Chapter 1190 Awakened

No one was at home, and the small courtyard regained its rare calm. Jiang Xiaolong was alone in the courtyard, drinking wine and reciting poetry, unaware that someone outside came here.

General Feilong stayed outside the courtyard, not daring to take a step forward.

The golden light words appeared in front of his eyes, and each and every handwriting shone with dazzling light, as if they had traveled through countless time and space to come to him.

Dragon City Flying General, that seems to be him!

Time and space flow, Taoism is displayed, the scene is ever-changing, teleportation to... an inexplicable space.

"I want to see!"

At this moment, General Feilong had a thick bloodshot in his eyes.

This is a sign of draining blood.

This level... consumes blood essence?

General Feilong didn't care about everything around him at the moment, and only concentrated on peeping into the unknown scene.

Luo Tanmeng's figure also stayed outside, looking at the courtyard gate with complex eyes.

In the years of leaving the ancient royal court, what kind of efforts did the eldest brother make to turn himself into such an unfathomable level?

Those lines of poetry and prose that 923 have never heard before contain endless avenues, which actually made an existence like General Flying Dragon not hesitate to waste blood and blood, just wanting to pay more attention for a moment.

He was slightly hunched.

His hair was gradually graying.

This is a sign of excessive blood consumption.

However, General Feilong was only able to see the sight of that one person guarding one pass!

"Who is he? Who is he? I want to see more!

General Feilong let out a roar from the heart, and then, regardless of his fear of the people in the hospital, he strode into the hospital!

The man in the courtyard was shrouded in holy light, and General Flying Dragon knelt directly on the ground like a pilgrimage.

Jiang Xiaolong was awakened by the sound.

Who is this...?

"Brother, this is General Flying Dragon.

Luo Tanmeng took the initiative to introduce.

and many more!

General? (cjed)

After hearing this name, Jiang Xiaolong hesitated.

Luo Tanmeng had already said that she was a princess of some ancient royal court. Since she was a general brought by her, she must be a vassal of that ancient royal court, right?

Isn't it said that there is no one in the ancient royal court? Why did another general appear?

Oh, my stupid sister! She doesn't recognize her big brother, but this flying dragon general must know what their heir looks like!

This, shouldn't he be looking for trouble for himself?

Come to make trouble, why are you kneeling on the ground?

Jiang Xiaolong glanced over and saw the bloodshot eyes in General Feilong's eyes, as if full of tears

Did you hear the poem you just recited?

But let Longcheng Fei will be there, and do not teach Huma to go to Yinshan.

This scene is talking about the flying general Li Guang. The poet has high hopes. If the flying general Li Guang was there, he would not let the soldiers and horses of the Hu people wreak havoc on their territory.

Thinking about it again, Luo Tanmeng said that the ancient royal court was destroyed.

So it is understood.

This flying dragon general seems to feel the same way, right?

"When General Flying Dragon's ancient royal court was destroyed, were you present?

Jiang Xiaolong opened his mouth to ask, the voice was like a roar, and it fell on General Feilong, making his eyes reveal a little ethereal color, and he didn't dare to hide the question he asked.

"Flying dragon is not present, and I have not had the opportunity to set foot in the royal court in this life."9

What General Feilong said was true.

Although Luoshen caused the great catastrophe suffered by the ancient royal court to destroy the ancient royal court, but he never personally took action, and their subordinates naturally never showed up.

"That's fine.

Jiang Xiaolong finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this is a general guarding the border who has never met someone from the royal family, so...that's a lot of confusion.

Jiang Xiaolong asked casually just to avoid revealing the contents.

However, when he fell on Luo Tanmeng's side, he was full of emotion.

"Brother Wang really remembers the royal court!"

This scene is really a misunderstanding.

General Feilong naturally did not dare to say much.

The strength of the existence in front of him may have surpassed his master Luoshen. Since he pretended to be this identity, he opened his mouth to expose it, wouldn't that be courting death?


Da Hei's cry broke the peace, only to see it bite on Immortal Emperor Qionglin's thigh, directly biting out a deep tooth mark.

"Are you being lazy again?!"

Jiang Xiaolong scolded him coldly, causing Immortal Emperor Qiong Lin to suppress the screams back into his throat, and pitifully continued to squat in the corner of the yard with his horse striding.

After breaking the silence, everything went back to normal.

Jiang Xiaolong opened his mouth and said to General Feilong: "Okay, don't kneel there, get up and sit down and have a cup of tea.

General Feilong was instantly overjoyed. This senior's attitude towards him was so friendly. Perhaps it was only because of some causal relationship with the ancient royal court that he protected Her Royal Highness and had no intention of interfering in other matters.

Such as... Should I remind His Highness Luo Shen not to offend this senior?

General Feilong looked solemn, which made Jiang Xiaolong a little embarrassed.

What should I say to guide the topic?

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