Chapter 1182 Five dozen three hundred thousand

The pink ribbon fluttered down from mid-air, leading directly to the 300,000 demon soldiers below.

For a time, the ultimate power of the wild and wild exploded among the numerous demons, and the thousands of demons were all shocked. Facing such a terrifying aura, they had absolutely no resistance at all.


"Run away!"

"Is this the devil?"

The shouts rang out in succession, and the 300,000 demon soldiers faced the pale pink ribbon, but they fell into the downwind and had no power to fight back.

Who is it?

How can there be such a strong prehistoric power?

"Nine-two-three" Di Xin couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and intuitively told him that he couldn't stop this man at all.

Turn to flee.

However, the power of the royal bloodline was suppressed at this moment.

It's not that easy to escape!

Luo Tanmeng's dazzling figure is like a small sun, directly illuminating this space in the outer mountain.

"It's you! The little princess of the ancient royal court?

After seeing Luo Tanmeng's face, Di Xin recognized her identity. For a time, he couldn't help being horrified, when did he offend this girl, and he actually provoked her to make such an effort.

In the sky, waves are surging, and the surrounding Taoism is displayed.

Luo Tanmeng didn't mean to respond in the slightest at all, and when he raised his hand, he unfolded a painting of mountains and rivers.

The waves are soaring, the rushing river seems to flow backwards and break through the sky, and there is a breeze swept away, the fallen leaves into the water, soft and silent.

"Seal it. 35

Luo Tanmeng's voice sounded faintly, and Di Xin's figure, who turned around and wanted to escape, seemed to be bound by chains and could not break free.

Even if he has the ability to open the sky and split the earth, he can't escape the suction of the picture scroll at this moment.

Do not!

Must destroy that picture scroll!

"The whole army charges! Tear the picture scroll! I'll keep you all safe!"

Di Xin roared and ordered.

In an instant, the 300,000 demon warriors seemed to have found their backbone, and the demonic energy poured into them soared into the sky, forming a large black cloud in mid-air.


The killing sound is shocking!

Then the dark clouds fell, and the black water poured into the unfolded picture scroll, and it was about to drown it at this time...

"Brother Dawang, I have taught you for a long time, but it is not for you to watch the fun.

Luo Tanmeng's voice sounded.

Only then did Artemis and the others come back to their senses.

Her Royal Highness, the princess of the ancient royal court, has such a terrifying strength!

However, as he said, everyone has been under the guidance of Jiang Xiaolong for a long time and their strength has been improved many times. In such a battlefield, they can also step in!

Sword intent soars into the sky!

Ying Baiyi's original sword intent condensed directly into a long sword that was dozens of meters high, rose up into the sky, and then fell down from the sky.

"District Xianjuner!

There was a Demon Lord below. After seeing Ying Baiyi's move, he stood up and left the Demon Army's team to compete with him.

Inner os: Dammit, I finally found a weak one, and hurry up to fight and fish in muddy waters! However, the moment he rose into the sky, he directly met the original sword intent condensed by Ying Baiyi.

The sword breaks the sky!

Now, Ying Baiyi's original sword intent has taken shape, and there is a hint of gold rippling between that sword energy, which will surely become this avenue in time.

Back! Back! Back!

That Demon Lord came and went in a hurry.

At the same time, his body was retreating violently, and at the same time, his muscles were tensed, and several body protection magic weapons were thrown together, trying to strengthen his defense.

It's a pity that the defensive power that he used to be proud of is now like a piece of paper.

No martial arts!

The Immortal Monarch and Demon Monarch are at the same level, and Ying Baiyi actually chopped them up with one piece!

"Yingluo's talent is sparse and shallow, and facing this situation, she can only play a song to cheer up her brothers and sisters!

There was a chuckle from Yingluo's side, and then, the sound of the qin music suddenly started, and the song was ambush from all sides.

Between the ups and downs, the scene depicted is really suitable for the current battlefield!

"No, stop that woman from playing the piano first! Don't let her play the piano. Her ability is to use her voice to mix her inner strength and kill people. Hurry up and stop her, and organize her at all costs.

The demons below noticed that their demonic energy was surging, and if they really let the Yingluo continue to bounce, they would inevitably die in an explosion.

A group of demons flew towards Yingluo one after another.

The sound of this song is getting smaller and smaller, and it is about to become a solid cage, and I can't help struggling desperately when I am in it.


When Yingluo moved her fingers, the tone stopped abruptly at 4.3 at the highest and most urgent point.

The tone at this time is like a whisper, taste it carefully, feel it carefully, you can still feel its urgency like a broken string, as if it is the calm before the storm.

"Okay, die!"

In an instant, the tone gradually became incomparably intense, like a surging river, and the strong murderous aura made one feel suffocated.

The demons below exploded and died instantly!

"Seeing how excited you are to kill, I don't want to bother you anymore."

Artemis held the brush in his hand and wrote and drew in the sky. Now, the first half of a word has been formed.

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