Chapter 1151 The existence of terror

Although he is indeed a bit old-fashioned, he can't keep up with the dynasty so much, right? Are people so rich now?

"Pop one

The plate was broken.

The little fox shyly used his small paws to fiddle with the fragment aside.

Forget this!

However, the eyes of the old man and demon suddenly fell on the broken plate. It's a constellation plate!

The legendary star disk!

The supreme artifact that can bring thousands of stars into the plate!

What, it's broken?

The little fox seemed to be frightened by the eyes of the old man and the demon, and swayed his little paws again and again, "Don't look at me, the master patted the table casually that day and shook the plate to the ground, so it was broken.

After hearing these words, the old man was dumbfounded for a moment, and the demonic energy in his body was like a mud ox entering the sea, disappearing.

With a single shot, the constellation disk will be broken?

The Wu, the supreme artifact that can hold the stars, appeared in front of his eyes, turned out to be shattered?

There was a little hesitation in the steps of the old man and the demon.

Originally, I wanted to compete with the existence in this big green mountain, but now it seems to be a little foolish. There are still less than three years before that catastrophe will be ushered in. Whether it is an ancient creature, an ancient, wild creature, or even those who possess the power of the wild, should they all move?

The old man and the devil looked at Artemis, this is the combination of the fairy and the devil.

Taking a look at Ying Baiyi, this is a person.

Take another look at the nine-tailed white fox, this is a demon.

The roaring dog is an ancient beast, and there is still the breath of an ancient beast in the mountains.

Fairy, Demon, Human, Demon, God, Fierce.

For a time, the old man and the demon couldn't help his pupils tremble.

The existence in this big green mountain has set up a big game of chess!

It is a terrifying existence!

In today's world, there may be the power of prehistoric times, and the power of chaos may appear in the world, but no one has ever seen anyone proving the Dao of Hongmeng.

Perhaps, by setting up the Six Emperors Array, with the help of the power of the Great Desolation and the power of Chaos, you can explore the end of Hongmeng!

The old man and the demon were thinking secretly in his heart.

On the pot just now, there is already the power of the Great Desolation.

Not long ago, the human world was shaken by the power of chaos.

If it all comes together...

The old man and demon couldn't help but take a deep breath!

If it is as he thought, the existence in the Daqing Mountain is probably preparing to prove the Dao of Hongmeng. Now, it is only a matter of pushing this person and a fox to the position of the Immortal Emperor, and they are about to embark on the last road.

Do not!

Only fools are here to make a fuss.

The old man and the demon directly carried the soul of the four demon emperors and turned to leave, not even ready to eat the dog meat and fox meat he was thinking about.

"Hey! Put my fiance down and let me kill him!"

"Bah! No, put that Four Demon Emperor down and let me kill him."

"Don't delay my murder of my husband!"

The nine-tailed white fox kept screaming behind him.

However, the figure of the old man and demon had already disappeared in this world, and in the kung fu of the nine-tailed white fox shouting, I am afraid that the old man was already in the demon world, right?


Ying Baiyi squeezed the flesh on his face fiercely, trying to wake himself up.

Among his immortals, it was the first time that he saw this legendary immemorial creature, and he ran away like this?

I originally thought that such an existence would allow Senior Jiang Xiaolong to deal with it personally.

But I never thought that the ancient creatures could not see the true face of Jiang Xiaolong's predecessor.

Sure enough, Senior Jiang Xiaolong is invincible in this world!

in the small yard.

Jiang Xiaolong was sitting at the stone table, wasting his good tea like a cow chewing peony. With that mechanical movement, his expression was particularly tangled.

.....for flowers.....

On the other side, Kitten Meow was kneeling there, unwilling to get up.

When Artemis returned to the courtyard, the joy of defeating the powerful enemy instantly disappeared, and they did not dare to let out the atmosphere.

What's going on? The atmosphere seems a little tense.

"I beg the seniors to accept me as a disciple.

Meow Kitten looks serious, but Jiang Xiaolong's heart is full of anger.

What the hell kind of world is this?


Oh sorry, what the hell.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at the spell hanging on the wall, and felt a little relieved.

But, looking at Meow Kitten...

Brain hurts again.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at Meow Kitten with a resentful look on his face, and then asked, "What did you ask me to do with you as a disciple?

Kitten Meow was stunned for a moment, and then showed a firm look.

This is the way the seniors are asking themselves to pursue!

"Senior, I want to learn the way of your spells, travel thousands of mountains to search for thousands of worlds, gather the power of many orcs and half-monsters, and re-establish the monster alliance!"

What a grand ambition!

Jiang Xiaolong was almost ready to stand up and applaud her.

However, if you really do what you said, you have to establish that monster alliance of what kind of trouble, then you can complete the obsession in your heart and achieve revenge...

Jiang Xiaolong felt that in his lifetime, he might not be able to get out of this great green mountain.

"The Buddha said that suffering and happiness are all born from the heart, it is just a momentary gain and loss. If you are too attached, you will be confused by this obsession, let go of the obsession, and you can be born again. , it's just a thought. Your enemy is dead, why don't you try to let it go?" Qi.

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