Chapter 1155 Forced Marriage

The gathered daggers, at first glance, look inconspicuous, but they are no less than a blow at the peak of the Devil Emperor.

However, Di Xin didn't care at all about it.

As soon as he raised his hand, the sound of dragon roar sounded.

The huge black dragon phantom appeared behind him, the dragon head flicked, and the position of the dragon horn collided with the dagger.

The dagger was knocked away in an instant.

"You are also an ancient creature?!"

Four Demon Emperors screamed in surprise.

"Immortal creature? Maybe so. I've used too many identities to walk alone in the world. However, I only like the name Di Xin. 39

That language is vicissitudes, it seems that after the passage of time, it looks down on the changes of mountains and rivers.

However, the trace of nostalgia carried in it has not dissipated.

Di Xin narrowed his eyes slightly and stopped in place.

As if he was missing something.

The Four Demon Emperors tried to transfer the soul body from the sky above the Demon Temple.

910 This is a lunatic, hurry up and escape!

However, Di Xin's sharp eyes shot over instantly.

"Gu, I really hate being interrupted by people.

Immediately, Di Xin actually shredded the soul of the Four Demon Emperors and merged them into his sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a generation of demon emperors!

Even if only the soul body is here at this moment, it is far stronger than the average Demon Lord level.


Could it be that he has also reached the level of a Demon Emperor? Even higher.

At this moment, Di Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, reading all the memories of the Four Demon Emperors.

Oh? Is the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan actually in the Immortal Realm? The Human Realm can't hold them anymore, or the clan has soared

Oh, the nine-tailed white fox, who can be regarded as the descendant, is so weak that he doesn't even have an immortal emperor? Di Xin shook his head constantly as he browsed the memories of the four demon emperors.

However, when he browsed to the clip about Bai Ruoli, his figure couldn't help but tremble.


This woman's face is so similar to Da Ji when she first met her, three parts charming and seven parts pure.

Walking in the world several times, this is the one most like Daji!

"Hehe, Gu walks the world again, and he can't lose his identity. Four Demon Emperors? Since you have a marriage contract with Bai Ruoli, Gu will fulfill it for you.

That is, the figure is torn space and left, disappearing into the demon world.


A fox cry resounded through Qingqiu.

A three-tailed fox with a pale yellow body stood on the red sculpture at the entrance of Qingqiu and glared at the visitor.

"My Qingqiu has closed the valley, and those who come will stop!

"I don't care about you, a three-tailed fox, and call your patriarch out.

The fox clan respects the nine-tailed fox, the three-tailed fox is just a guard of Qingqiu, and the six-tailed fox is just an ordinary valley person. Among the nine-tailed foxes, the white fox is the most talented, followed by the red fox.

"Who are you, you are also worthy of calling our patriarch out!

"Who am I? I'm afraid you're not qualified to ask.

Di Xinna's unique arrogance of being a strong man appeared, and in an instant, a white light was waved from his hand, and the entrance of Qingqiu (cjed) was instantly bright as daylight.

After the white light passed, the three-tailed fox had already died, leaving only a few fox furs floating in the air.

Di Xin stood with his hands behind his back. The whole person showed an aloof attitude, and then, the voice spread throughout the Qingqiu Valley.

"I came here to meet and marry Bai Ruoli.

This sound shook the entire Qingqiu Valley, and not long after, the nine-tailed fox powerhouses headed by the patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan gathered here.

"It was actually the Four Demon Emperors who came to the door?

"Send someone to ask the Immortal Emperor for help.

"What about the Four Demon Emperors? When I first arrived, I killed the guards of my fox clan, and my clan should work together to kill him here.

The patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan raised his hand gently, and the voices of everyone fell instantly.

Di Xin set his eyes on the crimson-red patriarch of the nine-tailed fox and fox clan. "No wonder guarding the blessed land like Qingqiu, I can't break through the level of Immortal Emperor, it turns out to be a nine-tailed red fox.

When Di Xin spoke, there was no sarcasm in his tone, as if he was calmly expounding a fact, but when the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan heard this, his face sank.

"Indeed, with the talent of the nine-tailed red fox, I can only break through to the late stage of the Immortal Monarch, and I can't win the Immortal Emperor, otherwise, how can I let you be presumptuous here today!"

When the patriarch of the nine-tailed fox clan replied, it was sonorous and powerful, and there was no fear in the slightest because the other party was a demon emperor. , However, that arrogance is still undiminished back then.

"Hehe, don't talk nonsense, just let Gu Ying marry Bai Ruoli, and you will be your husband-in-law and won't be rude to you.

Bai Ruoli?

For a while, the nine-tailed foxes around were all puzzled. If you talk about Bai Ruoli, it seems that he has been missing for a long time.

The voice of discussion gradually rose.

However, both Di Xin and the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan knew where Bai Ruoli was.

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