind and waves, and the wise do nothing.

Immortal Emperor Qionglin was chatting and laughing with immortal swamps, and he only protected his own side of the wine pond.


The visitor snorted coldly and finally sat down peacefully, as if giving Immortal Emperor Qionglin a chance to speak.

Accompanied by the sound of "crashing", Immortal Emperor Qionglin stepped out of the wine pond, and then said slowly: "Dao Lei, what are you anxious about, whether it is an Immortal Emperor or a Demon Emperor, the cultivation base is not enough to fight. It's just an ancient beast. There is an invincible person in the demon world who has survived since the ancient times, and there is one or two more demon emperors, what's the difference~々?"

"That's what I said, but if there are four devil emperors in the demon world, I'm afraid they will not hide their thoughts of the immortal world."

"It's as if they had covered it up before." Immortal Emperor Qionglin pouted, then continued: "Don't worry, there are a lot of capable people in the devil world, each of them has a ghost, don't worry about them, you will fight yourself.

A strand of gold lingered around Immortal Emperor Qionglin's body, and casually, I heard him say again: "In the wild and ancient times, the fighting method was not prosperous, and there was no difference in their strength, but if you have the power of the wild, you can Called a god, even the guy who survived in the ancient times would not dare to call him invincible in this world, right?"

Dao, one source, one source, one nothingness, one Hongmeng, one chaos, one prehistoric one, one wild one, one ancient one, one primordial one, one ancient one—primitive one AD.

This is the transformation order of the world.

Humans began to exist in the wild, and there were also cultivated practitioners.

But before the Great Desolation, Heaven and Earth were born as gods, breaking the sky!

The Great Desolation has the power of the Great Desolation, Chaos has the power of Chaos, and Hongmeng has the True Qi of Hongmeng. After that, the nothingness, the source, the source of the extreme, and the final demonstration are too illusory, even legends have never existed.

Immortal Emperor Lei stared blankly at Immortal Emperor Qionglin's body, which seemed to be about to manifest the power of the Great Desolation. For a time, he felt awe of this old friend, and he didn't dare to be as presumptuous as before.

Human world.

With Artemis as the center, time and space seem to be stagnant at this moment, and everything is a breath of death. Demon Emperor!



All kinds of negative emotions are constantly emerging in the heart of Artemis, the emperor of the devil, the emperor of the devil

The corner of Artemis' mouth evoked a sneer, and then licked the corner of her mouth lightly, she was about to become an empress!

"||You ∼"

Artemis turned his gaze to Meow Kitten and Ying Baiyi, who were filled with murderous intent.

"Artemis, you!"

Ying Baiyi's body jolted instantly, and then he pulled Meow Kitten and started to retreat, but it was too late.

The sound of the ringing silver bells, and the silver bell-like laughter of Artemis, combined together, made people feel eerie.

In an instant, Artemis was deceived.

The nails, which were a little longer than fingers, pointed to Kitten Meow's forehead.

"The devil is restless!"

The white jade snake sword in Ying Baiyi's (Nuod's) hand flew out, trying to block the blow with the power of the original sword intent.

"Jingle one"

The moment they collided, it was as if two long swords collided, and as a result, the White Jade Spirit Snake Sword broke in an instant.

Really, I can't resist~

Because of the rupture of the sword of life, Ying Baiyi vomited blood in an instant, his whole face was like golden paper, and his complexion was a little dead gray.

"Heaven has heavenly generals, and earth has earthly talents, who are smart and upright, unbiased and unselfish, slaying evil and eradicating evil, alleviating difficulties and dangers, such as the wrath of gods, ashes!

Cat Meow was holding the evil-suppressing amulet in her hands, and she was so nervous that she couldn't articulate clearly. Fortunately, she finally read it out completely.

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