Chapter 1188 Kao

When the vine is completely dry, it is the moment of her death!

"No! I am the Kao!

At this moment, the Servant of the Flower God gave up his human form and tore the outer skin from the top of his head.

Good guy, no wonder she looked so strange, it turned out to be in human skin.

After the human skin was removed, the Flower God Servant revealed her original appearance, and the hideous vines were intertwined and connected, like the blood vessels of the human body.

As for the part of her head, it is a huge peony flower.

However, this peony flower is slightly deformed, without the slightest sense of beauty, and the petals are all intertwined with disgusting evil thoughts.

"Hey, bring it to you!"

The 29 vines on the Flower God Servant protruded in two directions. One was to take away the magic knife, and the sword gas was removed and turned into the token of that party. The other was to probe in the direction of Ke Bingheng, intending to take his piranha flower. !

The man-eating flower that can fight against the Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor level is definitely the best nourishment for the flower god servant!

Although Ke Bingheng waved his drunken fist frantically, blasting the vines one after another, but the vines seemed to be endless. After all, they reached Ke Bingheng's side and swept away the cannibal flower.

"My piranha!

Ke Bingheng was completely sober, and there was a little despair in his tone.

This piranha, he cultivated for a thousand years, has not been fruitful, until he came to Daqingshan, this really cultivated.

Now, he was swept away directly by this flower god attendant!

Is this the true strength of the powerhouses in ancient times?

Sure enough, peony is the king of flowers.

"Boy, go on.

Luo Tanmeng couldn't see Ke Bingheng's decadent look, and threw the scroll in his hand.

Let me bloom, a hundred flowers will kill!

Originally, there were only these seven characters on the scroll.

However, when Ke Bingheng took it into his hands, the empty part of the scroll turned out to be a painting.

...his piranha!

what's the situation?

Peony is of course truly stunning, but senior Jiang Xiaolong actually wrote this scroll for his piranha, just because of his status?

Kao, who is Kao?

As if it was blessed, the whole body of the piranha began to bloom with a strong vitality. Every flower and one leaf seem to possess the power of stars.

The Holy Light descended from the whole body of the Flower God Attendant, and a scorching light bloomed in his eyes.

"If I can swallow a man-eating flower, I can even lead the temple to its peak in the catastrophe of this life!"

Crazy, absolutely crazy!

Luoshen's power is unfathomable, and Huashenshi, as a personal maid by her side, should be aware of it, but at this moment she said such words.

Only two words, arrogant!

Ke Bingheng urged the piranha to attack, and suddenly, the flower body shook violently, and small piranhas were scattered.

Those small piranha flowers are like an army, moving in the direction of the flower god servant, spreading all over its feet.

"When plants take root in the earth and face the sun, how can you be a Kao when you rise up like this.

Just as Ke Bingheng's voice fell, he saw the small piranha flowers spread over the soles of his feet.


The sound of screams sounded, and after the small man-eating flowers became birds and beasts, the lower body of the flower god servant was no longer there.

"Peony is the true color of the country, the king of flowers, and the fragrance of the country. Let's look at you again, what kind of appearance do you end up? I really embarrass the peony.

When Ke Bingheng's voice fell again, the petals of the huge deformed peony flower on the head of the flower god servant were already scattered.

"Your dirty soul needs to be washed, when I bloom, a hundred flowers fall!"

The man-eating flower finally came to the side of the flower god, and the five fleshy petals opened up like a huge mouth, directly swallowing the flower god servant.

"Crack one"

Almost at this moment, a few cracks appeared in the body of the man-eater flower. With its current quality, forcibly swallowing the existence of the flower god servant, it was scarred in an instant, as if it was about to explode. However, the calligraphy and painting function again.

Let me bloom, and a hundred flowers will kill.

The seven characters fell directly on the body of the piranha, and it burst into a dazzling golden light. Under the golden light, it was like being baptized by the holy light, and the 923 crack began to recover gradually.

The aura of the Flower God Attendant has completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth, leaving only the man-eating flower whose figure has been enlarged again, standing proudly.

Its breath has even reached the level of Luo Tan's dream.

This is not the end!

Because of the power of the Flower God Attendant, it has not completely absorbed it.

A faint fragrance bloomed and drifted to the entire Demon Realm.

The barren demon world had no flowers to decorate it, but at this moment, it is blooming everywhere!

Avenue, written by Jiang Xiaolong.

Kao, as defined by Jiang Xiaolong.

Luo Tanmeng and the others watched this shocking scene, and for a while they could think of the word "invincible" to describe it.

The world descends into a catastrophe because no one can break the origin of the Tao.

If Jiang Xiaolong rises up the mountain, rewrites the rules of the origin of the world, and resets the order between the world...

Perhaps, there will never be another catastrophe in this world.

Perhaps, there will be no flaws in the practice from now on.

Perhaps, a real royal court, a real temple can be established!

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