Chapter 1166 Super Lucky Array

The entire Daqingshan was covered with a layer of rune formations in an instant.

Ten days and twelve earthly branches of the great formation, complete!

Xianjun, the residence of Qionglin Xiandi.

A thunderbolt instantly shattered Immortal Emperor Qionglin's wine pond and woke up the sleepy Qiong~ Immortal Emperor Lin. "Who!

He spoke sharply.

The bell rang and the drum rang, and a flying luan appeared directly above the head of Immortal Emperor Qionglin, and the layers of gauze covered the figure above the flying luan.

""Qiong Lin, how could Ben Gong not know that you are so big now?"

Hearing this voice, Immortal Emperor Qionglin immediately adjusted his clothes, then knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Meet the princess.

"The Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Great Array is the inheritance of the ancient royal court, but now it is in the human world. It is suspected that there is a royal bloodline left. You should send someone to go to the human world to find out. 55

"Yes! Qionglin obeys."

Immortal Emperor Qionglin responded respectfully.

The ancient royal court? The queen?

Who can think of it, this ancient power. The ancient royal court has survived from that catastrophe, and even has the blood of the royal family. Moreover, it wasn't because he was sleeping and sealed in the demon world, but Shang Ke was so unparalleled in Feng Yi's pride in front of the Immortal Emperor!

It is no wonder that Immortal Emperor Qionglin actually mastered the power of the Great Desolation. Thinking about it, it was the grace of this princess.

That Fei Luan landed directly in the backyard of Immortal Emperor Qionglin's residence, and the moment it landed, there was the sound of the machine being reloaded, and the entire Fei Luan became a side hall of its own.

The princess' leisurely voice came from the side hall, "This palace is here, waiting for your reply.

Human World, Daqingshan.

The super lucky array is drawn, it's time to sew the tail~

Animals cannot be revived from a severed tail. However, among medical techniques, there is a suture technique, which seems to be able to help this red fox.

If it were an ordinary animal, Jiang Xiaolong was 100% sure of success.

But, this is a nine-tailed fox!

Jiang Xiaolong was a little unsure how these small animals needed to be healed, so he drew this super lucky array that he hadn't used for a long time, hoping to give him some help at the critical moment.

Gold pin fixed!

One by one: The golden needles that flew out were landed on Chihu's body by Jiang Xiaolong with extremely fast hand speed.

In front of Jiang Xiaolong, Xianjun's late cultivation was not enough to see, and the red fox didn't even see Jiang Xiaolong's movements clearly, and his four claws were pinned to the spot by gold needles.

and many more!

What is this doing?

The red fox fell on the stone table with all sides upright, and there was always a sense of sight that could be picked up by you. Is this really healing, not a slaughterhouse?

"In order to prevent you from moving, I will pin you first.

After Jiang Xiaolong finished speaking, he picked up the nine broken tails and began to stitch them together.


Chihu's screaming voice made everyone back away in fear. At this moment, they were in awe of Jiang Xiaolong.

A fox's tail is broken just like a human's limbs are broken.

At this moment, stitching the fox's tail, the piercing pain caused by that needle and thread.

"Don't yell, it's annoying me.

After Jiang Xiaolong said this, he patted it lightly, "Look, it's stitched up."

The fur of the red fox was wet with sweat, and it was all hardships to be able to cultivate to the late stage of the Immortal Monarch, but it was so embarrassing.

Well, it's stitched up.

Before Chihu could take a breath from the sweaty state, he heard Jiang Xiaolong continue: "After sewing the first one, there are still eight left.

・・・ Flowers・

red fox

For a time, he would rather be a three-tailed fox.

Oh no, the most common one-tailed fox will do!

Stitching continues.

Jiang Xiaolong's sutures use the veins of plants, which can be dissolved naturally in the body of the red fox, so there is no need to remove the sutures and save a lot of trouble.

Between the needles and threads, like Nuwa mending the sky, colorful rays of light appeared.

Among the ten heavenly stems, J means strong, referring to all things being small and strong, while E means luxuriant, referring to all things flourishing.

Among the twelve earthly branches, Mao, Maoye, and Maoye, it is said that the yang qi is born and Cai Mao, and all things flourish in Mao. And Chen is a shock, and all things grow when they are shaken.


At this moment, the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches are in operation, headed by the "Ding" and "Wu" of the heavenly stems, and the "Mao" and "Chen" of the earthly branches. It is used to nourish the body of the red fox, so that the stitched fox tail can grow and close as soon as possible...

In the sky above Daqingshan, a gap was torn open, and then, the figure of a fat and fat Xianjun with a mouth full of oil appeared in the gap, blocking the exit.

"Xianjun Ye Hao, you must have gotten fat, and you have blocked the exit.

The scolding voice came from the rear, but Xianjun Ye Hao didn't see the slightest dissatisfaction. "Aoyin, come and come, I'll hurry up, don't worry.

Just when Xianjun Naye Hao was trying his best to lean out, his expression suddenly changed.

and many more!

Is this the human world?

Immortal Emperor Qionglin dispatched the two of them to check the situation of the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Great Array. The location of that location was the Human World.

However, it seems that this human world has brought a terrible pressure to Xianjun Ye Wu. "This world..." Beg.

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