Chapter 1167 Qionglin Immortal Palace

Immortal Lord Ye Hao noticed something was wrong and was about to speak.

Immortal Aoyin behind him had lost his patience, and he kicked over and kicked Immortal Ye Hao out.

So round, what a big meat ball!

I saw that the big meat ball flew from the sky above Daqingshan and hit the pattern of the guard formation of the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Great Formation.

Hai, carved also, at this time yin and yang kill all things, yang qi is hidden in the bottom, and all things are collected.

Immortal Lord Ye Hao was so immortal that his figure hit the word "Hai".

This word seems to harbor the power of killing, and in an instant, an invisible force struck back against "Nine One Zero".

Immortal Jun Ye Hao vomited blood for a while and fell from the sky.

"Xianjun Ye Hao, are you alright?

Immortal Aoyin just stepped out of the gap when he saw the scene in front of him, and he couldn't help exclaiming for a while.

Although she despised this Immortal Ye Hao, she didn't want to kill him.

When she turned her slender hand, a small jade flute appeared in her hand.

The sound of the flute is melodious, and an ethereal power surrounds Xianjun Ye Hao, holding up his figure.

The light of the word "Hai" flashed again, directly interrupting her notes at the moment when the flute was at its most high-pitched, and then, Immortal Aoyin's delicate figure was bombarded for dozens of miles.

"No, withdraw!"

At the last moment of leaving, Xianjun Aoyin grabbed Xianjun Ye Hao's clothes and took him away. The two returned from the crack.

With a "click", the clothes could not hold back the weight of Xianjun Ye Hao and shattered.

Immortal Aoyin was a little dumbfounded for a while.

A big dumpling of pork belly in Baihuahua!


The scene in front of him broke Xianjun Aoyin's calmness for nearly ten thousand years, and he turned his head and vomited. Speaking of Xianjun Ye Hao's clothes, it is a magic weapon that can withstand the full blow of the same Xianjun level.

However, under the counterattack of the ten days and twelve earthly branches, it was directly broken to this point, and it couldn't even bear the weight of a mere 300 catties. It can be seen that the power of the formation is terrifying to what extent. .

Thanks to Immortal Aoyin's timely departure, otherwise they would have died on the spot if they accidentally touched the word "Hai".

Back in the Immortal Realm, there was no threat around, Immortal Aoyin left Immortal Ye Wu without hesitation, and went to the palace of Immortal Emperor Qionglin.

There is no messy ears of silk and bamboo, no labored form of papers, no golden bottles in chatting and laughing, and no immortal princes in communication.

This is Qionglin Immortal Palace!

The Qionglin Immortal Palace was built by the Qionglin Immortal Emperor personally. So far, there are no monks below the Immortal Monarch level who can step into it. Even the Immortal Monarch level is rare.

This time, after receiving the task, being able to report back to Immortal Emperor Qionglin in person, Immortal Monarch Aoyin regarded it as a supreme honor, and the one who walked briskly came outside Qionglin Immortal Palace.

"Aoyin please...please...

Before Immortal Aoyin finished speaking, a big meat ball rolled over.

"Immortal Emperor Qionglin, help! I'm going to be beaten to death!"

Xianjun Ye Hao's crying voice sounded.

Immortal Aoyin, who is extremely sensitive to sound, can't wait to take out his jade flute and play a funeral song for him!

The gate of Qionglin Immortal Palace opened.

Relying on his spherical figure, Xianjun Ye Hao rolled in directly.

Aoyin Immortal:

What she has been waiting for for a long time is definitely not entering the Qionglin Immortal Palace like this!

Under the guidance of the Guiding Spirit of Qionglin Immortal Palace, the two walked all the way through the wine pond and came to the door of a side hall. Then, the Guiding Spirit was suspended in mid-air motionless, indicating that they were here. to wait.

In just a breath of time, Immortal Emperor Qionglin walked out of the side hall, and then respectfully lowered the curtain of the side hall, and then looked at the two of them.

"Oh, who is it that made Xianjun Ye Wu so embarrassed?

Immortal Emperor Qionglin saw at a glance that Immortal Lord Ye Hao was seriously injured and his magic weapon was broken.

"Immortal Emperor Qionglin! The two of me took over your mission and went to the Human Realm to check the traces of the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches Great Formation. As soon as I entered the Human Realm, I was wounded by the Great Formation, and I suffered heavy losses. Ah! That magic weapon fragment shattered to the ground, and the accumulation of tens of thousands of years was destroyed in one fell swoop.

The cry of Xianjun Ye Hao was called a tragic one, and his whole body was swaying non-stop.

Immortal Emperor Qionglin waved his hand, and there was an immortal artifact treasure robe and an immortal artifact war hammer that flew out from not far away and landed in front of Immortal Jun Ye Hao.

"Both are for you."

Afterwards, Immortal Emperor Qionglin ignored Immortal Ye Hao's greedy 4.3 appearance of putting away things, and turned his attention to Immortal Aoyin, "Your sonic attack has been interrupted?"

Xianjun Aoyin took a deep breath, tried to ignore the "fat pig" beside him, and said respectfully, "Xianjun Ye Hao accidentally touched the character Hai on the formation, and was instantly re-injured. The sound of the jade flute in the daytime helped, but was defeated by its highest pitch.99

It turned out to be so.

Immortal Emperor Qionglin could not help frowning slightly.

Although Immortal Ye Hao has a bad image, his defense is extremely strong, Immortal Aoyin is even better at sonic attack, both of them are the best among Immortal Monarchs.

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