Chapter 1152 Mission Completion

Buddha verse.

Senior Jiang Xiaolong actually preached for them in person!

Several people in the courtyard fell into an epiphany at the same time, and for a while, the Buddha's light appeared.

Ke Bingheng, who was weeding in the backyard, saw the Buddha's light soaring into the sky, and immediately ran to the front yard, and then looked at these people who had fallen into epiphany with tears in his eyes.

I was just taking care of those immortal plants, why did I miss the senior preaching!

Jiang Xiaolong looked at the cat with his eyes closed, and nodded with satisfaction. The Buddhist family had something to say, let go and be at ease. I don't know how many stubborn and unreformed people have been taught by this verse, and how many people with blood-soaked hands put down the "Nine One Zero" butcher's knife.

only hope

This kitty girl can understand.

That Buddhist language seemed to be transformed into boundless Buddha Dharma, shrouding this small courtyard, and the auspicious aura continued to hover in the sky.

Later, Ke Bingheng's mentality gradually calmed down, and he was no longer obsessed with missing the sermon.

As for other people, it is even more so under the shroud of this Dharma, that they have obtained great benefits!

After this incident, the cultivation of Ying Baiyi and the nine-tailed white fox has approached the late stage of the Immortal King. As for Meow Kitten, it was the one who received Jiang Xiaolong's teaching most directly, and he had the deepest understanding of it. His cultivation level even jumped from the level of an immortal to the level of a golden immortal due to an epiphany.

"Thank you senior for teaching."

Meow Kitten's figure slumped to the end, with admiration flashing in his eyes.

What is the invincible existence of Jiang Xiaolong's predecessor, so that he can educate everyone in a single word, so that everyone's realm has increased to varying degrees.

If you can really learn one or two of Jiang Xiaolong's predecessors, and go back to teach orcs and half-demon races, why is the race not strong!

"Have an epiphany?"

"Have an epiphany."

"And then revenge?"

"I beg the seniors to teach me the way of spells. Although I have to let go and be at ease, Miao Kitten can't forget the important task of helping the race.

Jiang Xiaolong:

Come on, it's all in vain.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand helplessly, and then said: "Okay, okay, it's a big deal, and I'm still kneeling there.

A copy of "Basic Spells" was thrown out directly by Jiang Xiaolong, "I have accepted your apprentice, and I only have this one and teach you all about spells."

Is this what it is?

At the moment when the "Basic Spells" tentacles, the cat's consciousness was introduced into the mysterious world. The countless runes were like magic, floating in the mysterious world, with the passage of time, and even gradually It is connected into one piece, possessing the supreme creation.

Is this the way of spells mastered by seniors?

The Orcs and Half-Monsters are weak, but they have good physical strength. If they use the flesh as a talisman to draw a spell, I wonder if it can improve the combat effectiveness of the race?

Once such a thought arises, it seems to take root and sprout instantly, leaving a deep imprint on Kitten's heart, lingering.

Until the day she completes this "Basic Spell Encyclopedia", it will be when she will lead the orcs and half-demon races

Flicking his fingers across the slightly yellowed page, a kind of lofty ambition arises spontaneously.

Is that so?

Knowing that the obsession with the 1% difference, Kitten Meow just wants to be a teacher, why should I spend so much more? Just accept the apprentice!

Don't say that the kitten is kowtowing to his teacher, even if he asks the kitten to kowtow to the teacher.

Article 993 The task is completed!

For a time, Jiang Xiaolong only felt refreshed, the big hand fell on the cat's head and patted it and said with a hearty smile: "Good disciple!

"Meow?" Meow Kitten was stunned. The senior actually treated her so kindly, which made her feel like a long-lost family member.

For a while, Kitty Meow couldn't help shaking her cat ears, rubbed Jiang Xiaolong's palm, and then called out sweetly, "Master.

Roaring Dog: The status in the yard seems to be changing again.

Three-legged Golden Crow: Hold your thighs well and avoid the fate of becoming a roast chicken.

Sejoshu: Are you going to use my branch as a pen again?


"Woooo~" Here comes another one, is the position of the mistress of my small courtyard about to be challenged again!

Demon world.

In the deepest part of the demon world, there is a dark area where you can't see your fingers. After the old man and the demon brought the four demon emperors back to this place, he threw his soul and hung it on the palace like a lightning rod. The tip of the ornament.

"You honestly live in this 4.3 for a year, and I will reshape your body for you. 99

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Renmo, for saving his life."5

What kind of humiliation is it for a dignified generation of demon emperors to be hung in front of the door like this? It's only a year, so what? It's better than almost losing your life.

The demonic energy condensed into strips and hung down from the top of the lightning rod-like decoration, completely covering the figure of the Four Demon Emperors, wrapping them like silkworm chrysalis.

But the old man and demon turned around and left here.

A trace cracked in the void, and then, I saw the figure of a man riding on Zhu Huai, walking in the starry sky.

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