Chapter 1154 Di Xin

"Master Human Demon..."

Que Yi's questioning has not ended yet, at this moment, the old man Momo has returned to the appearance of his prime, and he is actually a handsome young man.

"It's really comfortable to look like this, but the consumption of blood energy is too serious.

The old man and the demon shook his neck and made a crackling sound.

This old body can finally move.

Afterwards, Queyi felt the whole space, and it all burned.

The old man Gorefiend actually forced out three drops of blood essence from his body and sent them to Queyi.

The blood of the ancient creature was glowing with a faint golden light, and it fell on Queyi's hand, only to feel heavy.

"I would like to ask you to deduce it again and use my blood to deduce it. What is the result?

At their level, how precious is every drop of blood essence!

Said that this old man, in order to reduce the consumption of his own blood, has always maintained a half-dead appearance, and now he is willing to give three drops of blood essence?

"it is good.

Queyi responded with a full mouth.

At this point, he also wanted to spy on it.

The three drops of blood essence glowed like the wick of a candle, and under the light of the light, the scene in the mirror revealed a shadow.

It is still the mountain range of the Daqing Mountain, but this time it is the old man who is standing outside the Daqing Mountain.

The two of them stared at the screen while holding their breaths.

However, at the moment when the old man and demon in the picture made his move, a layer of mist rose again.


The corners of the old man's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt bad in his heart.


A barking sound was like a magical sound that penetrated the heart and lungs, coming from the fog.

The old man and the demon are somewhat familiar with this voice. If nothing else, it should be the voice of the roaring dog!

For a while, the old man and the devil, both of them took a step back at the same time.

The difference is that Queyi felt the power of Suzaku, while the old man and the demon felt the attack of the roaring dog.

The two of them looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they both saw incredible expressions.

"Master Human Demon, what do you feel?"

"Howling dog! It's just an ancient beast, how could it kill me in seconds?

"Oh, it's the same. I met my old friend Suzaku, an ancient mythical beast.


The scene in the picture, although it was hidden by the fog and couldn't see its true face, but both of them felt that in that picture, the two died in the hands of Suzaku and Roaring Dog, and even the Daqingshan has never been seen in existence.

true or false?

They both felt a bit of bitterness in their mouths at the same time.

The figure of the old man and the demon dwindled quickly, and returned to his old-fashioned appearance. The bone stick in his hand was directly used as a crutch by him, and he stuck it on the ground to support his figure.

"I've lived life after life, maintaining this half-dead state, just to save a little blood, is it the result that I can't even beat a roaring dog?"

Hearing the question of the old man and the devil, Queyi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If the little Suzaku who had been teased by him really grew to the point where he could kill him, how distressed would he be?

"If that's the case, I'm afraid we will have to rely on the strength of the one in the Great Green Mountain to survive that catastrophe.

The two tacitly kept everything that happened here buried in their hearts.

However, during the period of time when the old man and the devil left the devil world, the Four You Devil Emperor had another chance.

The soul of the Four You Demon Emperor was hung on the Demon Temple, and was baptized by the demonic energy of this world, constantly scouring the soul.

At this moment, the ground shook, and a figure climbed out from the ground.

This person is dressed in a mysterious black robe, and the dragon shadows on his robe are intertwined, which vaguely seems to have the aura of an emperor. ||Who are you?"

Four Demon Emperor asked feebly.

He is the devil emperor of the devil world, and he is most familiar with the territory under his feet, but who is this man who suddenly appeared?

"Gu Nai Di Xin.

After the man said this, he said again: "Do you know if there are still nine-tailed foxes in this world?"

"Of course there is. The fiancee I want to marry is the little princess of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. 35

(Nord's) Although the Four You Demon Emperor was very dissatisfied with the nine-tailed white fox who came with a package of supreme treasures and wanted to murder her husband, but if there was that package of things as a dowry, she would He can also be his own queen.

"What about fiancee?"

Di Xin chewed these three words in his mouth and smiled coldly.

"The nine-tailed fox clan can only accompany me.

Four You Demon Emperor has been in the Demon Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, how has anyone ever been so arrogant in front of him.

The soul body mobilized the surrounding demonic energy, turned into a pitch-black dagger, and pierced directly in the direction of Di Xin.

Because the old man of the demons aroused the demonic energy of the demon world and washed his soul for the Four Demon Emperors, the demonic energy around him at this moment was extraordinarily pure.

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