Chapter 1179 Luoshen

There is a black coffin hanging in the sky of the ancient world. There are strange lines on the coffin, and golden light is faintly blooming, which is the only light source in the ancient world.

Suddenly, the light above the coffin began to flicker and dim, and the light and dark were uncertain, making it very strange.

"The token of the ancient royal court.

"Who dares to rebuild the ancient royal court one step ahead of me?"

I don't know how many years have passed, but this voice is hoarse and seems to be full of the vicissitudes of history.

Suddenly the coffin is tilted up a corner!

A hand so white that it was almost transparent protruded out of the coffin.


With a loud noise, the coffin board was kicked away directly.

The man's figure suddenly sat up, and an extremely terrifying aura rushed toward his face.

Immortal energy is ethereal, and the magic energy is dense.

The man's aura, which seemed to be in the middle of a peaceful atmosphere, revealed a gloomy air-conditioning.

The fingernail of the thumb pressed lightly on the belly of his index finger, and a small opening cracked open, and a drop of silver blood dripped out.

I have seen the red of human blood, the gold of immortal blood, and the black of demon blood, but I have never seen this silver color.

The drop of blood that bloomed with silver light floated out, forming a picture directly in front of the man.

The girl in pink smiled cheerfully, and her face was three-pointed like him.

"Oh, it turns out that the ancient royal court still survived such a little sister!"

The man's tone seemed to be a little... regretful.

The ancient world shook at this moment, and the whole world began to recover!

A vast and long river rushes up, and the sound of the running water is like the flow of blood, driving the awakening of the whole world.

The vegetation is revived, and the flowers are blooming.

The mountains are covered with vegetation and the water is turbulent.

At this moment, coffins appeared all over the world in the ancient world, and then, at the same time, the coffins were lifted to deceive the corpse~

"The troll general, I have seen His Highness Luo Shen~々!"

"General Feilong, I have seen His Highness Luoshen!"

"Flower God Attendant, I have seen His Highness Luoshen!"

The sound transmission blasted in the sky, and after that, everyone knelt down and worshipped the Luoshen from all corners.

The actions of the crowd brought the wind and clouds into motion.

"Cough cough.

Luoshen seemed to be weak and could not help the wind. After blowing some wind, he coughed twice in a low voice.

However, everyone lowered their heads even more, not daring to say anything.

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded, "The next time you move a little bit, let me blow the wind again, and you all lie back in the coffin.

"Yes, His Highness Luo Shen!"

Luoshen raised his hand, feeling the strength of the wind blowing into his palm, and then slowly said: "The hundred-footed worm dies and does not become stiff. After hundreds of thousands of years of ancient royal courts, it can still reappear in the world. Should Your Highness be happy?"

Faced with such a problem, people dare not speak.

Fortunately, Luoshen didn't want them to answer either.

A chuckle sounded, as if to dissolve all the coldness, but it would only lower the surrounding temperature by one degree.

"If the ancient royal court is to be preserved in the world, this Highness should be the only heir, right? My little sister, please go to my father and the others to be the little princess! What do you think?

There was a thin man whose aura was only at the level of Immortal Monarch. He rolled his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness Luo Shen ascends to the throne, and he will surely be able to reproduce the glory of the ancient royal court! What is a mere weak girl?

After Luoshen heard this, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "That's really good. Hearing Luoshen's praise, a hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the immortal.

"Your Highness is clearly rewarded and punished, since what you said is so good, then Your Highness will give you the power of chaos.

A mass of chaotic power floated towards the Immortal Monarch, wrapping him completely in it, as if he had formed a layer of cocoon.

When the power of chaos dissipates, there will be no trace of the immortal in the place.

Luoshen casually pointed to the sky, and a law actually broke away from the ancient world and landed in his hands.

"...|| Having cultivated to the level of Immortal Sovereign, but only to understand such incomplete laws, it really has no future.

As soon as Luoshen's voice fell, that law was also annihilated!

What kind of cultivation that penetrates the sky and the earth, can it be stripped of the law understood by an immortal from the complete heaven and destroyed!

Tu Xianjun, destroy the law.

Luoshen's eyes swept around, (promised) looking at the guys who bowed their heads and dared not speak, he opened his mouth and said: "Where is your Highness, there is the glory of the ancient royal court, do you need to reproduce it? In addition? , That's the little sister of this Highness, the little princess of the ancient royal court, you rubbish, please treat it with respect. Do you understand?"

Suddenly, the picture in front of Jiang Xiaolong's eyes changed, and what appeared in front of him were ten squares, and in each of them was a Ling Yu.

Among them is an iron feather Token, which looks very familiar.

The token of the "Ancient Royal Court"?

Jiang Xiaolong called him a good guy!

Not to mention anything else, I was trapped in the Daqing Mountain, and I couldn't get out to find the token? The corn in my mouth instantly became unscented.

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