Chapter 1180 Ten Tokens

After Jiang Xiaolong put down his chopsticks, he came to the desk, picked up a pen to grind, and was about to start sketching. The first piece is Iron Feather, and the most iconic is the word "Ancient Royal Court".

The second piece was a stone decree. It was gray and looked like it was worthless. There was no writing on it, only a long sword.

The third piece seems to be carved from jade, although the token is not large, it is carved with a dazzling array of herbs.

The fourth piece was completely black, and the shape of the serrated wolf teeth, if it wasn't for Jiang Xiaolong's good memory, he really couldn't reproduce it.

The brush strokes are like gods, and the rhythm of Taoism is self-evident.

In less than a cup of tea, Jiang Xiaolong drew all ten tokens.

Seeing this, Artemis and others on the side all gathered, but they did not dare to look directly at the picture on the paper.

Ten tokens actually gave birth to different avenues of heaven and earth!


When Jiang Xiaolong stopped writing, Luo Tanmeng couldn't help but speak in surprise: "Brother, what are you doing with the inheritance tokens of these ten ancient forces?"


The inheritance token of the ten ancient forces?

For a time, Jiang Xiaolong himself was stunned.

It's a big deal, writing and painting in this mountain has been like a white horse for a hundred years, so why should I embarrass myself.


Jiang Xiaolong suddenly realized a problem. If so, the token he hangs on the tree is a bit precious!

He stretched out his hand, trying to tear off the Iron Feather token.


tangled on a branch.

"Tanmeng, if I want to collect these ten tokens, how likely is it?" Jiang Xiaolong said expressionlessly.

Luo Tanmeng was instantly shocked!

The ten ancient forces were annihilated in history (cjed), and can only be rebuilt with inheritance tokens.

However, back then, the ten major forces had endured dangers that far exceeded the current catastrophe. Now, this life is a real catastrophe. If ten tokens were gathered, no one would be able to survive! However, Not necessarily if that person is the eldest brother!

In Luo Tanmeng's eyes, a little star could not help but light up.

It is rumored that ten tokens will be gathered together, and there will be a return of the secret treasure.

Perhaps, the eldest brother went for that secret treasure!

"Brother Dawang, if you want to collect these ten tokens, Tanmeng knows where they are! Jiang Xiaolong's face beamed with joy.

So there are some traces!

"Artemis, Ying Baiyi, Ke Bingheng, Miaoxiaomiao, oh, yes, please help Yingluo too, I will prepare some things for you, and please bring them to exchange this token for me.""

If it can be redeemed, the best, if not, then forget it.

Jiang Xiaolong quickly returned to the room, rummaging through his storage.

After all these years of living in the mountains, Jiang Xiaolong is not a poor family, but he has no surplus food.

The only ones that can be exchanged are.

some calligraphy.

"Cough cough.

When Jiang Xiaolong handed over the calligraphy and painting, he coughed a little embarrassedly.

There are no famous calligraphy and painting at home, only his own brushwork.

So.....not worth the money.

"Do you want to bring so much?

Luo Tanmeng spoke in surprise.

Open one at will, it is a painting of mountains and rivers.

At the moment when the picture unfolded, there seemed to be a surging river flowing out from the picture scroll. The high mountains stand tall, occupying one side of the world on the screen, the top of the sky and the bottom of the earth, like a pillar of the sky, unparalleled in the world.

In this picture scroll, it is clearly infused with supreme power!

Expand two more pictures, and sure enough, every picture is like this.

Mountains and rivers seem to be sealed in the picture scroll, and the verses contain supreme power. "In the midst of the colorful clouds of the White Emperor, a thousand miles of Jiangling is returned in one day.

The monkeys on both sides of the strait couldn't stop crying, and the light boat had passed ten thousand mountains. ’

It was just the moment when the handwriting was displayed, Luo Tanmeng seemed to be pulled into the middle of the two mountains, down the Yangtze River, and there were ancient beasts and apes on both sides of the river's constant cries. Fortunately, the speed of the boat under his feet. Extremely fast, it flows away easily.

So strong!

Although Luo Tanmeng has not been taught by the teacher, he has not yet mastered the power of chaos.

However, its prehistoric power runs freely, commanding like an arm.

Not to mention the current Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor, even the old man and the others would be terrified when they saw Luo Tanmeng.

Arrive at Jiang Xiaolong

A calligraphy frightened her.

Luo Xian Meng couldn't help rubbing his head.

Most of the forces in the ancient times have not been passed down by descendants, but there is a sense between the tokens, and I roughly know their location.

As for the location of the token, although it is a bit dangerous, it is enough to carry three or two pictures of this calligraphy and painting for shelter. Is it necessary to carry so many?

About thirty paintings and calligraphy were randomly discarded on the ground, and Jiang Xiaolong was busy finding a rope to tie them up.

"Brother Dawang, Tan Meng actually felt that he didn't need so many calligraphy and painting.

After Luo Tanmeng thought for a moment, she finally decided to speak.

"Ah? Don't you need so much?

Jiang Xiaolong looked suspicious.

"One calligraphy and painting is enough to shock the world. Taking out so many calligraphy and paintings together, Tan Meng felt that he couldn't bear it anymore."

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