Chapter 1186 The Birth of the Magic Knife

Oh yes, forget he's simple-minded and well-developed!

"You pig brain, who is the eldest brother of Her Royal Highness, don't tell me you don't know!

Sound transmission in the ear.

The troll general made a humming sound at this time, and reluctantly ran his brain. Your Royal Highness...


It is their God Lord, His Highness Luo Shen - ah!


Troll will:???

When did His Highness Luoshen actually marry a daughter-in-law?

Is it the fairy who chased him for more than 8,000 years?

Or the banshee who has been stalking for nearly a hundred years?

Or is it.....

Ah, neither!

The little fox in front of him was not even a thousand years old at best.

It turns out that His Royal Highness Luoshen likes tender grass!

The moment the troll thought of this, he turned his fist into Bai Ruoli's direction, and then uttered a muffled voice, "I have seen the concubine!"


Plant vines like blue veins spread out in an instant, directly sealing the mouth of the troll general.

Then, I prayed silently in my heart: I am willing to spend a thousand years of life in exchange for never going on a mission with Troll Qiang!

What the hell is the concubine?

Bai Ruoli looked at the troll general and the flower god attendant a little bit, and couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think too much.

"Okay, Tanmeng, send me into the painting!"

Luo Tanmeng unfolded the scroll at will, and the scenery of the mountains and rivers rippled again.

Painting is on!

Di Xin, who was trapped in the picture scroll, seemed to see a little light in this side of the world, and he came galloping, wanting to leave the picture scroll world through this small exit.

However, when he just came to this exit, he ushered in a heavy blow.

Suddenly, the ten tails slammed down on the head!

Bai Ruoli turned around and entered the picture scroll. Almost at the same time, the landscape of mountains and rivers on the picture scroll closed again. The aura that belonged to the world in the picture disappeared, but on the picture, two light spots, black and white, appeared. , seems to be fighting in one place.

Don't kill Di Xin, don't ascend to Immortal Emperor!

That's it....


The few people who were swept into the demon army by the ten tails all looked at the demon in front of them, and then

Different race, same question.

Hey, do you want a nice little red flower?"

Ke Bingheng held a pot of red plants in his arms, with a peaceful smile on his face.

Little red flower?

The Demon Lord on the opposite side was obviously taken aback, isn't it cannibalism?

Under the misfortune of ghosts, the devil actually stretched out his hand.

Then, the hand is gone!

"My family's piranha ate too much blood food today, and it seems to be entering the country~"

Ke Bingheng was serious, checking the color of the flowers and leaves for the piranha, and made a judgment. Heck!

This piranha, which can kill a devil in one bite, still needs to enter the country?

The Demon Lord turned around and wanted to escape, but found a hand on his shoulder. "Hiccup~"

As soon as he turned his head, a big wine burp was exhaled directly on his face.

Ke Bingheng has fallen into a drunken look, "My family's piranhas are full and don't want to fight anymore, now it's my turn to take action.

A sense of panic arises spontaneously.

Only at this moment did they realize that Ke Bingheng's side had been controlling Xianzhi's shot, and he himself had not moved.

That childlike figure, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, rushed directly into the Demon Race's camp, and then recklessly played drunken fists!

In an instant, a strong smell of alcohol spread all over the body, with him as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles, there seemed to be an intoxicating aroma of wine.

...for flowers »

With a bang, the wine jar shattered to the ground.

Ke Bingheng's body burst into golden light, and the aroma of wine was accompanied by the fragrance of medicine. This force directly hit the avenue! At this moment, he was staggering, but under the casual bombardment, there was a roar of the avenue. Dozens of demon lords were around him, clearly It can be seen that Ke Bingheng's figure and steps have thousands of weaknesses, but, as if there is some kind of mysterious thing, they fit together seamlessly.

"Hahaha, how can you solve your worries, only Du Kang!"

Ke Bingheng recited this line of poetry aloud, only to feel that his heart was instantly broad, as if a Qianlong was born, he just wanted to hit Jiuxiao!

Shouldn't it be... another... someone who wants to win the Immortal Emperor?

Artemis looked at the nose, the nose looked at the mouth, and the mouth looked at the heart.

It takes hundreds of thousands of years to become a demon emperor by yourself. Do you look at other people?

Sure enough, with the help of Senior Jiang Xiaolong, it was different.

"Ahhh! It's my turn!"

Ying Baiyi showed a look of impatience, and rushed over with a cry.

After all, Yingluo and Meow Kitten are still at the level of the Immortal King, and now he is the only one who is qualified to go to the Immortal King!

"What the hell, what do you take us for?"

"Even if you want to cut vegetables, you still have to work harder, right? It's like playing with us!" "The ghost is going to stand here as a target for you, go and play by yourself!

As soon as the demons were swearing and swearing, they all fled in all shapes and sizes. Seeing this, their mentality has completely collapsed!

"Don't, don't go!"

Ying Baiyi eagerly chased after him. If they all run away, what would he do to train himself to become an Immortal Emperor?

"One more round!"

"I promise to go easy!"

"I promise not to slap in the face, okay?!"


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