Chapter 1153 Black and White Chess Pieces

Huh? It's the old man and demon~"

The man patted Zhu Huai under him, stopped him, and then said casually. This person is the master of the Fallen Immortal Cliff, Yi Que Yi!

Although this person seems to be careless, but there is the power of the prehistoric around him, and he is an immortal who truly masters the power of the prehistoric.

As soon as he raised his hand and made a move, the terrifying aura of the Great Desolation rose and fell, and the surrounding space was even constantly collapsing and rebuilding.

The vicissitudes of history can be seen in the old man, but in Queyi, there is only cynicism.

"Let me ask you, do you know the existence of that great green mountain?"

The old man and the demon spoke directly.

"I know, I don't know."

The robe on Queyi fluttered gently, revealing a little high and unfathomable.

"Don't pretend to me there, tell me what you know."

The old man and the demon couldn't help grinding his teeth and glanced at Zhu Huai, who was riding on the bird clothes. If he doesn't speak well, he will eat pork!

Queyi smiled lightly, and then said indifferently: "In short, it's the existence that you and I can't afford to offend.


The old man sneered, and then asked: "What if I have to provoke one or two?

Queyi suddenly shot, and a pair of black and white chess pieces flew from his fingertips and threw them in the direction of the old man.

Among the four immortal emperors, there is a chess counter Immortal Emperor, who is famous for his black and white chess pieces. If he holds black pieces, he can kill the world. If he holds white pieces, he can save the people.

This bird clothing is proficient in the supernatural powers of all ethnic groups, including the way of black and white chess pieces.

Two chess pieces in hand.

The cycle of yin and yang of Tai Chi produces all things, plays all things, and transforms all living beings!

I only saw the black and white chess pieces, constantly spinning in mid-air, reciprocating with each other, and for a while, this piece of empty space vibrated with it, and even faintly appeared. Some cracks.

The incomparably terrifying aura appeared in mid-air, and came out in the form of the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram.

The two Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish are constantly rotating, and between their movements, it seems that all the cause and effect in the world are involved.

In the mirror, light and shadow are interlaced, and those images gradually congealed and transformed into a real picture

The old man and the demon recognized it at a glance, there was the Great Green Mountain in the human world.

And around Daqingshan, seven figures appeared.

The old man and demon have survived since ancient times, and there are still some secrets that he does not know in this world, and strong people he does not know.

These seven figures are exactly the Sifang Immortal Emperor of the Heaven Realm and the three Demon Emperors of the Demon Realm.

"What are you doing?"

The old man and the demon couldn't help but ask curiously.

Que Yi put away his cynicism, with a little sharpness in his eyes, and then, a drop of his own blood was condensed from his fingertips and merged into the mirror image.

Afterwards, there was an invisible force that reflected back from the large mirror, causing the bird to vomit blood.

The old man and demon couldn't help but be taken aback. Black and white chess pieces are considered the world, and it is the unique skill of the chess operator, Immortal Emperor. According to Que Yi's ability, he imitated the reaction that one or two would never suffer. The result now must be the scene in the mirror. caused.

"It's terrible."

Que Yi first smiled, and then continued: "I can't fully peep the existence of the Daqingshan Mountain, but I can simulate the scene of the Sifang Immortal Emperor and the three Demon Emperors attacking the Daqingshan Mountain at the same time. 99

Everything in the world has cause and effect, and the cycle of cause and effect is the evolution of heaven.

Since Queyi can't directly deduce the existence of that Daqingshan, it is not unreasonable to use the quantity he can confirm to measure this variable.

The quantification that can be confirmed is the Sifang Immortal Emperor and the three Demon Emperors, and the uncertain variable is the existence in Daqingshan.

How ridiculous, in the eyes of these creatures who have survived since ancient times. It turns out that the so-called Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor can also be calculated as chess pieces.

The scene in mirror 910 has been revealed.

The big green mountain that the seven figures attacked at the same time, at first glance, seems to be just an ordinary mountain range in the human world, and there is no splendid atmosphere.

However, at the moment when the seven figures made their move, everything was shrouded in mist, and a blood energy rippled out in an instant, blending into the mist and turning into blood.

After the fog had completely dissipated, the Sifang Immortal Emperor and the three Demon Emperors were all dead. "This……

That fog is a secret that cannot be revealed in the dark. Even if it is deduced at the level of Queyi at the cost of a drop of blood essence, it is impossible to see the truth.

The only thing I know is that the Sifang Immortal Emperor and the three Demon Emperors will not be able to survive a single round under that existence.

The old man and the demon couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Then, the shriveled skin began to swell, and the skinny bones that seemed to be thin, gradually recovered to the age of youth.

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