Chapter 1191 Dragon City Flying General

"I see that you seem to be quite interested in the story of the flying generals of Longcheng, but would you like to know the details?"

General Feilong's figure froze for a moment.

This senior is actually willing to preach for himself without disregarding his previous suspicions?!

How bold is this!

For a time, General Feilong fell to his knees again excitedly.

Jiang Xiaolong:…

Actually, don't be so polite.

However, at this moment, General Feilong is constantly sighing in his heart: the strength of the predecessors is unfathomable, and the bearing is huge. Not guilty!

A story that is far away and does not belong to this world, spread from Jiang Xiaolong's mouth to this piece of heaven.

When the voice spoke in a slow and unhurried manner, General Feilong's eyes were full of shock. His soul seemed to be drawn into that story, going through everything—everything.

Senior, this is the chance to give him another lifetime!

If you can have some insight in this life, you may even hope to break through the existing realm.

General Feilong felt the strong chaotic power around Jiang Xiaolong, and he only now knew where the source of the chaotic power in this mountain was.

Communication of time and space.

A fusion of reality and fantasy.

In front of General Flying Dragon's eyes, it has changed to another scene.

Being in it, although there are all kinds of different things, it is an infinite fit.

It was a continuous mountain range, and there seemed to be a battle going on here.

The people in the distance rode war horses and held ordinary weapons. They seemed to be mortals without a trace of cultivation. And he, also riding a war horse, is a husband and guards a mountain pass.

Oh, why should a group of mortals stop me?

In the face of those who did not have the slightest cultivation base, General Feilong didn't care in his heart.

However, the bow and arrow in the distance instantly added him, bringing him a death threat. and many more!

His cultivation was completely gone, only a weak body was left behind!

I want to leave, but there is a thought in my mind, that is to keep here!

Is this the Dragon City Flying General?

At this moment, General Feilong can still retain a trace of his own will, but that's all he can do.

Following the will of the Dragon City Flying General, he. Holding a bow and arrow of fifty stones, three hundred paces away, he began to shoot arrows with a bow, and he shot arrows at the enemy one by one.

Hundred steps through Yang, but that's it.

That majestic figure is truly worthy of being a husband.

When the road meets, the brave wins.

But there is also a saying that they are outnumbered.

In a short time, General Feilong was covered with scars and blood-stained shirts.

At this moment, he has fallen into the sword of madness, but the opponent's attack is still continuous.

"What a flying general of the Dragon City, if you surrender, I will protect your prosperity and wealth in future generations.

A message of salutation sounded from the enemy's army, and the person who spoke seemed to be the opponent's main general.

At the moment when the word rolls out, the killing energy spreads all over the body. At this moment, General Flying Dragon's own will seems to have subsided, leaving only the thought of Flying General from Longcheng.

"Ah, since you are so ignorant of praise, die here over there!

The opponent's general opened his mouth sarcastically.

However, when Long Chengfei opened and closed his eyes, it seemed like a different person...

"With my blood, guard a border!"

Ask for flowers•

After General Feilong let out a roar, he gave up the bow and arrow in his hand, and a long spear appeared strangely in his hand, and then his figure rushed directly into the enemy group.

In an instant, like a tiger entering a flock, a tragic battle broke out.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun is gradually fading, and there are iron hoof footprints and corpses on the battlefield.

One person and one ride, guarding above the Guangu, with fierce eyes like fierce tigers, even if you are alone, you can also fight against ten thousand troops!

Several vultures were wandering in the air, their eyes locked tightly on the man below who was trying to support his figure.

Several bows and arrows have been stabbed into his body, and it seems that he may fall down at any time. Once alive and dead, they will be dismembered by vultures.

"Devil, this is the devil!"

"Let's retreat! He can kill us all by himself!"

"Don't fight, never fight again!"

The sound of crying rose to the sky, and the enemy troops were completely frightened and fled. Looking at the fallen battle flag, the distant enemy.

General Feilong let out a sigh of relief.

"I...hold it!

Immediately, the figure finally fell to the ground.

After the vultures in the sky waited for this moment, they flew to eat, impatiently wanting to eat the corpses on the ground.

However, a brilliant golden light flashed, and the figure had disappeared.

It has crossed the long river of history and the obstacles of time and space.

General Feilong went to that era, a place that no one had ever guarded, and blocked thousands of troops with his own body.

Even if there is no supreme cultivation.

Even if life is the body of a mortal.

He still begged.

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