Chapter 1192 Nine Tokens

"call one"

General Feilong let out a long breath.

He stared at Jiang Xiaolong in front of him, and then slowly said, "Senior and junior took the liberty to ask, did General Flying Dragon really exist?

There was too much talk, and I was a little thirsty.

Jiang Xiaolong took a sip from the teacup and said, "Exist, but not in this world.

At this moment, the power of chaos mastered by Jiang Xiaolong bombarded General Feilong, but it broke through the way he had been questioning for a long time.

Not in this world.

What Jiang Xiaolong said was definitely not the human world in the "Nine Two Three" district in this district.

Not even the three worlds of immortals and demons and the surrounding small world.


Senior Jiang Xiaolong, who has mastered the power of chaos, where did he see in this long river of time and space?

Because it is too real, I am suspicious.

But he didn't want to, Jiang Xiaolong told the truth without reservation.

Another world!

"Senior, if there is a catastrophe in the world, what should we do?"

General Flying Dragon asked eagerly.

This world is the world of catastrophe.

Although His Highness Luoshen is confident that he can spend it safely, now General Feilong wants to know the thoughts of Senior Jiang Xiaolong more and more.

"With great power comes great responsibility. 35

However, even when the sky is falling, there are tall people to carry it.

However, before Jiang Xiaolong finished the second half of his sentence, General Feilong bowed deeply in Jiang Xiaolong's direction, then turned his head and left.

Jiang Xiaolong:

Forget it, since he didn't hear the second half of the sentence, that's it.

"Brother Dawang, I'll send him off!"

Luo Tanmeng said hello, then turned around and ran out.

Jiang Xiaolong: Women's University will not stay!

Go to the front of the courtyard.

It seemed like a smoky miasma suddenly rose up, and upon closer inspection, it was actually a lot of murderous aura.

At the level of General Flying Dragon, if you want to find opponents of the same level to fight and grind, it is as difficult as skyrocketing!

However, Jiang Xiaolong bestowed upon him I.

The obsession of protecting the country, the ideal of protecting the home and the country, and the blood of endless killing.

All of this has given him the murderous aura he is today!

A black figure, detached from General Flying Dragon's figure, stood aside. Although that appearance was carved out of the same mold as General Flying Dragon, it was unexpectedly a little more awe-inspiring.

If the harvest of this time is completely digested and absorbed, General Feilong is confident that he can push his realm to a higher position.

"Don't think about running away, where did the promised thing go?!"

Luo Tanmeng chased after him, and there was no playfulness in the courtyard at all in his tone, and only the power of the slow body bloomed.

If you don't give it, take it!

Being in the Daqingshan Mountains, this is their territory, how can they let this Flying Dragon General go back?

The murderous figure condensed and held a bow and arrow, and an arrow that flew was the power of breaking Luo Tanmeng.


When Luo Tanmeng was furious and was about to call someone, General Feilong stopped and took out three more tokens without hesitation.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen brought Feilong here today, Feilong thanked Feilong, if he sees each other in battle, please forgive me!

"get out!"

After Luo Tanmeng got the three tokens, he was so greedy that his mouth was almost drooling, how could he care what he said nonsense.

Seeing this, General Feilong left immediately.

But Luo Tanmeng was the last token he was worried about.

One piece from the ancient royal court, one piece from the Demon Sword Sect, and General Feilong gave four pieces and then three pieces, and now there are nine pieces in total.

This last piece of Pianshengsheng can't be found, it's as if it was covered up by the secret, and there is no sense.

Luo Tanmeng stopped outside for a while, then walked back to the small yard in dejection, and then gave all the tokens to Jiang Xiaolong.

"Brother Dawang, isn't Tanmeng so useless? It's just a few tokens, I didn't find them all for you, and I wasted two scrolls of characters and a pair of picture scrolls!


Are all tokens?

Jiang Xiaolong looked at him with a little surprise in his eyes. This little sister who was picked up for nothing is really a mediocre little genius in business. He only used two scrolls and a picture to get so many tokens.

Not to mention the meaning of these tokens themselves, even if the materials of these tokens themselves are considered alone, the value they have has exceeded their own calligraphy and painting.


Pure gold! Emerald! All are valuable!

"Xiao Tanmeng is already very powerful, and he has collected nine tokens for his brother. As for the last remaining piece, 4.3 Everything depends on chance. When the time comes, it will naturally come out.

Only then did Luo Tanmeng feel happy, and she said coquettishly, "Tanmeng also listens to the story of the big brother!"

Ancient world.

Luoshen was enjoying his loneliness in this world, and suddenly, his palm covered the bronze mask on his face.

"That Daqingshan is a bit interesting.

In a short time, General Flying Dragon has returned.

"His Royal Highness Luoshen, troll generals and flower gods will die."

"Yeah. I know.

Luo Shen replied lightly, holding two balls of light in his hand, one was dark purple and the other was big pink.

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