Chapter 1187 Supreme

However, at this moment, those demons only knew how to flee with their lives, so how could they stop at the slightest. "You forced me to!

Ying Baiyi was pushed to the extreme, watching everyone advance one by one, and in the end, only one of them failed to become the Immortal Emperor level. When he returned to the small courtyard, he still didn't know how to be cleaned up by Senior Jiang Xiaolong!

Suddenly, a sword rose into the sky, pierced through the void, and suddenly fell down, blooming with thousands of golden lights. The sword energy surrounding this place seems to be able to break through the sky and penetrate the earth.

The supreme original sword intent, completely condensed and formed.

There was not the slightest sword energy surging, only a piece of golden light "nine two three" rotten, that sword cut down, it was the blood of countless demon kings, blood splashed in the sky!

At this time there is no sword, it is better to have a sword.

After comprehending the original sword intent, Ying Baiyi only felt that everything in this world seemed to be a sword. For a time, Ying Baiyi's breath became more and more terrifying, and looking at it made people dread.

The avenue roared.

The world trembled.

How powerful is the attack power of kendo, to ascend to the Immortal Emperor with kendo, Ying Baiyi can even pick up the Sifang Immortal Emperor in the immortal world by himself!

Wherever the sword light went, all the demon kings died!

Ying Baiyi's sword seemed to have eyes, and it only picked up those who were in the realm of the devil. As for the realm of the devil, he completely ignored the past.

Rivers of blood.

The blood snaked forward on the ground and gathered together, forming a huge pool of blood.


Almost at the same time, the Jiewai Mountain, which had stood for hundreds of thousands of years in the Demon Realm, exploded directly, causing gravel to fly and dust to fly.

Immediately, the thick sword energy spread all over the sky, colliding with the sword intent formed by Ying Baiyi's breakthrough.

Above the sky, the air of swords and swords criss-crossed for a while.

The surrounding demons only felt that between the collision of the swords, their whole body would be torn in half.

"Damn it, am I going to turn into a puddle of meat?

"Can you spare me? I am willing to be your servant!

"Sword Supreme, this is the real Sword Supreme!

The rest of the Demon Race was originally from a lower realm, and at this moment, they were trembling with shock from the sword's qi.

At the moment when the mountain outside the world was cracked, a magic sword was born. Luo Tanmeng looked at the dark big sword and couldn't help but be surprised, "I can't believe that Ying Baiyi actually brought this thing out of the world." The ancient magic sword sect They established the world with the possessed sword, so this is their inheritance token.

As soon as Luo Tanmeng saw the birth of this thing, he wanted to take it away from the troll general and the flower god attendant, but he didn't think that the two of them came to this thing.

"I'm sorry!"

The troll sounded the thunderous sound, and then, the sledgehammer he was carrying expanded rapidly until it was as big as a hill, and then smashed towards Luo Tanmeng. For a time, Luo Tanmeng couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

The power of the Great Desolation poured out, and the golden light illuminated Fang Tianyu and rushed under the giant hammer, intending to stop this attack.

However, a green vine protruded from the body of the Flower God Attendant and entangled her hands and feet. Luo Tanmeng used the pure power of the power of the prehistoric, and wherever he went, the green vines were completely blasted, but the giant hammer in the sky was gradually suppressed.

"Hey, no wonder the eldest brother gave me so many picture scrolls, this is only the first token, and I have to consume two.

Luo Tanmeng chose a scroll of Jiang Xiaolong's calligraphy practice and opened it.

There are seven characters in the letter: Pull the mountain with great strength!

Pull up the mountain with unparalleled energy!

The seven big characters instantly emerged from the scroll, and were reflected in the mid-air. The strokes and strokes contained the principles of heaven and earth, communicating with the Dao to support it.

The giant hammer that fell, was knocked back the moment it touched the light of the writing.

Just seven words.

However, as if possessing the power of thunder, he lightly blocked back the hammer that the troll would do his best.


The sound of shattering came, and in the next instant, the giant hammer turned into powder and scattered between the sky and the earth.

"No! Impossible! My trolls are the most powerful in the world..." For the powerful race. Before he could finish speaking, the troll general's voice stopped abruptly.

Because the word "force" had already landed on top of his head.

He bent over.

He took a knee.

He knelt on the ground.

Above the ground, a huge human-shaped pit was left, and in the pit was a troll general deep in it.

The infinite pressure made the soil compacted to the limit, and even the trolls' strength of 4.3 could not move a bit. "I will bloom, and a hundred flowers will kill!"

With curiosity, Luo Tanmeng opened another scroll.

The flower god servant instantly made a scream like a ghost!

"No, how is that possible?"

"My body is a peony flower!

"I'm the real Kao!

"What the hell is this? Why does my body decay so quickly?!"

In the voice of the Flower God Attendant, there seems to be a hint of crying, and the green vines that connect her bloodline have gradually withered at this moment.

The body is a flower?.

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