Chapter 1183 Start

Swordsmen should be dressed in white.

The sound is Yingluo.

The first half of the poems and essays actually included all the attacking methods of the two men.

Artemis, who was in the sky, seemed to be the leader of this war, dispatching troops on the battlefield.

The soldiers pointed by her pen tip all exploded and died in an instant, and the demon army was in chaos for a while, fighting with each other, trying to cover themselves with the other's figure to avoid the fate of being shot. It's a pity that there is still a second half of this song "Broken Time"!

The horse-made Lu was swift, and the bow was like a thunderbolt. But the king's affairs in the world, won the name before and after his life, what a pitiful thing happened in vain!

Artemis suddenly let out a sigh, and immediately saw the army of demons below begin to grow old rapidly. The demons who were in their prime, instantly became stooped and old. .

"Hey, don't start so fast, just wait for me for a while.

Kitten Meow's anxious ears twitched constantly, and a pair of small hands were touching the spells he drew in his arms.

Among the crowd, she has been with Jiang Xiaolong for the shortest time. She is a beginner in spells, and now she can only draw a rough outline of the first spell.

Seeing this situation, the demons below couldn't help but light up.

If the cat-human woman was captured and used as a threat, she might be able to escape!

Several demon lords glanced at each other, and then shot in the direction of the kitten with a tacit understanding.

"Forget it, no more!"

Originally, Kitten Meow was about to take out the most complete talisman that he had drawn recently. Seeing so many demon lords rushing towards him, he immediately pouted, showing a look of dissatisfaction.

Are you taking her as a soft persimmon?

Immediately, a pocket of spells was poured out, and the fluttering, like butterflies, flew down and stuck to the bodies of the demons.


Although the abbreviated version of the spell, Meow Kitten, is not as powerful as the evil-suppressing amulet drawn by Jiang Xiaolong, it does not require a long spell to activate.

The demons who rushed over were instantly devastated, and the forbidden power from the soul bound them in mid-air.

After the demons lost the support of their demonic energy, they fell straight down to the ground one by one like dumplings.


That's thousands of meters in the sky!

After the demons smashed to the ground, they were superimposed together to create a human-shaped pit.

It's all unpleasant.

Then there is only one last target left.

Several demon lords carefully surrounded Ke Bingheng's direction.

Although this person has the aura of an immortal, he has been standing on the sidelines watching the battle.

Just as a few people approached, Ke Bingheng took out a pot of Taikoo Piranha.

What a rare fairy plant this is!

If it wasn't for several explorations in Daqingshan, Ke Bingheng would not have had the chance to see such a treasure.

As if he was stroking his lover, he gently stroked the leaves of the piranha.

That man-eating flower bit Ke Bingheng's finger and sucked his blood.

When it was released, Piranha's figure was already dozens of meters tall.

There are no eyes and nose, only a huge mouth, but inexplicably makes people feel that it seems to be smiling sarcastically.

Those few demon lords who approached were bad luck, and they were swallowed directly by the man-eater flower. With the strength of five people, they fought against the army of 300,000 demons.

Big win.

Luo Tanmeng nodded with satisfaction.

Such a peerless evildoer is worthy of sitting down and serving under the eldest brother, Qiong Lin is still too weak, and needs the eldest brother to teach him well!

"Seal it, why struggle.

Luo Tanmeng smiled playfully.

Above the originally clean painting of mountains and rivers, a small black spot suddenly appeared. I am afraid that a thousand times magnifying glass is needed to be able to see that it is Di Xin's figure.

This is... the end?

"Your Highness, is this to say that there is no enemy of 923?

At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded from the void.

Half the sky is the roar of the yin wind, the turbid waves are emptying, and the half of the sky is dazzling flowers, rippling with fragrance. In an instant, this day changed its appearance!

The demon army wanted to bury their figure underground, so why should they participate in such a battle?

That side of the sky is full of golden power, and in the middle of the sky, there are two people standing on the left and the right.

On the left is the troll general!

Thirty feet tall, with purple-black skin, clothes made of unknown animal skins slightly concealed his figure, and the exposed layer of skin showed blue veins like a horned dragon.

On the right is the flower god servant!

Looking at her figure, she seemed to be no different from an ordinary woman, however, the plant vines that seemed to grow from the depths of her skin made her face extremely hideous.

These two are stronger than Di Xin! Even stronger than Luo Tanmeng!

"The people of the temple?"

When Luo Tanmeng opened her mouth to ask, there was a strong sense of fear in her tone.

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